Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Symptom of Coronavirus That Everyone Gets But Hardly Talks About

This is not about the Coronavirus in medical terms. It is not even about masks or anti-maskers.
Not about treatments, vaccinations and the like. Ditto the lasting repercussions some are forced to deal with months after being rid of the virus.   Not even about the large number of deaths throughout the world and growing number in America. Furthermore, not about the loss of businesses, and there are plenty.

This is about the mental toll this takes on some people. Not all, but a large percentage of people.

The novel coronavirus, also known as Covid-19 has changed the world. For many the world has become incredibly darker, colder and dare I say, it lonely. Suicide has jumped exponentially, especially among older people and those who

live alone. This is one of the few true statements the occupant of the oval has been forthright about. Unable to see family nor friends has put a great strain on some people. 

Being alone is the state of just that. No one around. Alone. There is a group of people who can be alone without being lonely. Some, especially introverts have not much of an issue of being alone during the time of Rona, as we’ll call this pandemic, that is rocking the world in general and America in particular. Due to the lack of leadership, this virus continues to roil the United States. But you know that. However being alone for some is preferable to a lot of people anyway, so this pause in American life is not as bad to them as for their counterparts. 

Being lonely is an entirely different animal. Extroverts, such as myself, do not do as well during this

time. We want, no, we need the camaraderie of other humans. A shared laugh, a hug, even an argument is deeply missed by this group of people. Quiet is not our friend. Some days are good. Shopping days, trips to the bank and take out runs become good for the soul. You see, being lonely is the state of being denied, for whatever reason, companionship. Family, friends, associates, significant others are no longer accessible. When you’re a people person, this strikes at your very core. A lot of us are a combination of intro and extrovert personalities. I used to fall in this category, and still do to a great extent. I can be home alone, for days on end, but come that fourth day, it’s time to break out! Extreme extroverts cannot handle even an entire day inside and alone. Conversely, introverts can curl up with a book, some tea or whiskey and be set. They go inside to the place only they can go. 

I asked a question on Facebook. I asked how people who lived alone were faring during this time and what were they doing to cope? I received a lot of over-lapping responses(people doing the same things), and some surprised me. A few just masked up and ventured out and continued to pretty much live their lives as normally as possible, during this time of Rona. Below I am sharing some of the responses, hopefully suggestions for some and eye openers for others how to get past feelings of loneliness. Especially as this holiday season has begun. Thanksgiving. Christmas and New Years. They are as follows:  
A few of you work from home. This affords a level of safety that others cannot attain. Home is the safest spot. You miss the interaction of coworkers, but this, for the most part has worked out well for you. Most of you have increased communication with friend and loved ones through more frequent calls, texts, Facetime and Duo, or again Zooming. A large swath of you have upped your social media time, Ditto television. Strangely, no one mentioned music. A few of you have gotten creative with your workouts, by cycling and exercising at home. A few have turned to home improvement tasks, or have resumed a long cast off crafting project. One mentioned she tries not to focus on it. Two have admitted to retail therapy. Shopping is a momentary distraction and a high for some. One admitted her life really hasn't changed in the least, with the exception of donning a mask and social distancing. One uses this time to drive her mom about.  One admitted to allowing herself a good cry every now and then, which is thoroughly cathartic. Lastly, there were two who admitted the sting of being alone, during this time has been especially painful. They miss not having anyone to walk this walk with them. To me, that's the deepest cut of all. Feeling alone. 

So there you have, how people are handling the world during the time of Rona. But as one of my church sisters stated so succinctly, "We will all emerge from this a changed people, which we should, since this has been a life changing event." Sancheon Lindsey.


Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Hearts of Men

Donald J Trump should be proud of himself. He has accomplished what only four presidents have since the 1900s. The one term POTUS club. Taft, Hoover, Carter, and Bush. And now Trump. Although, somehow I feel that brings him no joy. 
All of this is widely publicized, but here's a running total of his temper tantrum to date.  Foreign leaders have been rejoicing with us, those not his buddies. 45 is pulling out all stops to hinder the ascension of 46. He will not let the state department release congratulatory messages from other governments. He will not allow Biden to get daily briefings that each incoming POTUS gets.  He will not let the office, GOA (Government Accountability Office),that grants space and federal dollars be sent to president elect Biden. He is stacking the pentagon with people who he, 45, obviously thinks will back him up if he decides to take it to the streets.  He has dug in at the people’s house and has been verbally silent, although his Twitter rage is worse than it’s ever been, and this includes his impeachment. Officials high in his administration are rubber stamping his abhorrent behavior. Pompeo speaks boldly of his feckless leader’s continuation in office. Barr is ordering investigations into states that haven’t totally been tallied or certified. His refusal to refrain from requesting votes thrown out in states where he had come up lacking, but not wanting recounts in states where he leads, is plain and simple suppression. Lawyers are filing frivolous lawsuits about voter fraud which have been struck down every time. Nine to date, so I've read.

