Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Symptom of Coronavirus That Everyone Gets But Hardly Talks About

This is not about the Coronavirus in medical terms. It is not even about masks or anti-maskers.
Not about treatments, vaccinations and the like. Ditto the lasting repercussions some are forced to deal with months after being rid of the virus.   Not even about the large number of deaths throughout the world and growing number in America. Furthermore, not about the loss of businesses, and there are plenty.

This is about the mental toll this takes on some people. Not all, but a large percentage of people.

The novel coronavirus, also known as Covid-19 has changed the world. For many the world has become incredibly darker, colder and dare I say, it lonely. Suicide has jumped exponentially, especially among older people and those who

live alone. This is one of the few true statements the occupant of the oval has been forthright about. Unable to see family nor friends has put a great strain on some people. 

Being alone is the state of just that. No one around. Alone. There is a group of people who can be alone without being lonely. Some, especially introverts have not much of an issue of being alone during the time of Rona, as we’ll call this pandemic, that is rocking the world in general and America in particular. Due to the lack of leadership, this virus continues to roil the United States. But you know that. However being alone for some is preferable to a lot of people anyway, so this pause in American life is not as bad to them as for their counterparts. 

Being lonely is an entirely different animal. Extroverts, such as myself, do not do as well during this

time. We want, no, we need the camaraderie of other humans. A shared laugh, a hug, even an argument is deeply missed by this group of people. Quiet is not our friend. Some days are good. Shopping days, trips to the bank and take out runs become good for the soul. You see, being lonely is the state of being denied, for whatever reason, companionship. Family, friends, associates, significant others are no longer accessible. When you’re a people person, this strikes at your very core. A lot of us are a combination of intro and extrovert personalities. I used to fall in this category, and still do to a great extent. I can be home alone, for days on end, but come that fourth day, it’s time to break out! Extreme extroverts cannot handle even an entire day inside and alone. Conversely, introverts can curl up with a book, some tea or whiskey and be set. They go inside to the place only they can go. 

I asked a question on Facebook. I asked how people who lived alone were faring during this time and what were they doing to cope? I received a lot of over-lapping responses(people doing the same things), and some surprised me. A few just masked up and ventured out and continued to pretty much live their lives as normally as possible, during this time of Rona. Below I am sharing some of the responses, hopefully suggestions for some and eye openers for others how to get past feelings of loneliness. Especially as this holiday season has begun. Thanksgiving. Christmas and New Years. They are as follows:  
A few of you work from home. This affords a level of safety that others cannot attain. Home is the safest spot. You miss the interaction of coworkers, but this, for the most part has worked out well for you. Most of you have increased communication with friend and loved ones through more frequent calls, texts, Facetime and Duo, or again Zooming. A large swath of you have upped your social media time, Ditto television. Strangely, no one mentioned music. A few of you have gotten creative with your workouts, by cycling and exercising at home. A few have turned to home improvement tasks, or have resumed a long cast off crafting project. One mentioned she tries not to focus on it. Two have admitted to retail therapy. Shopping is a momentary distraction and a high for some. One admitted her life really hasn't changed in the least, with the exception of donning a mask and social distancing. One uses this time to drive her mom about.  One admitted to allowing herself a good cry every now and then, which is thoroughly cathartic. Lastly, there were two who admitted the sting of being alone, during this time has been especially painful. They miss not having anyone to walk this walk with them. To me, that's the deepest cut of all. Feeling alone. 

So there you have, how people are handling the world during the time of Rona. But as one of my church sisters stated so succinctly, "We will all emerge from this a changed people, which we should, since this has been a life changing event." Sancheon Lindsey.


Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Hearts of Men

Donald J Trump should be proud of himself. He has accomplished what only four presidents have since the 1900s. The one term POTUS club. Taft, Hoover, Carter, and Bush. And now Trump. Although, somehow I feel that brings him no joy. 
All of this is widely publicized, but here's a running total of his temper tantrum to date.  Foreign leaders have been rejoicing with us, those not his buddies. 45 is pulling out all stops to hinder the ascension of 46. He will not let the state department release congratulatory messages from other governments. He will not allow Biden to get daily briefings that each incoming POTUS gets.  He will not let the office, GOA (Government Accountability Office),that grants space and federal dollars be sent to president elect Biden. He is stacking the pentagon with people who he, 45, obviously thinks will back him up if he decides to take it to the streets.  He has dug in at the people’s house and has been verbally silent, although his Twitter rage is worse than it’s ever been, and this includes his impeachment. Officials high in his administration are rubber stamping his abhorrent behavior. Pompeo speaks boldly of his feckless leader’s continuation in office. Barr is ordering investigations into states that haven’t totally been tallied or certified. His refusal to refrain from requesting votes thrown out in states where he had come up lacking, but not wanting recounts in states where he leads, is plain and simple suppression. Lawyers are filing frivolous lawsuits about voter fraud which have been struck down every time. Nine to date, so I've read.

