Friday, January 29, 2021

Rev Jeremiah Wright Was Right- but now what do we do?

Why are the Republicans calling for Liz Cheney to be removed, while Marjorie Taylor Green is calling for the death of Democrats she does not agree with. At this writing, I’m told she’s scrubbing both her Twitter and Facebook feeds. I wonder why? 
Increased security is the rule of the day. Jeffries, AOC, et. al are having to be assigned security details due to the constant harassment from the far right loons.  Speaker Pelosi, I’ve read has a small army. These people are probably guarded as much as the POTUS. And poor Pence. I’ve read from various publications that he and his wife are couch hopping. He’s stated his wish to move back to Indiana, and is here presently, but he’s moving around. This is his new reality, because he didn’t pull a stunt he wasn’t able pull off anyway. 
The level of hate is rampant. The lies that have been ingested and then regurgitated in the form of violence and promises of more on the horizon. But it’s what Amerikkka knows best. She majored in it,

has matriculated from Viet Nam to present day Middle East. VIOLENCE. America has perpetrated violence all over the world, in ways we witnessed, low key ways, and I’m sure things we know nothing about. We have low key installed who we wanted to lead numerous countries. Behind coup after coup after coup. And NOW, as the Rev. Dr.  Jeremiah A Wright Jr has been lambasted for saying, the chickens have come home to roost. What goes around does indeed come back around. Some call it Karma and others of us call it reaping what’s been sowed. So here we are. He so, so prophetic in his messages.  Clairvoyant like. But because his congregation was Black, in a Black community he had to be just some racist old clergyman. Didn’t help that his most prominent parishioners, the  Obama’s threw him under the bus in their quest to get the oval. Another story for another day. But he tried to tell us America could not act like she does and expect no retribution. The only difference I can see is unlike the maneuvers America pulled, our enemies are from within. And it’s not the republicans. True republicans don’t act in this manner. It’s the cult of Trumplicans that are causing all this havoc. And here we are. I don’t think America was this divided in the 50-60s. 
There are crazies in high public offices advocating for the hanging of Pence and a bullet to the head of

Pelosi, and their fellow republicans refuse to weed out these shameful people. Apparently not even pulling them aside for a chat. And instead of calling for the discharge from government for these nutcases, they’d rather call for Cheney to be removed from her chair of a committee, and if that’s not enough, demanding that she resign her seat altogether. Somebody better tell me something. 
But it all boils down to not offending “their” wounded leader. No cojones at all! It’s not like they can get a nasty tweet, a disgusting post on Facebook or a calling out through mainstream media. They so badly want that base of deplorables that he commands to line up behind them. But they cannot if he runs again. Rubio, Hawley and Cruz all have delusions of ascension to the highest office in the land. Holler at me if I’m wrong, but how do they expect to get in if he’s free to run again? Is there another reason for this sickening fealty? I guess it truly is a cult. They cannot break free. My God. In the word of the late great Marvin Gaye, it makes me wanna holler.
I subscribe to a vlog called “Beau of the Fifth Column” on YouTube. I highly recommend his YouTube

page. He’s a good old boy, but highly intelligent and well read. On his vlog today, he said and I quote "an attempt like that which happened on the 6th, if no one is held accountable, it is not a failure, it’s  training, it’s practice.” I said pretty much the same thing on a Facebook post a few days ago. I called it a dress rehearsal.
So what do we do when you have a group that accepts no responsibility or culpability for their actions? How do we handle a large swath of government perfectly fine with taking no action against the one who riled his gang of terrorists into a frenzy, unleashed them on the capitol and watched from closed circuit cameras and lifted not a finger? Unless a miracle happens, he won’t suffer any consequences of his actions and will be free to run again in four years. He has already mentioned Grover Cleveland, the only POTUS to serve twice, but not consecutively.  Meanwhile we’re swimming through a sewer. Also, at this writing states are fast and furiously changing voting laws, to further disenfranchise millions of voters. What do we do? 
Don’t you wanna holler too? 
I’ve called my senators. I’m sure to no avail, since this is a red state and they’re both republicans. I’m at a loss.
So let’s pray like we did leading up to the election. 
That’s all I got. 


1 comment:

  1. I listen to Marvin Gaye's What's Going On album almost on a daily basis oh how he had the foresight in 1971's America would turn into America 2021. The assassination's of the 60's (Kennedy, King, Kennedy) civil right freedom marchers and the atrocities of Vietnam have been traded in for BLM, and the ongoing war overseas. But now here we are being bombarded with 45 and his supporters still on a daily basis. We are still wanting to know what is happening, where is America headed. Never before have Congressmen/women have to move their offices because of safety concerns. The threat of violence right at their door. Secret Service has to be in overdrive about now. One thing is for sure my big sister as Momma use to say "if you are going to pray then don't worry and if you are going to worry then don't pray". Therefore we as Christians are going to pray and look upward to the heavens. With discernment we will keep our eyes open and stand together on one accord we really don't have the luxury of not agreeing democrats we are in a fight with heathen roaming the country to steal, kill and destroy.
