Sunday, August 30, 2020

I Said What I Said

I fully understand that to some, perhaps many, the Democratic ticket is lacking in things you'd like to see. In my opinion, however, they have the ability to get us closer to where many of us would like to be. The GOP on the other hand, had ZERO intention of uplifting anyone on any level, unless you're rich and white and I'm absolutely flabbergasted that many of my Facebook friends, some How can some have so much common sense and no..... if you're insulted, feel free to be. If it hit you, it didn't mean to miss you. 45 is a disease. it's spreading rapidly. He and his party, because make no mistake, it is the party of Trump, doesn't care about anything but doing whatever possible to keep him out of jail and padding their pockets and stacking the SCOTUS.
highly intelligent and scholarly cannot fathom this.

As far as third party candidates, they are a distraction and don't serve any purpose whatsoever than splitting the vote in 45s favor. My oldest granddaughter could comprehend something so simple. I'm not enthralled with this cycles picking, but as my beloved mother would say, "when you've got your hand in the lions mouth you work easy until you get it out." By not voting, you're just rolling over and spreading 'em. Giving in. Tucking yourAnd BLACK PEOPLE? You are a disappointment and shame to the ancestors. You know, the ones who had hoses, dogs and billy clubs unleashed on them? And let's not forget the hangings.
tail and running. Taking your ball and going home because you're not mature enough to stay in the game, because things are not going your way.

I am and will always be a Bernie person. But principles are one thing and survival is quite another. I wish to survive this pandemic. I wish to survive the economic downturn. I wish to survive this racial turmoil. A large swath of us may not if 45 is elected again. We may find ourselves in a pseudo monarchy. Anything is possible. ANYTHING. Why some of you cannot see the big picture I guess will remain one of life's great mysteries. I just hurts that you can be so short sighted. It's like you don't give a damn about the poor, the sick, the elderly, the veterans, the children, NOTHING. Only you and your sensibilities. If it wasn't so crucial, it'd be hilarious. So selfish.

And if I bring religion in, yes, God loves us all. But what side do you think Jesus would be on? If you don't know, you need to dust off and crack open that book. God help lovers of self.

I'm sure a few of you will unfriend me. It's cool. I would if I were you. But I'm not a teenager, so I'm not on it to mass a huge number of friends. Go with God.. 



  1. Hit the nail on the head. Hope that Goodness and common sense rise above the hate and nonsense

  2. Way to go! I agree 110%! It is absolutely disgusting to me how some of color are choosing to turn away oh 45 is just talking he's talking alright and raging the fires of racism. How on earth do some think they will be missed in the rage is beside me. Please go with God because rest assured we are going to go with the word of God whose word is of love and not hate.
