Friday, January 15, 2021

The Real America On Full Display. Or We Ain’t Surprised.

After a failed attempted coup, I’m more than a little concerned about what lies ahead. While it’s true that he’s the only POTUS to be impeached not once, but twice, what does it really mean? His team is still firmly behind  him, which causes me more than a little angst. If the impeachment is not successful,

because the last really was not, he’ll be free to run again for the highest office in the land. He may not win  depending who he runs against , but there’s always that possibility. Which makes me, if I’m honest, again, more than a little concerned. Even after his Vice President was in mortal danger because of his boss, his veep met with him and will still NOT begin 25th amendment proceedings. How punk is that? Your boss did not even phone to see if you were safe. Because he did not care! We already know he didn’t give a whit about Pelosi. But his own veep? All because he wouldn’t go outside of his jobs parameters to keep his boss in office. Senators and Congressmen refused to vote to oust this seditionist. All they wanted to do was compare this insurrection  to last summer’s protests for Black Lives Matter. These two things could more different . You had people protesting for equal treatment under the law. To not arrest, judge and execute a sentence that many times included the death penalty. The other, more recent, were just to assuage a man baby who cannot accept the fact that he lost to someone he thought he was so much better than. It’s a bad look for America on the national stage and here at home has divided the nation not unlike the civil war. It’s so disgusting and disturbing the sycophants that keep going along to get along. I cannot understand why? He no longer can send out a snarky tweet. He’s lost his bullhorn. All he has left is Fox News and a few second rate sites(which should tread carefully lest the fate of Parler befall them). 

These are terrifying times in American history. It’s bad enough we’re still struggling with COVID-19, but now we have to contend with half the nation buying into the tales spun by the liar-in-chief. Q-Anon, 8chan and other sites are fueling this even as 45 has been silenced. Living in an alternative reality, their following is hell  bent on destroying the nation because their boy lost. 

Fear is insidious. Many times it comes from nowhere and suck the air out of the atmosphere. It’s crippling. Tiring. And extremely hard to shake. Especially when the airwaves are bombarding us 24/7. And the other side has their own fears, being indoctrinated by you know who. Personally I’m concerned unless they make this impeachment really take, in four years he’ll be back again, if he’s still breathing and we’ll have to go through this once again. I’m also concerned that his following will grow and outnumber sane people. He will not relent. Pence has accepted his loss. A few other Congressmen and Senators same. But until America is rid of him I fear there will never be any peace. 

I don’t wish him ill, believe it or not. The same God that made and loves me loves this degenerate as well. And his misguided minions. But where you at Paula, Franklin, But I want him out of the White House NEVER TO RETURN.  He is a sick man. And his followers who deny his sickness, to me, are even more ill. We all know his mental state. Narcissism.. Racism. On and on and on. But what is up with them except their desire to remain in charge, these white supremacists who cannot bear the thought of one day soon becoming the minority. They have more than a 400 head start on everyone, but they’re worried? 

The roughest cut of all is that members of Congress may have aided and abetted the insurgents. There’s two names that are constantly being floated as having given tours the day prior! Or disconnecting the panic buttons of some Representatives? Can you imagine? Setting up your fellow lawmakers? You hate them so much, and the constitution but love trump so much that you give aid to

enemies of the state. Doesn’t that make the Congressmen enemies of the state as well?  Somebody better tell me something! One more thing about messing with the members of Congress. One bears the name Cheney. Her dad is gangster from way back. He was a terror as veep under Bush 2, and is not someone to trifle with. Dude shot someone, IN THE FACE, and had absolutely no consequences or repercussions. It was said it was an accident, but the guy allegedly had on loud hunting gear. Remember that y’all? Gangster! Better leave his baby girl alone. 

Let me say this about all that. I and neither should you lose one minute of sleep because of this madness. God still sits high and looks low, and ultimately is still in control. Pray about it and leave it. You cannot do anything about it. I don’t even know what Joe and Kamala can do. It’s beyond us now. My advice? Take God with you everywhere. If you have a pistol and you live in areas that have these crazies, proud boys, militias, etc, like the cops say, better to be judge by 12 than carried by 6. And yes, it’s come to that.

And now all we hear if calls for unity. Arguments something like, 1)we have to put this behind us. (Can the families of the two dead policemen just put this behind them?)  2)This will only stoke his base further, and risk more insurgents attacking the inauguration and state capitals in all 50 states.  3) Joe Biden wants to bring unity to our country, here’s the place to start. Why does the onus for unity fall on the opposite side that had nothing to do with this? The are really trying to push this whole episode off on the Democrats. Even stating emphatically that is was not 45 supporters, but the ever elusive Antifa. Forget about unity. How about consequences for the mobs actions? How about some trials and sentencing? How about some, dare I say it accountability? Remember elections have consequences. 

During  in his inaugural, he spoke of American carnage.  Little did we know he’d be the one leading the charge. And now four years later  we’ve seen carnage we’ve not seen since 9/11. But this is home grown and all the more more chilling. It’s one thing to have foreign enemies that hate you and your very existence, when it’s your country men, it’s gut wrenching and infuriating. That a lie from a small man could have such enormous consequences. And we still have several days until 46 is sworn in. And although I am certain none or his followers are my readers or listeners, it still begs the question. Was your getting super conservatives on the court, lower taxes for businesses and the 1%, padding that 401K, ignoring the pandemic(the worst this country has seen in a hundred years), truly worth suffering all this turmoil, because he’s more concerned with an election and staying out of jail, and dividing the nation further really worth all this? Apparently, since his numbers remain high in his party. Trumplicans. Because they’re not true republicans. Guess we have that three party  system after all. Democrats, Republicans and Trumplicans. 
I never prayed about elections until this last one. I always felt whatever, just vote and hope for the best. Sometimes my guy won and sometimes he lost. But now I cannot stop praying. You cannot stop either. Because it’s going to take God on high to fix this mess.
May God bless the America we long for, both 45 and COVID-19 free and bring it to fruition soon. Before it’s destroyed beyond all recognition.
And the world is watching.


1 comment:

  1. And God is still on the throne! You are absolutely and right on target about the failed coup d'etat. My concern is two-fold first, the dimwit has a very serious following of like-minded individuals. And, two the riot was indeed an attempt to undermine our constitution. There are reports of pipe bombs, zip ties, molotov cocktails and the ever present noose. The aforementioned items could very well have been put forth as they were intended by the individual who brought them to our nations capitol. We must take these actions seriously as they threatened our safety and sense of well being.
