Saturday, January 9, 2021

Sedition, insurrection and a coup d’etat

It’s been wild ride the previous week. I had to gather my thoughts before I could deal with the reality that is Amerikkka today.
The soon to be former president whipped his loyal devotees in a hot frothy mess that spilled all over the capitol. The underlying seething hatred burst like a pinprick to a balloon. Hatred for norms and the establishment, his cult gulped down their recent dosage of his evil Kool-aid and took to the capitol and unleashed something the nation has not seen in two hundred years. It’s widely reported he watched the entire demonic episode remotely. And not just he, but family and supporters. Something akin to Nero. Fiddling while the capitol was under siege. According to reports, one law enforcement officer died from his injuries and four others succumbed as well. 
The numerous lies he told, the constant rallies re-enforcing his mendacious fantasies, the playing to his base, with government officials constantly kissing his ass has brought us to the juncture in history.
But the biggest lie he uttered was that he told them after giving them their marching orders, that he, himself would be walking to the capitol with his cult following. HE DID NOT!
I believe this was a coordinated attack. Very few law enforcement officers were on the premises. Surely

the officials there heard the call to arms from that lousy sack of shit known as Trump. He gave them ample time to prepare. They chose not to. And here we are. The decorated Lieutenant General Russel Honore holds this view as well. 
The sight we saw, men scaling the wall like dozens of Spidermen was indeed a troubling sight to witness. All in the name of stopping the electoral college from being officially counted by the federal government. Some cops retreating, and others still snapping selfies with the insurrectionists. One of the most ugly visions, and there are far too many to enumerate, was when the confederate flag was carried through the capitol, brazenly. One final frame that offended me tremendously was the capitol police flushing an insurgents eyes out after pepper spray.  You NEVER saw such images last summer when Black Lives Matter was protesting the deaths of Breonna, George and Ahmaud. Very few cops were  present during this mayhem although there was thousands of crazies there. But over the summer, the capitol police were out in great numbers for peaceful demonstrators. Even white talking heads noticed the stark difference between how the almost totally white insurrectionists received very little pushback but during the summer, they were cracking heads like ninety going west.  The stats for arrests for Wednesday’s debacle boggles the mind. Way less than 100, while BLM protesters were locked up by the hundreds. White privilege in Amerikkka never takes a day off. If  by virtue of your skin color, you’re Black, you did it and you’re guilty and if you’re unfortunate enough, you’ll meet your judge, jury and in many cases, your executioner right on the street. Or you’ll be left paralyzed with no recompense from the one who shot you. This is America, circa ‘20-‘21. But this latest turn. It’s shocking, appalling and disgusting beyond words. 

Really in retrospect, it’s only by grace of God that more people didn’t meet untimely demise, heeding the call to go”wild.” Men were spotted with zip ties, guns and Molotov cocktails. In this nations capitol no less.
The man is so enthralled by staying in power that he has cost of lives of several people. I watched an officers head being crushed in a door while a gang seemed to get off on it. Oh and Mike Pence better sleep with one eye open. There was a hangman’s noise right side the capitol! All this because he could not bear the thought of not winning an election against someone he derided so gleefully. And that someone having a woman of Black and Indian ancestry on the ticket to boot? But I truly believe the deepest cut of all was the fact that the nation’s first Black president secured a second term and he did not. His bruised ego  coupled with his narcissism could not handle it. So he’d rather Amerikkka be pitied by some and mocked by others, because his gravy train was coming close to the station. His whole attitude was burn baby burn. 

The only good to come of this is 45 being stripped of his preferred mode of communication, Twitter. Furthermore, the other big two, Facebook and Instagram have disconnected him until he is out of office, Twitter forever. That made me smile. 
Now what will he do to fill his days? You just know he’s not going to start working on behalf of you and the nation. Since he’s gone thumbs down on participating in the inaugural, perhaps he’ll head in back down to Florida with his carpetbagger heart. He’s not welcome in New York, and Leticia James has him firmly within her sights. 
I predict he’ll spend his last few days pardoning an excessive amount of criminals, not least of all his family and himself. At least I hope he is. Nancy and the left side want him gone or he’ll face yet another impeachment. But if that transpired, how will his cult handle this?. I’ve read that if he’s impeached again, he cannot run for office again.  The cult will again try another insurrection and if he enlists the military for martial law.....we’ll never be rid of him. The coup come to fruition.
All of this is worst case scenario. Maybe he’ll just tuck his tail and leave. Slink out in dark of night. Spare us the watching of  him boarding a plane, a final rant and be gone. It’s my prayer. Join me.
God bless America. The America that we long for, not the one we’ve got.


1 comment:

  1. I am still not able to fully grasp my thoughts after what we witnessed this past week. And, yes I agree with you my big sis if 45 is impeached I too read that he will not be able to run for office again. What is bothering me the most though is the long term effect of racial hatred, prejudice at it's worse. The behind the scenes people who planned this hateful act have yet to be identified. Like, Nancy I too am waiting for that person to be brought forward yes, an inside job! 45 has plenty of help and God forbid what is being planned as I am writing this....the final act of evil. May God have mercy.
