Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Wave Crashed

By now, it’s apparent the great blue wave of 2020 was merely a dream. There was no take over of the Senate and in some cases the Democrats lost seats in the

House. It wasn’t quite a red tsunami, but far from the much hyped and anticipated blue wave.

Why? Because apparently, as I and many other thinking people cautioned everyone not to get all geeked about the polls. The polls have a way of lulling people into a state of false confidence. Voting, but not with the passion or ardor that we witnessed during the Obama years, and even that waned in the second go round. Thinking it’s in the bag. We have become, for better or worse a cult of personality, either red or blue. We either love the candidates or hate them. Far too many are too purist in their views that they cannot compromise for the greater good. There are some still lamenting Bernie didn’t get the nod. Some are ticked that Kamala did. Some of us won’t venture from the center, and frankly, some are so far left no one takes them seriously. Or are written off as being the "S" word, socialist. 
The democrats just cannot get it together. We are splintered. Ever watch TYT(the young Turks), Cent

Uygers station? Compare that with the most liberal mainstream offering, MSNBC or CNN from 7pm on. Night and day, but same party. TYT is as progressive as progressive gets, and they are constantly lambasting the other factions of the Democratic Party. They do get on board at the eleventh hour, but by that time, they’ve got so many people absolutely infuriated with the center left that many times those people decide not to participate in the election process, or throw their vote away on someone who has a snowballs chance of getting to the oval, they find it impossible to fall in line LIKE THE HOSTS DO. What many younger people don’t seem to understand is you have to be in the game to play! Once you get in you find like minded officials and push or shove your views forward. But that cannot be done from the outside looking in. SPLINTERED! No politician is going to be all things to all people. But you have a better chance when your choice is sitting behind the resolute desk. In the oval. You have more power, T to threaten, cajole or whatever. 

But the. Democratic Party is a group of timid, chicken, will not call a spade a spade group of people. I have never agreed with Michelle Obama’s, ”when they go low” remark. Where is our fight?  Why can’t we exude toughness?  Why we gotta be punks all the time? The Democratic Party needs to grow a spine. I’m not saying get all ignorant like 45 and his people, but I am saying why are a couple of politicians the only ones who give as good as they get? Rashida Tlaib if Michigan is tough! AOC all the time as well. Hakeem Jeffries.  Al Franken was something else. Even Nancy Pelosi has moments of tigress. Only moments. When courage is shown at the top it, in turn, gives others courage. The other side gets daily doses of foolishness but it gives them courage. See what I saying? 

So the blue wave never took off. Ok. Better luck next time.  Maybe if we could just grow some collectively? Sooner is better than later. 



  1. Exactly! The democratic party does need to grow a pair and with that being said stick together. But, I also don't like the progressives coming in now why not become Independents let's get a third group going. One thing for sure they won't win on a GOP ticket so stop trying to hogtie the democrats all the time.

  2. I understand what you’re saying, but I’m a middle progressive. There’s layers. lol get into this on my podcast Sunday.
