Sunday, March 8, 2020

Used to.

Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended: but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus  Philippians 3:13-14 NKJV 

Used to.
Used to is a too commonly used phrase to speak of things past. I used to live there. I used to drive
that. I used to work there. I used to go there. I used to be married to him/her. I used to do that. I used to go to that church. I used to eat that. I used to drink that. The list goes on and on and on. All in the past.

I wonder why we feel the need to tell people what we used to do?
Why is our previous state so much involved in present situations? Is it because we use our previous state to make others feel bad, less than. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. or is it because we feel as if we’ve arrived? We’re on top, don’t roll in that slop. Anymore.

I’ve seen in the blink of an eye fortunes reversed. Having to downsize homes, cars and activities that that at one time excited us, we find we can no longer be a participant of. Sometimes gated communities turn into apartment complexes. Sometimes Coach bags turn into something from Burlington. That Escalade gets picked up by the midnight auto boys and now riding around in a Dart doesn’t seem so bad, since you still arrive at your appointments destination. 

It’s not wrong to reflect on where you used to be, as long as it comes with the caveat that God did it
and not you. God puts His super on our natural. Reflecting can bring on praise that can lift and light your environment to heights beyond your comprehension. But when your reflection is made to belittle others and remind them that they may or may not have a ways to go, you’d better be mighty careful. Our words whether intentional or not can encourage and or breathe life, or can break down or even destroy another by killing them emotionally and pushing them into the depths of despair. “Why hasn’t this happened for me?” “Doesn’t God love me too?” “Why Lord?” I speak from experience. Been there, done that, and I, too, got the t-shirt. 

So unless it’s used in such a way as to build up, to tell others what you used to do, BUT GOD, then refrain from telling people of your bologna days and help them get to the steak, potato and salad
meals that you now enjoy. Reach back to pull someone forward. Lift don’t grind into the ground. 

Inspire. Uplift. Love. 



  1. Hallelujah! You're right on I had a used to moment today as a matter of fact but what did it accomplish? Well, I think in my case it reminded me of where I need to be headed forward, pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God through Christ Jesus.

  2. Life is a journey it goes up and down. You just have to trust in god to lead the way. Stay positive and keep looking forward.

  3. Stuck in the woulda, coulda, shoulda. Time to learn and move and Trust. Thank you for the reminder