All this adds up, sadly and frighteningly, to that French term that has changed the makeup of numerous countries, a coup d’etat. Coup for short. When a new regime is placed in power by force, militarily or otherwise. He does not want, nor plan to leave office. He knows what awaits him, once he vacates the oval. The SDNY(southern district of NY) is waiting with bated breath. New York attorney general Letitia James is waiting as well to prosecute him for numerous crimes against the state of New York. I wonder does he think moving to Florida will exempt him for criminal activities committed while residing in the big Apple? 

No one knows how this will play out. But one thing is for sure, this should come as no surprise to anyone. He SAID he didn’t know if he’d go peaceably. Right out his very own mouth. Problem is, he has had EVERYTHING in life handed to him. He has cheated countless contractors and other business associates. Then, when the bills reach beyond what his greed was willing  to pay, he runs to bankruptcy court to be absolved of deb

t. SIX TIMES this was his remedy of choice. Because he must come out on top! At any cost. He is a serial relational cheater. Always with the new wife while still married. He pays off women with absolutely no shame or real consequence. He has allegedly raped and molested numerous women with complete impunity. He cannot fathom losing at anything. EVER! Nothing comes before Trump. Not even our fragile democracy. A coup? Or maybe he will seek revenge in ways we don’t think of normally. Like revealing state secrets to enemies of the state(although his buddies). Having Pence replace him in the last days of his administration, so that Pence can, in turn, can pardon him. I forgot who said this originally, but “who can know what evil lurks in the hearts of men?”

ALL THE WHILE COVID-19 IS RUNNING AMOK AROUND THESE YET TO BE UNITED STATES. He is doing nothing to alleviate this scourge running through our communities from sea to shining sea. The death rate here is astronomical. He gives no @$%*s about this. Only assuaging his wounded pride. America dies while he's licking his wounds and his enablers are cognizant of what he's doing, but fearful of that nasty tweet.

I keep saying, strap in, rough ride ahead. In the words of 45, all we can do is stand back and stand by. And pray, of course. Because in my humble, for all this country’s issues, and they are many, there is a reason why people come here in droves. So let’s all pray this country becomes the place that would be citizens see in their eyes. Opportunity and freedom for all.



Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Wave Crashed

By now, it’s apparent the great blue wave of 2020 was merely a dream. There was no take over of the Senate and in some cases the Democrats lost seats in the

House. It wasn’t quite a red tsunami, but far from the much hyped and anticipated blue wave.

Why? Because apparently, as I and many other thinking people cautioned everyone not to get all geeked about the polls. The polls have a way of lulling people into a state of false confidence. Voting, but not with the passion or ardor that we witnessed during the Obama years, and even that waned in the second go round. Thinking it’s in the bag. We have become, for better or worse a cult of personality, either red or blue. We either love the candidates or hate them. Far too many are too purist in their views that they cannot compromise for the greater good. There are some still lamenting Bernie didn’t get the nod. Some are ticked that Kamala did. Some of us won’t venture from the center, and frankly, some are so far left no one takes them seriously. Or are written off as being the "S" word, socialist. 
The democrats just cannot get it together. We are splintered. Ever watch TYT(the young Turks), Cent

Uygers station? Compare that with the most liberal mainstream offering, MSNBC or CNN from 7pm on. Night and day, but same party. TYT is as progressive as progressive gets, and they are constantly lambasting the other factions of the Democratic Party. They do get on board at the eleventh hour, but by that time, they’ve got so many people absolutely infuriated with the center left that many times those people decide not to participate in the election process, or throw their vote away on someone who has a snowballs chance of getting to the oval, they find it impossible to fall in line LIKE THE HOSTS DO. What many younger people don’t seem to understand is you have to be in the game to play! Once you get in you find like minded officials and push or shove your views forward. But that cannot be done from the outside looking in. SPLINTERED! No politician is going to be all things to all people. But you have a better chance when your choice is sitting behind the resolute desk. In the oval. You have more power, T to threaten, cajole or whatever. 

But the. Democratic Party is a group of timid, chicken, will not call a spade a spade group of people. I have never agreed with Michelle Obama’s, ”when they go low” remark. Where is our fight?  Why can’t we exude toughness?  Why we gotta be punks all the time? The Democratic Party needs to grow a spine. I’m not saying get all ignorant like 45 and his people, but I am saying why are a couple of politicians the only ones who give as good as they get? Rashida Tlaib if Michigan is tough! AOC all the time as well. Hakeem Jeffries.  Al Franken was something else. Even Nancy Pelosi has moments of tigress. Only moments. When courage is shown at the top it, in turn, gives others courage. The other side gets daily doses of foolishness but it gives them courage. See what I saying? 

So the blue wave never took off. Ok. Better luck next time.  Maybe if we could just grow some collectively? Sooner is better than later. 