All this adds up, sadly and frighteningly, to that French term that has changed the makeup of numerous countries, a coup d’etat. Coup for short. When a new regime is placed in power by force, militarily or otherwise. He does not want, nor plan to leave office. He knows what awaits him, once he vacates the oval. The SDNY(southern district of NY) is waiting with bated breath. New York attorney general Letitia James is waiting as well to prosecute him for numerous crimes against the state of New York. I wonder does he think moving to Florida will exempt him for criminal activities committed while residing in the big Apple? 

No one knows how this will play out. But one thing is for sure, this should come as no surprise to anyone. He SAID he didn’t know if he’d go peaceably. Right out his very own mouth. Problem is, he has had EVERYTHING in life handed to him. He has cheated countless contractors and other business associates. Then, when the bills reach beyond what his greed was willing  to pay, he runs to bankruptcy court to be absolved of deb

t. SIX TIMES this was his remedy of choice. Because he must come out on top! At any cost. He is a serial relational cheater. Always with the new wife while still married. He pays off women with absolutely no shame or real consequence. He has allegedly raped and molested numerous women with complete impunity. He cannot fathom losing at anything. EVER! Nothing comes before Trump. Not even our fragile democracy. A coup? Or maybe he will seek revenge in ways we don’t think of normally. Like revealing state secrets to enemies of the state(although his buddies). Having Pence replace him in the last days of his administration, so that Pence can, in turn, can pardon him. I forgot who said this originally, but “who can know what evil lurks in the hearts of men?”

ALL THE WHILE COVID-19 IS RUNNING AMOK AROUND THESE YET TO BE UNITED STATES. He is doing nothing to alleviate this scourge running through our communities from sea to shining sea. The death rate here is astronomical. He gives no @$%*s about this. Only assuaging his wounded pride. America dies while he's licking his wounds and his enablers are cognizant of what he's doing, but fearful of that nasty tweet.

I keep saying, strap in, rough ride ahead. In the words of 45, all we can do is stand back and stand by. And pray, of course. Because in my humble, for all this country’s issues, and they are many, there is a reason why people come here in droves. So let’s all pray this country becomes the place that would be citizens see in their eyes. Opportunity and freedom for all.



Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Wave Crashed

By now, it’s apparent the great blue wave of 2020 was merely a dream. There was no take over of the Senate and in some cases the Democrats lost seats in the

House. It wasn’t quite a red tsunami, but far from the much hyped and anticipated blue wave.

Why? Because apparently, as I and many other thinking people cautioned everyone not to get all geeked about the polls. The polls have a way of lulling people into a state of false confidence. Voting, but not with the passion or ardor that we witnessed during the Obama years, and even that waned in the second go round. Thinking it’s in the bag. We have become, for better or worse a cult of personality, either red or blue. We either love the candidates or hate them. Far too many are too purist in their views that they cannot compromise for the greater good. There are some still lamenting Bernie didn’t get the nod. Some are ticked that Kamala did. Some of us won’t venture from the center, and frankly, some are so far left no one takes them seriously. Or are written off as being the "S" word, socialist. 
The democrats just cannot get it together. We are splintered. Ever watch TYT(the young Turks), Cent

Uygers station? Compare that with the most liberal mainstream offering, MSNBC or CNN from 7pm on. Night and day, but same party. TYT is as progressive as progressive gets, and they are constantly lambasting the other factions of the Democratic Party. They do get on board at the eleventh hour, but by that time, they’ve got so many people absolutely infuriated with the center left that many times those people decide not to participate in the election process, or throw their vote away on someone who has a snowballs chance of getting to the oval, they find it impossible to fall in line LIKE THE HOSTS DO. What many younger people don’t seem to understand is you have to be in the game to play! Once you get in you find like minded officials and push or shove your views forward. But that cannot be done from the outside looking in. SPLINTERED! No politician is going to be all things to all people. But you have a better chance when your choice is sitting behind the resolute desk. In the oval. You have more power, T to threaten, cajole or whatever. 

But the. Democratic Party is a group of timid, chicken, will not call a spade a spade group of people. I have never agreed with Michelle Obama’s, ”when they go low” remark. Where is our fight?  Why can’t we exude toughness?  Why we gotta be punks all the time? The Democratic Party needs to grow a spine. I’m not saying get all ignorant like 45 and his people, but I am saying why are a couple of politicians the only ones who give as good as they get? Rashida Tlaib if Michigan is tough! AOC all the time as well. Hakeem Jeffries.  Al Franken was something else. Even Nancy Pelosi has moments of tigress. Only moments. When courage is shown at the top it, in turn, gives others courage. The other side gets daily doses of foolishness but it gives them courage. See what I saying? 

So the blue wave never took off. Ok. Better luck next time.  Maybe if we could just grow some collectively? Sooner is better than later. 


Friday, October 30, 2020

When You've Done All You Can

By now, a large swath of you have voted. I'm the type that prefers to go on the day of. It's kind of magical for me walking in, showing my ID, and proceeding to the booth. But this election cycle is different. Everyone I know felt an urgent need to go weeks prior to election day. Between all the foretold hanky panky, actual shenanigans, and friends urging me to go now, I succumbed that voted a week ago. No regrets, just not as satisfying.

