Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Did We Miss The Memo? It's My Uterus-Not Yours

Texas, Texas, Tex-ass.... what can I say??? PLENTY!

Y'all sitting still for that??? I don't even know where to begin. At all! But being me, I will take a stab at it.

First, and foremost, I am pro-choice. However, I'm not a huge fan of abortion. Women have various and sundry reasons for resorting to such a measure. NUMEROUS! I'll touch on a few, to get them out the way. The young girl molested by grandpa, daddy, uncle, cousin or family friend. The women dragged into the alley or some place not easily seen by passerby. Slipped a drug. Or the women who are informed at some point in their pregnancy that it is ill advised to go to term. Or the ones who already care for more children than they can afford, and sperm donor is no where to be found, and know they can't possibly feed another child. And these are just a few that bounce off the top of my

head. Sure there are some, who use abortion as a  means to birth control, that's undeniable. But they are in the minority. For most women, this is a hard, traumatic decision. And for many having a baby, then relinquishing rights is a bridge too far after carrying it for nine months. So adoption is a non-starter. And so many struggle through the aftermath of abortion. The guilt. The pain. The self recrimination, because who is harder on us than us?

Whatever the circumstance, why does it fall under the purview of men, and if I'm honest, old white men to make this decision for women. Who are they to make a decision for the opposite sex, when there is no way they could comprehend the action? Who made these men judge and jury? Why do they feel it's their "God given right" to decide the plight of women?   

Before I really begin, let me say, again, I'm not an advocate of abortion, but at the same time I'M PRO LIFE! Pro life is cradle to the grave. Prolife is caring for people who cannot care for themselves, be they 8-80. It just seems to hypocritical to care so much for fetuses, and not care for those that are breathing. Make it make sense, somebody PLEASE! Because Ilia does not understand. 

So this leads me to believe they don't care about the unborn, not at all. These so called Christians have shown their hands on so many occasions. But here's the tea. They don't care one whit about abortions, they care about the population! It has been widely publicized that in the next 13-15 years, white people will be the minority in America. White people, like their Black counterparts are not reproducing in great numbers. Meanwhile, Hispanics and Asians are. In huge numbers. These two ethnicities are making babies y'all. However, unlike white people, this fact does not throw Black people into a tailspin, or panic like it does some white people. While our share is slow moving, it is not declining, it remains constant. Furthermore, we remain the most vocal group in America, and we get stuff done. For example, voter's rights, open housing not two mention, two new federal holidays in the last 30 years that everyone can partake of. Some white people cannot stand the thought of being in the minority! They have bought into the myth that they created this country. That they discovered it. They did NOT! Native Americans, the Indigenous were already here. How do you discover an inhabited land. But again, they feel they built all this. NEWS FLASH, AFRICAN AMERICANS BUILT THIS COUNTRY. The Chinese built the railroads. They seem to have selective memory and with that revisionist, flawed memory, they chose to believe a lie.     

Now they're losing control. Hispanics are cranking the next generation out fast and furious, and this is why they, old white men, are SO ANTI-ABORTION, in my humble. They want to increase their birth rate. Doesn't matter the fetus was conceived through incest or rape. Doesn't matter that the fetus probably won't live beyond a few hours, days or months. Or that the child will suffer mind blowing issues if it goes beyond the afore mentioned time frame. Or that the act of delivering the child may be an act of self sacrifice for the mom. They are willing to get that birth rate up by hook or crook. A bunch of old men think by virtue of testosterone and a penis they get to decide for women.

But it's hypocrisy. Because once the child comes, then what? Are you going to provide for the child? Are you going to give it the foundation it needs to become a contributing, thriving member of the community? NO! They will make it harder and harder for the mom to care for the child. They just want to be able to count it, but once it takes it's first breath, the concern is over. It's obvious the way they love to cut child care, early learning programs, food stamps and aid. Minorities get caught up in the madness. They don't want more of us, but are willing to deal with it, on some level, if it ensures their number bouncing back. 

Six weeks is now the cutoff period, and most women don't even realize they're pregnant that early. Now, they want vigilantes to monitor women's clinics to turn in doctors, nurses, aides, and abortion seekers

to receive a ten thousand reward. I cannot make this stuff up! So, if you're broke, hang out at your local women's clinic and make some quick cash. And the crazies? Some people think they are God's personal vigilantes and will probably just start cutting down on doctors and other medical personnel, because Texans walk around toting their weapons like it's a limb.

Abbott et.al are on one. Question is what can be done? Stand up Texans! Find out what you can do, although in actuality it's gone through the courts. Remember him at the ballot box. The few you still have left. The bad news is, of course, Florida is trying to emulate Texas. Even politicians in central Indiana have stated they're looking into a similar tact. White people are running scared. Could it be, they are afraid that they'll be treated as they've treated? That must be scary as all get out. To have to endure what you've put millions of others through. That's enough to make you want to end a woman's right to choose. Gotta get those numbers up, by any means necessary.

Last, but not least, if you noticed, I didn’t do a deep dive into interpretation of scripture, what God thinks or any of that. All I can say is this. We all must one day stand in front of our Creator, and give an account for every action we took. No one can answer for another, on judgement day. So how about we allow women and men the free will God grants us. We must understand we cannot send anyone to hell or heaven, it’s way beyond our pay grade. So don’t be so quick to judge. You really shouldn’t judge a person’s actions, without knowing their choices.

That's all I got!




  1. Let me just say this...ONE MORE TIME for the people in the back of the room or for those living in Texas!! And, please do not forget that Mississippi cut down all Planned Parenthood clinics a few years ago ( I will get back to you on the actual date), and of course Florida is on the bandwagon. Well where do we stand are we going to reach in our pockets for diapers? And, heaven help if a president wants to provide increasing education with grants. So, here we sit with are thumbs and old white men making decisions for all and not one women could be found anywhere in the room just a conference room full of old white men....what are they so afraid of?? Oh, I know that African Americans are people of God and we survive! We've survived many an ordeal and we will survive this one too.
