Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Hearts of Men

Donald J Trump should be proud of himself. He has accomplished what only four presidents have since the 1900s. The one term POTUS club. Taft, Hoover, Carter, and Bush. And now Trump. Although, somehow I feel that brings him no joy. 
All of this is widely publicized, but here's a running total of his temper tantrum to date.  Foreign leaders have been rejoicing with us, those not his buddies. 45 is pulling out all stops to hinder the ascension of 46. He will not let the state department release congratulatory messages from other governments. He will not allow Biden to get daily briefings that each incoming POTUS gets.  He will not let the office, GOA (Government Accountability Office),that grants space and federal dollars be sent to president elect Biden. He is stacking the pentagon with people who he, 45, obviously thinks will back him up if he decides to take it to the streets.  He has dug in at the people’s house and has been verbally silent, although his Twitter rage is worse than it’s ever been, and this includes his impeachment. Officials high in his administration are rubber stamping his abhorrent behavior. Pompeo speaks boldly of his feckless leader’s continuation in office. Barr is ordering investigations into states that haven’t totally been tallied or certified. His refusal to refrain from requesting votes thrown out in states where he had come up lacking, but not wanting recounts in states where he leads, is plain and simple suppression. Lawyers are filing frivolous lawsuits about voter fraud which have been struck down every time. Nine to date, so I've read.

All this adds up, sadly and frighteningly, to that French term that has changed the makeup of numerous countries, a coup d’etat. Coup for short. When a new regime is placed in power by force, militarily or otherwise. He does not want, nor plan to leave office. He knows what awaits him, once he vacates the oval. The SDNY(southern district of NY) is waiting with bated breath. New York attorney general Letitia James is waiting as well to prosecute him for numerous crimes against the state of New York. I wonder does he think moving to Florida will exempt him for criminal activities committed while residing in the big Apple? 

No one knows how this will play out. But one thing is for sure, this should come as no surprise to anyone. He SAID he didn’t know if he’d go peaceably. Right out his very own mouth. Problem is, he has had EVERYTHING in life handed to him. He has cheated countless contractors and other business associates. Then, when the bills reach beyond what his greed was willing  to pay, he runs to bankruptcy court to be absolved of deb

t. SIX TIMES this was his remedy of choice. Because he must come out on top! At any cost. He is a serial relational cheater. Always with the new wife while still married. He pays off women with absolutely no shame or real consequence. He has allegedly raped and molested numerous women with complete impunity. He cannot fathom losing at anything. EVER! Nothing comes before Trump. Not even our fragile democracy. A coup? Or maybe he will seek revenge in ways we don’t think of normally. Like revealing state secrets to enemies of the state(although his buddies). Having Pence replace him in the last days of his administration, so that Pence can, in turn, can pardon him. I forgot who said this originally, but “who can know what evil lurks in the hearts of men?”

ALL THE WHILE COVID-19 IS RUNNING AMOK AROUND THESE YET TO BE UNITED STATES. He is doing nothing to alleviate this scourge running through our communities from sea to shining sea. The death rate here is astronomical. He gives no @$%*s about this. Only assuaging his wounded pride. America dies while he's licking his wounds and his enablers are cognizant of what he's doing, but fearful of that nasty tweet.

I keep saying, strap in, rough ride ahead. In the words of 45, all we can do is stand back and stand by. And pray, of course. Because in my humble, for all this country’s issues, and they are many, there is a reason why people come here in droves. So let’s all pray this country becomes the place that would be citizens see in their eyes. Opportunity and freedom for all.



1 comment:

  1. Thank yo so much my big sister you have captured my thoughts in words and brought them forth. I do believe this dimwit is planning something evil, hurtful after all the devil steals, kill, and destroys. And 45 is seriously hurting millions of people, over 200,000 have died and democracy is being destroyed because of this evil egomaniacal man.