And what are we voting for? There are lots of open senator seats. To me, it's imperative we recapture the senate. Because apparently whomever is leading the senate is in all actuality the president. McConnell has been calling all the major shots since Obama's last term. The senate decides the supreme court, who in turn, decide EVERYTHING! Jaime Harrison has a real shot to rid us of number one ass kisser that is Lindsey Graham in South Carolina. Mitch McConnell, the absolute embodiment of evil has his hands full with his race against Amy McGrath. Some weaker "Republicans" are catching hell in their individual races in New Hampshire, Kansas, Arizona just to name a few . Again, Democrats must overtake the senate!

And then, the main event...

In one corner, we have the bloated, oranged face, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, serial cheater, hiring someone to take tests, $750.00 tax bill two years in a row, six times filing bankruptcy(although never personal, just lets everyone know what type of business man he truly is). Throwing the towel in on COVID-19 and low key saying uncle. Because nothing matters more to him than the stock market! On top of all that, a fake ass Christian who basically wants to remain in office to remain out of jail. New York is waiting patiently.

The other corner is another old white guy. Yes, slow of tongue, but compassionate. Sympathethic. Empathetic. Able to admit past errors. Keeps his word(he said he'd pick a woman). Yes, he is prone to faux pas, he speaks out of turn and misspeaks far too much. But in my humble, that makes him human. Most of all, he's had days where he's had to rely solely on his faith. Biden is Catholic. It's said he's estranged from the church due to his view on abortion. While he is pro-life, he believes in pro-choice. That's me and a lot of people I know. No thinking person like abortion, but we understand it's not up to us to pass judgment on others. In the final analysis, we all have to answer for everything we've done on this terrestrial ball. People like to throw up in his face how he had 47 years to make some big splash. He did, but not as senator. He was instrument in the creation and implementation of the Affordable Care Act(ACA)other wise known as Obamacare.  He worked on the Dreamers. Not a bad resume. And he has a Vice President picked who, I've no doubt, will be an excellent president, should he not be able to complete his term.

So month ago, I wrote about the five stages of emotions most of us were suffering through. Well now I want to encourage you. First, for those of us melanin infused, we survived the middle passage, slavery, reconstruction, Jim Crow, the civil rights fight and we will survive the reign of 45. Win or lose. If he wins, somehow, we'll get through it. I believe this. I get a little scared sometimes, but I shake it off. If he loses, we'll survive him minions and whatever they try to throw at us, you know, those who speak of another civil war. We'll survive them too. God in His infinite mercy always brings us through. To the melanin challenged, you, too, will survive. And eventually, one day, we'll join forces in earnest and right all the wrongs in these yet to be united states. We got this y'all.

So by this time, I'm sure most of you have voted? For those who haven't you have time or this coming Tuesday it the day. This is probably the most important election in our lifetime. Make your voice heard! Don't fall the the Kanye's or Ice Cube's(though I really think he had noble intentions, the road to hell is paved with them, so I've heard). We must get Biden in so that we get a better hand. Because with the alternative, we're not his focus group, so the hand we'll be dealt with him will be nonexistent. And if you don't think the election is not important to you, think of your parents, grand parents, elderly relative, etc. This can't be about just us individually. We must vote corporately. PLEASE, I BESEECH YOU.


IT CAN BE FOUND ON APPLE, SPOTIFY, GOOGLE PODCASTS, ANCHOR, AND A FEW OTHERS!!! Under, you guessed it, Uh Huh I Said It! Happy Listening AND READING! Please comment on both platforms, thank you! 


Friday, September 25, 2020

Justice Denied- So Why You Gotta Lie Craig..... from the movie Friday circa 1995


This week I have had two of my melanin challenged friends contact me about the above screenshots I'm sharing with you. I appreciate more than I can say, the confidence they both had in me to set the record straight. It's bad enough this young woman, nor her family have received no justice throughout this entire ordeal. This is not a new flash for most of my readers, but they, the police, the attorney general and anyone remotely involved in the dispensation of justice had zero any intention of providing any. This was easy to ascertain once the mayor ordered a curfew, set up roadblocks and enlisted the assistance of the state police to quell protest and or violence he foresaw, because he obviously knew which way the pendulum was swinging. I think in the minds of the city/state, it was easy to write a check for 12 million dollars in hopes that it would pacify the family and they would, in turn, encourage everyone to stop the protests. Well, I guess they were sadly disappointed. Money has nothing to do with JUSTICE. Sure, in the agreement they obtained some police reforms, but that really doesn't matter to the terrorist who wear blue. Ultimately, they are going to do whatever they want during their interactions with people of color, because they know there will be no serious repercussions. NONE.

