Friday, January 31, 2020

Black And Missing In America

Mother, mother
There's far too many of you crying.... "What's Going On", by Marvin Gaye, Alfred Cleveland & Renaldo Benson  1971

According to statistics, black children go missing at a higher rate than white children.

Remember the story of Jayme Closs, the 13 yr old Wisconsin girl who was kidnapped after both her parents were killed? It was national news. But the story of Ariana Fitts, a two year old girl who went missing in 2016, before her mom was found brutally murdered in the bay area of San Francisco, hardly garnered a blip on national news. Both cases were both compelling and equally devastating, however the two did NOT receive the same amount of media coverage. Some experts believe it is because Closs is white and Fitts is not.

In fact, data reveals that missing white kids receive far more media attention than that of their black or brown counterparts, despite high number of missing children within communities of color.
The  FBI's national crime information center database lists 424K+ missing children under 18 in 2018, the most recent year data is available. Nearly 37% are black, even though black kids make up only 14% of all children in the U.S. 

It’s hard to determine how many Hispanics kids are missing since the FBI lumps both groups(whites and Latinos) together. Other reports show 20% of missing kids are Latino according to Robert Lowery, Vice President of the Missing Child division at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). But the real number is probably higher. He goes in to say he feels there’s a false belief that white kids make up the biggest number of missing kids, when in fact(proportionally), it’s just the opposite. Finally, he admits that the number of missing black girls is particularly concerning.

Here are three reasons experts say we don’t hear more about children color:
1). Families are reluctant to call police. Some families are hesitant to call even when the think their child is missing. Families of color distrust of law enforcement, say Natalie Wilson, CO-founder of the Black and Mussing Foundation. They contributed to the “no snitching code” it silence, Wilson added that’s important for people who suspect a child is missing to speak up.  Other families are hesitant because they feel it may unintentional negative consequences. An example can be an undocumented members in families maybe be afraid of being deported in the Hispanic communities.
2).  They don’t get as much media attention. News media organizations have been criticized for not giving black and brown kids the attention white children gets. A 2010 study found black children were significantly in represented in TV news, even though a third of all missing kids are black, and they make up 20% of the missing children cases covered in the news. In 2015 the picture was more bleak. Though black kids account for 35% of the missing children on the FBI database only roughly 7% received media coverage.
3)  Families don’t have the financial resources to respond appropriately when their child is missing. No private investigator, no being able to take much needed time from work and no time for follow ups with law enforcement and media. Wilson states that many have the misconception they must wait 48 hours before filing a missing persons report, when actually this varies by jurisdiction. DC and Illinois don’t have a waiting period to report a missing child.Knowing the laws is imperative when a child is missing.

What can be done, in expensively is posting flyers and the like to get the word out.  Facebook offers
an online community for parents to alert the public about their missing child, and ask others who’ve had similar experiences to see what they did to get their children back.

Some get classified as runaways.
When most people think of missing children, they think of young children abducted by strangers. But missing children can refer to kids who are abducted by relatives or children who leave home, either voluntarily or after being lured by someone else. Many missing kids of color are classified as runaways, Wilson states. And while running away from home isn't a problem unique to nonwhite children, they are particularly vulnerable.
A significant number of nonwhite children who go missing are either homeless or in foster care, Wilson says, and many are at risk for sex trafficking. Date shows black children are overrepresented in foster care and are at much higher risk for homelessness.

Law enforcement other classify children of color as runaways with having all the details, Wilson said. Because those kids are considered to have voluntarily left home. Amber alerts aren't sent out about them and they typically aren't covered in the news. Runaway cases and abductions by family members don't get the same attention that abductions by non-family members or strangers. The NCMEC no longer distinguishes between runaways and abductions on their posters of missing children. Frankly, we were dealing with a desensitized public and media when we did that, Lowery said. Now if you check our website, our children are just listed as missing. Wilson stressed that runaway cases should be treated with the same urgency. She further added, "we have to be mindful of what did they leave from, and what are they ultimately running to. Some children get classified  as runaways when they are truly missing, Wilson stated. She went on to say that she tells parents you know your children better than anyone, their behavior, their circumstances. If you believe your child did not run away, you must stand firm when dealing with law enforcement, and let them know this is uncharacteristic of your child. Make them do their jobs and help you locate your child.


Next Friday, we will explore why so many black women vanish. I realize this is not a pleasant topic, but we MUST be aware, to be better able to thwart all these abductions.



  1. The number of missing children leaves me sad and unfortunately, makes me angry but anger nor tears will cut it information will. Thank you big sis.

  2. There is so much trafficking now these days . Getting young girls and boys on the internet and kidnapping. Times are very scary. Please keep a close watch for your children. Everyone needs to help. And stay alert to all missing children and people in general.

  3. We are living in some scary times!!!! We used to be able to walk to school safely, to play outside till the street lights came on and all that but now, we have to be careful walking to our cars in broad daylight!! It is so scary!! Lord, help us all and we need to do a better job of protecting our children—not only from these predators hanging out on the streets but also from the predators we allow around our children-unknowingly!!—these so-called boyfriends!! I’m tired of reading about the abductions and the sexual abuse of our children. I live in Lubbock-Podunk-Texas, and every other day, a child is abused/molested/killed by the so called boyfriend!! I am sick of it!!!

  4. Missing persons cases are incredibly painful. These cases have all the trauma of loss without the sense of closure that comes with a documented crime. Instead, they leave friends and family with sleepless nights and an impossible stream of "what ifs." I wish I could say these cases are happening less frequently - but they aren't missing persons investigator

  5. Locating a missing individual depends on several factors. They may include the character of the missing person, the length of time missing, the geographical landscape and resources available missing persons investigator

  6. Missing persons cases are incredibly painful. These cases have all the trauma of loss without the sense of closure that comes with a documented crime. Instead, they leave friends and family with sleepless nights and an impossible stream of "what ifs." I wish I could say these cases are happening less frequently - but they aren't. best missing persons investigator

  7. Finding missing persons can be hard especially when years pass by; much more if it were kids. At present, the government's results in their background check shows that there is 1 to 1.5 million who have disappeared in a year. These youths usually ran away from home for different reasons. However there are cases that end up with the pile of kidnapped victims later on as the investigation proceeds. missing adult private investigator

  8. Missing persons cases are incredibly painful. These cases have all the trauma of loss without the sense of closure that comes with a documented crime. Instead, they leave friends and family with sleepless nights and an impossible stream of "what ifs." I wish I could say these cases are happening less frequently - but they aren't. private investigators company

  9. Finding missing persons can be hard especially when years pass by; much more if it were kids. At present, the government's results in their background check shows that there is 1 to 1.5 million who have disappeared in a year. These youths usually ran away from home for different reasons. However there are cases that end up with the pile of kidnapped victims later on as the investigation proceeds. how do you find a family member
