Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother’s Day Mourning 2.0

Happy Mother's Day to All. I hope you've been enjoying the day to its fullest, and are being pampered, treasured, and love beyond your wildest dreams....TODAY.

There are many of us whom no longer have moms. We are the motherless crew. It can put a huge damper on the celebrations. I, personally had to learn, although my beloved mom is no longer among us, I am mom to my children and grandchildren. So while during some parts of the festivities a smile may be forced, when all the love is lavished on us, make the sadness dissipates somewhat, for a while, basking in the love received.

There are other moms who can't receive that hug and kiss, that card, that dinner, because their When it's an illness, you have some time to prepare, your mind, but your heart never prepares for such loss. When it's an accident, childless parents have no chance to prepare at all. The difficulty with that is unimaginable. I'm told the loss of a child is a pain unlike any other.

Mourning the loss of a life taken away far too soon.

Then there is the pain of your child being murdered.
The young man who was killed in Georgia, Ahmaud Arbery has
brought back to mind Trayvon Martin's slaughter in Florida quite a few years ago. Arbery's death, just like Martin's must be extremely traumatic to their parents, as one young men had a birthdays shortly after his killing, and Arbery would have celebrated a birthday Friday past, and Mother's Day with his mom two days later. Tragic in every sense of the word.

However, with all that said, what is the hurtful frosting on this tragic cake is the lack of outrage from women who don't look like he or his mom. The reaction of some moms, or lack there of is disturbing. I know it's not because you don't have sons, because many of you do. Do you think this cannot happen to your kid? Speaking frankly, I personally know of a few women who have sons that look more like me, than their mothers. Where is your outrage? I don't think these murderous racist sorry excuses for human beings are checking your kids parentage. If roles were reversed and the killers looked like me, and the victims looked like you, we can all imagine what your response would be. But since your head is entrenched firmly in sand, you cannot see that your black boys can experience this situation as well.

Some of you need to watch Mathew McConaghy's "A Time To Kill." I am so disappointed in most of
y'all. Truly. I've posted several times about Arbery, and I've only had three melanin challenged, scratch that white women or men for that matter say ANYTHING! When white kids are shot up in schools, Black women come out in great numbers denouncing the killer, forwarding letters to prosecutors to have them prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But you can't feel our pain? You don't think we love our kids too? To want to see them grow, marry, raise their own kids. JUST LIVE?
I just want the kinda of support we give you white mothers of white or black sons. We’re tired of our kids killed on some bullshit. You should be as well.  And this is in a different vein, but keep this in mind... If we sit back in November all you never Trumpers may as well not even bother voting.

I'm fully cognizant of the fact some of you won't appreciate this post. My response to that is two tears in a bucket.….


  1. Girl that was powerful and moving. It's sad that in 2020 we still have to be fearful everytime our sons leave home. We all better stand up and vote blue in November. The commander in chief has taken this country back so many years!

  2. If it doesn't grab at your heart that this young man, a child of God, had his life senselessly ripped from him, I don't know you have a heart at all. My heart goes out to all the Mom's who lost their children this year as Mother's Day will never be the same. And my heart goes out to them, but so must my words and my actions. Cause what does that say about any of us if we see these actions and don't condemn them, by thought, word, and deed. Happy Mommy's Day my friend.

  3. It is beyond painful and sad to me the lack of response which is why I always push my own thought of 'say it loud I'm Black and I'm proud' mentality we must support our own when others simply look away as if we don't even exist.

  4. There is no pill that can replace human connection. No pharmacy that can fill the prescription for compassionate others. The answer to human suffering lies both between us and within us. TOO MANY MOMS MOURNING