Which brings me to the lies. This former police officer, who hails from Arizona had a lot to say about Ms. Taylor and her situation. His first lie was, she was terminated from her job in 2017 and she wasn't and EMT. He did get the last part right. She was a Emergency Room Technician, trying to be a nurse someday. His second lie was she was on recordings running drugs for her ex-boyfriend. I have had a friend incarcerated. In a federal prison. All phone calls begin with the fact that the call is being listened to. After all, you're a convicted felon, you have no rights. I visited with him once, with the glass separating you and speaking on a phone, STILL LISTENING. As far as written communication, anything that crosses the line is redacted. I know these things first hand. So unless they were both stupid in the extreme, this is all bullshit! They would've arrested her in a hearbeat. A Black woman Queenpen, PLEASE. The officers even though they had a "no knock" KNOCKED ANYWAY? Really. Out of 11 people questioned, only ONE heard the police announce themselves. Wonder why one person heard what ten others did not? Let us not forget, according to Officer Friendly, that they had her under surveillance for months for running drugs for/with her Ex. That is so laughable. The Ex they were surveilling was already locked up and she'd moved on with her life with another. HE WAS ALREADY BEHIND BARS! What kind of investigators to they have in the state of McConnell? More like the Keystone cops of old. Please note, in the middle picture, Facebook sicced the fact checkers on this cops meme and showed him to be one sick individual.

This officer Brandon Tatum is of the same ilk as Candace Owen. They will say whatever to assuage the guilty feelings, if any, of the Republican party. They are so deeply entrenched in that party, that they forget they are subject to the same treatment as other people of color. It's okay white racists, we're here for you. Its almost easier to understand Kentucky's Attorney General being in the sunken place, due to his ties to the Republican party in general and McConnell in particular, having married his niece(although, who knows because he will NOT let his wife's name be released). 

It's horrible this beautiful, apparently extremely loved young woman didn't get to live out her days as I'm sure she would have wished. It's equally horrible that even with the 12 million paid, they never admitted any wrongdoing and could not find it within themselves to issue and apology. But what I want is for them to stop disparaging her character. It's the least they can do, since she got no justice. All I want, beside justice, is for the lying to stop. Point, blank period!

She's not the only one. They love to dredge up the past of murder victims killed by those sworn to protect and serve. In America, they need to reminded that their job is to arrest, not to try, and execute right on the street. Everyone is to get their day in court. Not just the white ones, which strangely always get to court, and might get treated to Burger King on the way to the station house.



Friday, September 18, 2020

We've Got Some Difficult Days Ahead

 We've got some difficult days ahead. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

These six words have been reverberating in my head for a couple of weeks now. We've got some

difficult days ahead. Are you sensing this as well? Can you feel it. In 46 days, we will cast our ballots for whom we choose to be Commander In Chief. It daunting. For most of us, we're experiencing at least one of the following emotions: fear, anger, confusion, bewilderment and resignation. Let's tackle these emotions. I'll be interested to hear, in the comments, which category you find yourself in.

First, there's FEAR. Fear that the current occupant of the Oval will succeed in all his nefarious activities. He has ramped up voter suppression like we've not seen since the 60s. He has handicapped the

United States Postal Service almost to the point of impotency. Can you imagine the long lines ahead? Gathering spots for large transmissions of this virus the country is stuck in.  The mounds of mail-in ballot requests and the ballots themselves just sitting around waiting to be sorted, which will be slowed to a snail's pace, as sorting machines have been broken down and placed in various storage facilities across the country. These scenarios add to the fear of many, whom want to participate in this American institution, but even the positive thought of ridding the country of Covid-45, does little to allay the fear of going to the polls or being concerned your vote may not make it to it's destination on time. There’s also the fear of the reaction of his supporters if he loses, or on the left if he wins. I can 

envision racial and civil unrest like America has not seen in 60 years. 

Next, there's Anger. Anger that so much has been thrown in the mix to make voting far more difficult. Anger that we have a POTUS that cares not for the populace, and would rather, due to his irrational fear of the election being stolen from him, have people stand out en masse to cast a ballot. But of course, what else can one expect from a man who really doesn't care for anyone but himself, and to stay out of the clutches of the Southern District of New York.

Which brings us to Confusion. Many, even at this late date are confused. Double-minded for my Christian friends. 45 has the most confused supporters on the planet. Some don't like his tweeting, nor they way he bullies his opponents, but they like the things he does. They have confused healthy 401Ks and tax loop holds, with affection for him. I am thoroughly convinced, they know better, but they don't care as long as their bottom line remains in the black. Then for his less moneyed supporters, as long as he's putting down immigrants, Black people and BLM by extension, the so-called Antifa, backing the anti-mask movement, trashing athletes who kneel during sports events and generally just holding up his white supremist ways, he's their boy. One more sect of voting age Americans who fit into this group are the undecideds. People who don’t like him, but don’t know which way to go.To vote. Which leads the rest of us to....

Bewilderment. Most of us, from conversations I've had with many of you, cannot fathom the confused ones. How in the world can you support such a nasty, lying, misogynistic, racist being at the helm of this ship called America? They hear the news just as we do. Even Fox news has been calling out his deceptions as of late! He probably lies more than he blinks in a day. His own niece says he pathological.

How many times have you asked yourself how he keeps such a strong hold on his minions??? Some of his adherents know good and well he's mentally unstable and do nothing. The others of his followers are as deranged as he is. How does that happen? Or bewildered that some seemingly intelligent people are willing to vote 3rd party, when they KNOW their candidate has the chance of the proverbial snowball in hell. Standing on their lofty principals while the fiddler is on the roof.

