Friday, October 11, 2019

Breast Cancer Part 2

In today's blog, the various descriptions of treatments will be noted, but space will not allow delving specifically into each one in this one blog. So again this is very general information.

Treatment for breast cancer depends on the stage of the cancer. It may consist of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.
Surgery- mammaplasty, tissue expansion, lymph node dissection, lumpectomy and mastectomy.
Mammaplasty is plastic surgery to increase or reduce the size of a breast, or the reconstruct a breast. Tissue expansion is inserting a balloon under the skin and then gradually expanding it to stretch and grown the skin and surrounding tissue. Lymph node dissection is the removal of a lymph node. Lumpectomy is the surgical removal of a lump(tumor) in the breast. Mastectomy is the surgical removal of sum or all of the breast.
Medical procedures- teletherapy and radiation therapy. Teletherapy is radiation therapy that uses xrays or other high energy beams to destroy cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation therapy is the treatment that uses xrays and other high energy rays to kill abnormal cells.    
Medications- Estrogen modulator mimics the effects of estrogen on various tissues including the                       breast bone and reproductive organs. Chemotherapy kills cells that are growing or                                 multiplying too quickly. Hormone based chemotherapy treats hormone sensitive cancers.                     Bone health helps strengthen and build bones.

During the course of this disease many doctors will contribute to the treatment before, during and after breast cancer.

A primary care provider will probably receive results (most times through a mammogram) and forward the to an oncologist, which is a cancer physician. There will be a radiation oncologist is many cases. Also, in many cases there may be a surgeon. After the cancer is destroyed, many times a plastic surgeon will be utilized, but that is entirely up to the patient.

Breast Cancer in Men

Most men diagnosed with breast cancer usually have a modified, radical mastectomy. Breast conserving surgery with lumpectomy followed by radiation therapy may be used for some. Therapy given after an operation when cancer cells can no longer be seen is called adjuvant therapy. Even if the doctor removes all the cancer that can be seen at the time of the operation, the patient may be given radiation therapy, chemotherapy or hormone therapy and/or targeted therapy after surgery to try to kill any cancer cells that may be left.

Ladies, PLEASE HAVE THOSE MAMMOGRAMS! It is crucial. And even more so if you have a family history of it. On a personal note, I had one this past Wednesday. Like Nike says, Just Do It! Make the time. As always, the life you save maybe your own!!!

Gents, you need to examine your breasts. Self examination is key for you, because you do not have regularly scheduled mammograms. Go all around your breast in a circular motion until you've checked the entire breast. This is what women do. Nobody has to know. Again, like Nike says, JUST DO IT! The life YOU save maybe your own as well   
Next week, two breast cancer survivors will speak with me on their journey to wellness.
Ruth Wilson and Stephanie Young Johnson have so graciously allowed me and you by extension to see what the road is like and how they got to the other side.



  1. The news station that I watch here in Indy has an anchor who is a breast cancer survivor and her testimony of early detection by means of mammograms is one story where early detection was key. Her testimony is awesome and inspiring. I thank God for the gift of life He has provided in her.

  2. Great information thanks for the insight

  3. Thank you illia for this much needed information. We need to take good care of ourselves
