Sunday, December 19, 2021

Christmas Time Is Here

It’s that peace on Earth, good will towards men time of year. What’s the song…? People making lists, buying special gifts. That time of year.
But I would venture to say for everyone that looks forward to the biggest holiday of the year, there are an equal number of those who dread it.  Loneliness for some creeps in and brings its best friend depression. Anxiety, in many cases goes through the roof. Anyone who’s lost a loved one recently can attest to that. Or had a medical issue. Or financial setbacks know this is not the most wonderful time of the year, contrary to what the song says. 
  • Now, we love Jesus, most of us. However, sometimes it’s hard to conjure up that childlike wonder for the holiday. And why, for the reasons I’ve stated above. Plus, while some truly do feel they holiday down to their toes, other are fake. No smiles, though it’s hard to tell underneath the mask. This is the second Christmas out of our norm. COVID’s antivaxxers have really put a damper on the holiday this year. Last year we were feeling our way through. This year they know. They don’t care. Ok then, kill yourself, but why take someone with you? So again, families will be separated. The ones exercising great wisdom will, hopefully, especially from those unvaccinated. So, oldsters are alone. Can somebody buy their grandparents a smartphone so they can at least Google duo/FaceTime dear ones? But the elderly suffers most. 
The only thing that gets me through Christmas is remembering the true reason for the season. Christ Jesus. So, I’ll throw Christmas music in while I’m cooking. Or cleaning. Songs that focus on the gift and the giver of said gift. Combat depression by having your own party with the Babe in the manger. Celebrate Him!
I find it’s not only uplifting, but therapeutic. And stop buying a bunch of meaningless gifts for people who probably don’t appreciate them anyway. Uh Huh I Said It!
Rediscover the magic of the season. It’ll do you good! Merry Christmas everyone. 


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