Lastly, Resignation. The quiet acceptance, that this man just may retain his position. I know, it's the stuff nightmares are made of. Understanding that some would rather once again, sit out an election that is tantamount to the survival of these yet to be united states, and there's nothing you can do to alter their opinion. Understanding that some will vote 3rd party and totally insure 45 is returned to his real life reality show. Understanding the 45 probably has far more support than we imagine, keeping in mind that there are those who

follow him who'd prefer not to have that fact broadcast. They could be our neighbors, family members, professional associates, teachers, doctors and the list goes on. His invisible army. THE POLLS WERE WRONG BEFORE!

At this point, all we can do is PRAY AND VOTE. VOTE AND PRAY. We must do what's ours to do and leave the rest to the Great I AM. Because one thing I know, from the outhouse to the White House, God is still on the throne and in control. 


Sunday, August 30, 2020

I Said What I Said

I fully understand that to some, perhaps many, the Democratic ticket is lacking in things you'd like to see. In my opinion, however, they have the ability to get us closer to where many of us would like to be. The GOP on the other hand, had ZERO intention of uplifting anyone on any level, unless you're rich and white and I'm absolutely flabbergasted that many of my Facebook friends, some How can some have so much common sense and no..... if you're insulted, feel free to be. If it hit you, it didn't mean to miss you. 45 is a disease. it's spreading rapidly. He and his party, because make no mistake, it is the party of Trump, doesn't care about anything but doing whatever possible to keep him out of jail and padding their pockets and stacking the SCOTUS.
highly intelligent and scholarly cannot fathom this.

As far as third party candidates, they are a distraction and don't serve any purpose whatsoever than splitting the vote in 45s favor. My oldest granddaughter could comprehend something so simple. I'm not enthralled with this cycles picking, but as my beloved mother would say, "when you've got your hand in the lions mouth you work easy until you get it out." By not voting, you're just rolling over and spreading 'em. Giving in. Tucking yourAnd BLACK PEOPLE? You are a disappointment and shame to the ancestors. You know, the ones who had hoses, dogs and billy clubs unleashed on them? And let's not forget the hangings.
tail and running. Taking your ball and going home because you're not mature enough to stay in the game, because things are not going your way.

I am and will always be a Bernie person. But principles are one thing and survival is quite another. I wish to survive this pandemic. I wish to survive the economic downturn. I wish to survive this racial turmoil. A large swath of us may not if 45 is elected again. We may find ourselves in a pseudo monarchy. Anything is possible. ANYTHING. Why some of you cannot see the big picture I guess will remain one of life's great mysteries. I just hurts that you can be so short sighted. It's like you don't give a damn about the poor, the sick, the elderly, the veterans, the children, NOTHING. Only you and your sensibilities. If it wasn't so crucial, it'd be hilarious. So selfish.

And if I bring religion in, yes, God loves us all. But what side do you think Jesus would be on? If you don't know, you need to dust off and crack open that book. God help lovers of self.

I'm sure a few of you will unfriend me. It's cool. I would if I were you. But I'm not a teenager, so I'm not on it to mass a huge number of friends. Go with God.. 


Friday, August 21, 2020

Bad Boys Whatchu Gon Do?

The Democratic Convention has come to its climax.

I, for one, enjoyed immensely the Coronavirus format. No low din of the crowd, chatting shamelessly during the speakers. No politicians trying to wax poetic to impress those assembled and those of us viewing at home. Speakers forced to adhere to a specific timeframe and not going over like I’ve heard the 42nd President(Bill Clinton) is fond of doing. I also found it refreshing the they recruited everyday people to speak of their life experiences here in these yet to be United States. The woman who spoke of her father following 45 until his earthly time on earth came to an end. She spoke of how healthy he was until he wasn’t. Or the old lady who spoke of how Biden called her and GAVE HER HIS NUMBER. What politician does that? Or the kid who stuttered. It was ingenious having him speak, which illustrates how people with speech impediments align their tongues with their thoughts. It should lessen 45s bullying tremendously. The beautiful tributes to both Harris and Biden. To hear Kamala’s family speak of her, and she of her mother was heartwarming. Listening to the granddaughters and children both on earth and beyond speak of their love for Joe was equally poignant. Lastly, Michelle Obama, in my estimation blew the roof off. Her husband, 44 spoke eloquently, succinctly and powerfully as we knew he would, but his wife, she did the doggone thing! Maybe the wrong Obama ran? Just a joke people. Eva, Tracee, Kerry and Julia did a marvelous job. But they’re actresses after all. My biggest issue with the convention is that they made droves of time and several blocs for Republicans who find they can no longer stomach 45. I would’ve liked to hear
from “the squad.” Surely Ilmar, Rasheeda, Ayanna could have delivered some remarks? Centrist and conservative Democrats need to understand their time is coming to an end. There are fourteen more progressives, if they win,  headed to the house. They deserve to be heard. They WILL BE HEARD! Joseph R. Biden didn’t go into a lot of his policies, but he did say what he flat out wouldn’t do, and I look forward to the cabinet he assembles.

