Sunday, October 27, 2019

What's On Your Mind?

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy- meditate on these things. Phil 4:8 NKJV

Social media giant, Facebook asks the question, "what's on your mind?" Today, that's an extremely loaded question. Our minds, most of us I venture to say, are filled and clogged with all manner of stuff almost like a head cold. Crammed. This is treacherous terrain for those of us unfortunate enough to be overthinkers such as myself. Sometimes the mind just will NOT shut off. There is no switch, no pull chain, or any other mechanism that can deliver us from this affliction. It is the cause for many sleepless nights, or nights of disturbed sleep. We have a tendency to borrow trouble. Imagining all the worst, never considering it is just as easy for a positive outcome to be manifested as a negative one.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34 NIV  I wish I could put that in red, being Jesus's words.

Sometimes we'll run into situations that makes positive, affirming thoughts almost impossible. But that's what we're called to do. We need to, as the elders used to say, stop borrowing trouble. Jesus told us exactly that. But again, for all of us, many times in life that's easier said than done. We must learn to train our thoughts. We must break away from self-destructive thoughts that keep us tossing and turning, walking the floor, having that extra glass of wine, or whatever it is you do to enable you to relax. They'll be trouble always, this side of paradise. It's totally unavoidable. But the great thing, the only GOOD thing about trouble is, it doesn't last forever. While we're in the midst of it, it can feel that way, but feelings lie. And if you're a child of the most high, then you know something good will come from your suffering. The bible says God gives beauty for ashes. Isaiah 61:3 Furthermore, it also says in Romans 8:28, And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. So there's but two of the promises in the word that let's us know that when the smoke clears everything will be alright.

So next time you cannot sleep, for whatever reason, reflect on these things. And...    
Stop worrying about grown children, give advice, if asked, but turn them over to the Lord.
Stop worrying about that job. If you die tomorrow morning, your position will be filled the next day.
Stop worrying about that spouse/so. People love you the way they know how.
Stop worrying when your king/queen will come. Live YOUR life.
Stop worrying about bills. You'll owe someone until the day you die.
Stop worrying about America. We won't have to suffer this nut in the oval very much longer.

Remember His promises. Ask Him to increase your faith. The bible says in Psalms 121:4 says, indeed He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. That's praiseworthy!!!!

So let God be God. And go to sleep.



  1. Very well said, Ilia. I am so reminded of what my mother used to say: We all will forget about all that we have gone through in this life, after we all are dead and gone. What's the use of worrying. Let GOD handle it! After all, HE is the better authority on life, because HE is the CREATOR of life!!!

  2. Our mom's knew! We need to follow in their footsteps
