Saturday, June 19, 2021

A Wonderful Consolation Prize

What is the whitest thing Amerikkka can do at this juncture in time?

Glad you asked. Give up a holiday! She thinks she's so slick, federalizing Juneteenth. a holiday that the masses(African Americans) can enjoy. Granted by the same people that begrudge us voting rights, and the right not to be cut down in the streets by racists cops. While everyone, Black that is, can appreciate the sentiment, it kind of rings hollow. The very men (and women) who voted to bring this holiday to fruition, are the same scoundrels that would deny POC their ability to vote. Ironic, isn't it. These are the very same souls who are blocking the "For The People Act", also known as H.R.1. This is the bill in the United States Congress intended to expand voting rights, change campaign finance laws to reduce the influence of money in politics, limit partisan gerrymandering, and create new ethics rules for federal officeholders. Needless to say, this is going over like a lead balloon. They don't really care that Black people in Texas waited an additional 2 1/2 years to learn of the freedom slaves in other states were enjoying. NO! It's a bone, thrown out to appease us as they strip us of our voting rights. Point. Blank. Period. Do you honestly think they care? C'mon. They don't want to expand voting rights. They're paranoid because they KNOW in about 20 years they'll be the minority. They want to keep the status quo. Plain and simple. They want to keep their big donors contributing and will do anything to that end. 

Which brings us to the other reason for the holiday, in my humble, the “George Floyd  Justice in Policing Act.” This prohibits federal, state and local law enforcement from racial, religious and discriminatory profiling. Mandates training on racial, religious and discriminatory profiling for all law enforcement. Requires law enforcement to collect date on all investigatory activities. This bill is formally known as H.R. 7120. You can see why this bill is up against it, can you not? The GOP has the backing of the police unions in this country. They absolutely loved Mr. Don't be so nice when you're putting them in the squad car Trump. Remember that? They feel he is the law and order president, the most corrupt president in modern times carries the banner for law and order. If it wasn't so ridiculous, it'd be hilarious.

While I have no deep rooted problem with celebrating the final days of chattel slavery in these yet to be united states, and I deeply appreciate the trauma, abuse and mental anguish my ancestors had to deal with, I think this holiday could have waited until such time as the afore mentioned bills were law. At this juncture, it appears we are given the holiday as a consolation prize. This holiday appears to be an olive branch.  "Look, we ain't passing all that, so take this and be glad." Deep down, I personally feel that this is an election tool of the far right. Passing this holiday met with VERY LITTLE OPPOSITION! Think about that. Come mid terms they'll be able to say, " We're not racists! We passed that holiday. We don't hate minorities in general and Black Americans in particular. Look what we did!" The very people that would deny some the right to vote were all gun-ho for this. Why? These are the same people who want to white wash history. They want to portray Black people during slavery as something akin to indentured servants. Right. They don't even want it uttered in schools. Just forget about that point in American history, same way they've done the indigenous people who Columbus discovered. Laughable. 

I thank my ancestors, my great grandmother who was born right after and my great grandfather who was born at the tail end of the ugliest part of American history for their resilience, strength and faith. I thank my great great grandparents who endured things this chick doesn't even want to imagine. AT ALL! I thank my God that they made it through so I could be here. In that vein, although torn, I find myself happy for the miracle that is Juneteenth. Because, it is a bonafide miracle. In spite of MTG, Matt Goetz, Turtle McConnell and even Joe Manchin, we were able to get this day. For us. Everyone can celebrate MLK when the holiday rolls around. He represented where America should be, even though we have not arrived. This day is different. It's not appealing to our better natures as he did. This is dealing with the past, reflecting, and paying homage to those who survived the middle passage and rolled up on these shores, so far from home, to be treated horrifically- and most survived. And here we are. The great grands and great great grands of a strong people. I'm so proud. Incredibly proud. 

So I'm gonna take my mixed emotions having butt on. But please, look at the big picture. Politicians are cunning and deceitful--both parties. Pray for wisdom to discern what is really going on. With all this said.... Thank you great grandma Hattie Richardson-Hilson, and thank you too great grandad Jacob Hilson.




1 comment:

  1. As we close out our celebration for Juneteenth 2021 I am with you in saying how very interesting we have 'our' holiday legalized. Let's think about this republicans are already out spending democrats for next year's election and my oh my decided to be bi-partisan REALLY? We have got to come together and stand side by side in demanding what is rightfully ours living without the threat of the white man.