The other side....
I’ll tell you right now, while the Dems spoke of unity, admittedly all said exactly what they thought of 45. You can believe and bet the farm that the Republican convention will be the complete opposite of the call for unity. It will be division on steroids. I will not be able to comment on that debacle, because I will not be viewing it. I prefer to stay in the light where the warmth is. Where humans  treat each other with respect and if that’s not doable, we can at the very least remain civil. Remember that word? Civil? Civility has become so passé. All we do is fight. About masks, Covid-19,  cops, BLM and whatever comes to mind. I miss the politically correct interactions with strangers. The other side is so combative. Sadly, “they” probably always were, but 45 unleashed the beast. He made it acceptable to act the fool in public, having three year old meltdowns because you must wear a mask. Someone pulling up beside you hurling racial epithets, or worse yet, hangings. In 2020, HANGINGS.

Those of us who are Christians, most notably those of us infused with melanin know that, as the old gospel song goes, “trouble don’t last always.” Black people persevere. From they time brought here in shackles, through reconstruction, Jim Crow, the 60s, up until now. We’ll survive. 
Which brings me to my question. What will 45 and his minions do when we come for them? Allow me to dream right here. This will be what I’m fantasizing about when they take over the airwaves. Indulge me, kindly. Picture it y’all. This man being dragged out of office. Barr too. And all his enablers. Can you picture it. Kicking and screaming and being the child he is. And having SDNY waiting at the gate. I hope it’s all televised. But ready yourselves. Because that is the most likely scenario. He’s not going peacefully. But he will go. He'll run to the courts, but
they won’t uphold it. His time is up. That’s why all the voter suppression tactics are out in full view. Breaking down post office sorting machines. Closing polling places. Helping Kanye get on some ballots. Nothing is too low for the spawn of Satan. He will reveal in his loss something we’ve not seen to date. I cannot wait. I wish it was November NOW! 

But for every pleasant dream, there’s a nightmare. If he is returned to office it will be a nightmare that we must endure whether sleeping
or awake. Can you imagine how he will destroy what America has had in place if he is successful?  Life as we know it will be over. This marvelous experiment of democracy will end. With reckless abandon he will feel vindicated. In his vindication he will destroy everything. The poor will get even poorer and the richer even richer. There will be no more safety nets. Many will be unable to feed themselves or their families. Jobs will feel as if they don’t have to adhere to unions, the NLRB or any hard fought accomplishments by hard working individuals. America will cease to exist, or in name only.

Please get out and vote! Take people with you. Explain to young people the importance of this election. Squash the 3rd party movement. Now is not the time. Tell them to start with their 3rd party dreams AFTER this election. Not 6 months before the general like happens every cycle. They’re not serious. They’re distractions. VOTE. Vote early. Hit the polls safely. Mail the ballot in plenty of time. Better yet, drop it off personally. Vote.  Vote.   VOTE!!!

Bad boys  bad boys whatcha gon do, whatchu gon do when they come for you....

Friday, August 14, 2020

Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t

As is common knowledge by now, Kamala Harris got the nod to become the nation’s first woman Vice President a couple of days ago. 

While expecting extreme vitriol from the other side, and he does not disappoint, I am utterly shocked by the ugliness emanating from the left. It’s as if people know her personally, the way some have come out against her. 

I realize that she was not the choice of many. I get that. Full disclosure, she was my third choice. Third. If my opinion meant anything, I would’ve told Biden to go with Susan Rice first, due to her having held high and powerful positions in the previous administration. Of course, although tragic, no wrongdoing was found on her part for Benghazi, but it still would have been manipulated to cast aspersions on her. My 2nd choice, Val Demings was the first Black Chief of Police in Orlando. Not unlike Rice, there was tons of  scuttlebutt about a couple of shenanigans during her top cop years as well. I’m not going to address them. It’s past. The people of that area elected her to the House, so they're done with it. Then my 3rd choice, Ms. Harris. We ALL know ad nauseam her failures, faults and peccadillos, both personal and professionally. The personal is no one’s business but her own. The professional has consisted of very high highs and some very low lows. My thing is this. Her career as San Francisco DA and then onto becoming  California’s 1st Black Attorney General were both paid positions. She took an oath to do her job to the best of her abilities. Black people have to out perform, work twice as hard, get there early and be the last to leave to be considered successful in their career path. I know some of my readers feel that.  Perhaps at one time she was somewhat overzealous in some prosecutions. Or maybe, just maybe, she prosecuted on the information given to her. Her witnesses and evidence, etc are only as good as the people providing them. She was not scouring the streets hunting down leads.  There are detectives and beat cops for that. It was unfortunate that she won some verdicts on less that accurate and truthful testimony. Whose fault is that? It is worthwhile to note that she was elected to these positions, twice, and if the populace was truly unhappy they had recourse. 

There are two professions that come to mind  that are extremely disliked here in America. Abortion providers and Prosecutors. She chose the latter. But how long do we hold someone’s former position against them, especially now, that she’s gone on to bigger and better things. I've tired of hearing how many Black men she locked up. Did she not lock up other ethnicities as well? As humans we are evolving all the time. No one is exactly the same as they were five, ten or fifteen years ago. We all want grace extended, but find it difficult to grant it. Why can’t we get behind this woman who is making grown men quiver in their boots when it becomes her time to question them. You have to love how she lights their asses up! She had Sessions nervous and he admitted as much. She practically had Kavanaugh in tears. Don’t we want a strong, no nonsense person a heart beat away from the Oval?

