We have entered very perilous times.
Merriam -Webster defines gaslight as to manipulate(someone)by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.
Some would have you believe what's up is down, what's right is left and what's false is true. This is called "Gaslighting." The idea, if something, contrary to truth, is uttered enough times, it will be accepted by the masses as truth. It doesn't matter what your very eyes have witnessed, your own ears have heard. Lies are twisted and repeated so often that it becomes the accepted view. The current inhabitant of the Oval seems to think he has a lock on this behavior. It matters not, to him, that in this age of instant communication and access to news, that his statements are found untruthful almost immediately. Thank God for fact checkers, although most of us recognize the falsehoods he spreads liberally. Actually it's a sight to behold, he and his backers attempting to backpedal on less that honest statements made by him. Sometimes, he takes the "I don't care that you know I'm lying" approach, and while his want to be handlers(because no person apparently can reign him in)are busy spinning him, he is disputing their disputing. You cannot make this stuff up! Fortunately, this ruse works only on his supporters. Thankfully, the other two thirds of the country is clear eyed, and immune to his lies.
How do we operate is this era of the non-stop news cycle, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter? How do
you know when the lie is disguised and wrapped up in sometimes the tiniest morsel of truth? Because in this day and age, you cannot believe everything the media spews. For every responsible sight, there are ten more passing on misinformation and outright lunacy.
The Bible says test the spirits. Old folk say, "if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck..."Ask yourself, does it even ring true? If it's something you read check the source AND THE DATE. Try to make certain it isn't one of the
conspiracy sites, that have been running amok recently. Everyone has a thought and theory for just about everything. Their thoughts, nor those of your own, no matter how strong felt, don't make something true. Know the difference between opinion and fact. As of late, numerous extremely old articles/pieces have been resurrected and put back into circulation, as if they just occurred. In MY opinion, it's the hand of a person/persons unknown trying to stir the pot. To create more division, as if that's needed at this time in American history. My theory, MY theory is it's some foreign entity, involving themselves in our upcoming election. If the rehashed articles I've been seeing reminds me of how enraged I was at the time, because I, again, check the
dates, are shown to other groups with a different spin to insight their feelings of angst, then someone is lighting the dynamite at both ends, waiting for an expected explosion. Think about it.
If we ever needed to use our heads, it's now. If we ever needed
the gift of discernment, it's now. If we ever needed to know
when to disconnect from the current unpleasantness, it's now.
We cannot allow ourselves, or the movement in front of us, to
become stagnant, a flash in the pan, so easily distracted by bullshit.
We cannot allow some foreign government to rule over our election come autumn. 45 is already the laughing stock of the world. We shouldn't be as well. It's time to keep our collective eyes on the prize.
By all means, watch the news and read. But understand there is something going on that we cannot see. There are powers trying to manipulate EVERYTHING we see, read and hear.
Look, I am sending you out like sheep among the wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." Jesus Matthew 10:16