I, for one, am thrilled he chose a Black woman. Black women are the most loyal in the entire Democratic Party. Time and time again we tow the party line. I, and a lot of us who really didn’t want HRC voted for her anyway, because she was our party’s choice. Conversely, white women, who
weren’t enthralled with Hillary defected in large numbers and voted for 45, then lamented their decision a day after his inaugural with large demonstrations, worldwide. It wouldn’t have been necessary if they’d just stayed the course. But they could not. So WE deserve this. Yes she ticks off two boxes- minority and woman. But that’s ok because she’s highly intelligent, strong and a go getter. Ultimately it was not our decision to make. Biden chose who was best for him. Him. We do not get to vote for Vice President. 

In conclusion, the hounds of hell have already been unleashed against her. Dirty tactics. Stop voter suppression in all its forms. And whatever you do, do NOT waste your ballot on a third party candidate. Have you noticed how they roll out their candidacies a few months before an election?  No politicking. No grassroots. Just siphoning off votes. This Jorgensen woman(who talks a good game, but again, where has she been the last 1-2 years) and Kanye are distractions. If you care about the environment, seniors issues, healthcare, education, Black Lives Matter and the like, I implore you to get past your issues with her and get on board. 


Friday, July 17, 2020

America Needs Her Meds~Is there a doctor in the house?

In March, we watched as schools, churches and restaurants closed. Every activity enjoyed by most Americans was tabled in an attempt to let COVID-19 blow through. Precautions were taken that most of us thought never in our lifetimes would we witness. Some people began to work remotely, while the rest of us were sacrificial lambs. Hand washing became a chore and the latest accessory before exiting your home was a mask. Essential items for the home, such as toilet paper, paper towels and anything Lysol or Clorox became absolutely impossible to find, due to the excessive hoarding that was gripping the states.

In the blink of an eye, that heifa Rona was gone bye-bye, the news cycle pivoted, quickly on a dime.

Then, all of a sudden, tragically and heinously, Ahmad Alberry was slain by two white supremacists, who decided this was the day they wanted to killed a ‘nigger’, although we didn’t learn about this until months later. It took public pressure to even get them arrested. Then, a young woman who only wanted to help others, through her career as a EMT, was struck down, in her home, while SLEEPING! This crime was committed by cops executing a search warrant for someone ALREADY BEHIND BARS!!! They are still walking free, lying like a
rug about the situation. The third in this trilogy of murderous assault unleashed on the Black community was witnessed by the entire world, in the form of George Floyd. For 8:46 we witnessed his murder by a cop, that from the dead look in his eyes, cared not one fuck about this man, as the life drained from his body. Furthermore the others ‘peace officers’ didn’t give a damn either! 
We witnessed and many of us participated in marches that extended way beyond ‘sea to shining sea.’ There were marches from South Africa to England and all points in between. The world was and is collectively pisssed. I believe people in other countries could relate the the systematic oppression and elimination of people of color by those who take an oath to protect them. 
ALL LIVES DO NOT MATTER UNTIL BLACK LIVES MATTER! I don’t understand why that is so hard for a large swath of human beings to comprehend? If Black lives are shown to not matter, then you cannot say all lives matter. Black lives are arrested, tried and giving the death penalty right on the street. No court of law, attorneys nor trappings of a bias legal system. Just cut down. We all were devastated by how quickly Tamir Rice, the twelve year old was killed in 12 seconds after the murderers arrived, but 8:46 is just as horrifying. The only, ONLY upside to his tragic demise is that the world got to witness how a portion of cops treat its Black citizenry. Which again shows, to any reasonable observers that Black lives don’t matter. Black lives don’t  matter not more than other lives, but equally, as children of God, endowed with inalienable rights to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, although at this nations creation, it was not the intent.

And before you start the Black on Black stuff, educate yourself to find out why that term was created, by whom, and then ask yourself why you perpetuate it?!

Once again, true to form, America cools on a topic and once again, pivots. And poof! Just like that, the protesting and demonstrations have been largely omitted from the news and we’re back to the Coronavirus.

So what I want America to do is get some Ritalin so she can stay focused on this issue. Focus
America. Stop flitting from one shiny object and stay there. Black and a couple of brown people have been ridiculously and needlessly killed by rogue, cowardly white supremacist cops, since the great pivot! Focus!!! 
Just because your timeline has changed this situation has NOT! IS A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE????

Friday, June 26, 2020

I Really Don't Need No Light To See Through You

We have entered very perilous times.

Merriam -Webster defines gaslight as to manipulate(someone)by psychological means into questioning their own sanity.

Some would have you believe what's up is down, what's right is left and what's false is true. This is called "Gaslighting." The idea, if something, contrary to truth, is uttered enough times, it will be accepted by the masses as truth. It doesn't matter what your very eyes have witnessed, your own ears have heard. Lies are twisted and repeated so often that it becomes the accepted view. The current inhabitant of the Oval seems to think he has a lock on this behavior. It matters not, to him, that in this age of instant communication and access to news, that his statements are found untruthful almost immediately. Thank God for fact checkers, although most of us recognize the falsehoods he spreads liberally. Actually it's a sight to behold, he and his backers attempting to backpedal on less that honest statements made by him. Sometimes, he takes the "I don't care that you know I'm lying" approach, and while his want to be handlers(because no person apparently can reign him in)are busy spinning him, he is disputing their disputing. You cannot make this stuff up! Fortunately, this ruse works only on his supporters. Thankfully, the other two thirds of the country is clear eyed, and immune to his lies.

How do we operate is this era of the non-stop news cycle, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter? How do
you know when the lie is disguised and wrapped up in sometimes the tiniest morsel of truth? Because in this day and age, you cannot believe everything the media spews. For every responsible sight, there are ten more passing on misinformation and outright lunacy.

The Bible says test the spirits. Old folk say, "if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck..."Ask yourself, does it even ring true? If it's something you read check the source AND THE DATE. Try to make certain it isn't one of the
conspiracy sites, that have been running amok recently. Everyone has a thought and theory for just about everything. Their thoughts, nor those of your own, no matter how strong felt, don't make something true. Know the difference between opinion and fact. As of late, numerous extremely old articles/pieces have been resurrected and put back into circulation, as if they just occurred. In MY opinion, it's the hand of a person/persons unknown trying to stir the pot. To create more division, as if that's needed at this time in American history. My theory, MY theory is it's some foreign entity, involving themselves in our upcoming election. If the rehashed articles I've been seeing reminds me of how enraged I was at the time, because I, again, check the
dates, are shown to other groups with a different spin to insight their feelings of angst, then someone is lighting the dynamite at both ends, waiting for an expected explosion. Think about it.
If we ever needed to use our heads, it's now. If we ever needed
the gift of discernment, it's now. If we ever needed to know
when to disconnect from the current unpleasantness, it's now.
We cannot allow ourselves, or the movement in front of us, to
become stagnant, a flash in the pan, so easily distracted by bullshit.
We cannot allow some foreign government to rule over our election come autumn. 45 is already the laughing stock of the world. We shouldn't be as well.  It's time to keep our collective eyes on the prize.

By all means, watch the news and read. But understand there is something going on that we cannot see. There are powers trying to manipulate EVERYTHING we see, read and hear.

"Look, I am sending you out like sheep among the wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." Jesus   Matthew 10:16

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother’s Day Mourning 2.0

Happy Mother's Day to All. I hope you've been enjoying the day to its fullest, and are being pampered, treasured, and love beyond your wildest dreams....TODAY.

There are many of us whom no longer have moms. We are the motherless crew. It can put a huge damper on the celebrations. I, personally had to learn, although my beloved mom is no longer among us, I am mom to my children and grandchildren. So while during some parts of the festivities a smile may be forced, when all the love is lavished on us, make the sadness dissipates somewhat, for a while, basking in the love received.

There are other moms who can't receive that hug and kiss, that card, that dinner, because their When it's an illness, you have some time to prepare, your mind, but your heart never prepares for such loss. When it's an accident, childless parents have no chance to prepare at all. The difficulty with that is unimaginable. I'm told the loss of a child is a pain unlike any other.

Mourning the loss of a life taken away far too soon.

Then there is the pain of your child being murdered.
The young man who was killed in Georgia, Ahmaud Arbery has
brought back to mind Trayvon Martin's slaughter in Florida quite a few years ago. Arbery's death, just like Martin's must be extremely traumatic to their parents, as one young men had a birthdays shortly after his killing, and Arbery would have celebrated a birthday Friday past, and Mother's Day with his mom two days later. Tragic in every sense of the word.

However, with all that said, what is the hurtful frosting on this tragic cake is the lack of outrage from women who don't look like he or his mom. The reaction of some moms, or lack there of is disturbing. I know it's not because you don't have sons, because many of you do. Do you think this cannot happen to your kid? Speaking frankly, I personally know of a few women who have sons that look more like me, than their mothers. Where is your outrage? I don't think these murderous racist sorry excuses for human beings are checking your kids parentage. If roles were reversed and the killers looked like me, and the victims looked like you, we can all imagine what your response would be. But since your head is entrenched firmly in sand, you cannot see that your black boys can experience this situation as well.

Some of you need to watch Mathew McConaghy's "A Time To Kill." I am so disappointed in most of
y'all. Truly. I've posted several times about Arbery, and I've only had three melanin challenged, scratch that white women or men for that matter say ANYTHING! When white kids are shot up in schools, Black women come out in great numbers denouncing the killer, forwarding letters to prosecutors to have them prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But you can't feel our pain? You don't think we love our kids too? To want to see them grow, marry, raise their own kids. JUST LIVE?
I just want the kinda of support we give you white mothers of white or black sons. We’re tired of our kids killed on some bullshit. You should be as well.  And this is in a different vein, but keep this in mind... If we sit back in November all you never Trumpers may as well not even bother voting.

I'm fully cognizant of the fact some of you won't appreciate this post. My response to that is two tears in a bucket.….