Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Great Balancing Act- Faith and Common Sense

He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest. He is a shield to those who walk with integrity.
Proverbs 2:7

Fear is  insidious sometimes. It sneaks in out of nowhere just about the time you’re going with the flow, rolling with the Lord and have come to terms with the fact that you control nothing.
Then BAM! Something catastrophic comes along and knocks you off your game. It could be being asked to divorce, an unexpected doctor’s diagnosis or the loss of a job. We know that half of marriages end in divorce. We know that disease can come to even the most healthy of us. (So go on and eat the cake Anna Mae, just don’t eat it all). Automation and downsizing is the preferred way of staying competitive for a huge number of corporations. They don’t care. But before the disaster ensues, we’re cool, secure in our faith and still praising God in the small hiccups of life. 

Then something unimaginable comes along, i.e. COVID-19 otherwise known as Coronavirus. To some it’s a mild intrusion on their lives. To others, it’s a concern but not to the point of dwelling on.
And yet, to a group of us, it’s more than a passing concern. When you’re in the group that the medical professionals say are at higher risk, if you’re wise, in my humble, you’ll keep it towards the forefront of your thoughts, to remind you to avoid crowds, sick people and to curtail travel(according to the AARP). So we’re, I’m, here trying to avoid the grocers at peak times. I avoid movie theaters and the like. And I follow all the suggestions put forth by the CDC.

Now many of you are wondering, girl, I thought you were a Christian? What’s with the fear? Your faith is supposed to be rooted and grounded. I believe it is. But faith shouldn’t override your senses. It should work in conjunction with them. I’ve seen God do things in my life and the lives of others that those outside the household of faith would NEVER
believe. God is a miracle worker. He is constantly doing something grand in my life. Whenever I rely solely on Him, He comes through, in expected and unexpected ways. I believe God is in control and I know when it’s time where I’m going. No question. 

But in the meantime, I’m still down here. There’s things I’d still like to see and do. And while I’m looking forward to seeing Abba Father face to face, I still have things I really want to accomplish. Contrary to the thoughts of some, living is not over once you pass the 9-5 life. I’d like to live some of that. So if I feel a little apprehension, dare I say fear, it’s good for me AND YOU. I read somewhere only a fool fears nothing. 

My mom was fond of saying, "follow your  mind, you'll never go wrong." I've always been told your first mind is the Spirit. Whether or not that is so, I'll leave that to you to decide. In all honesty, I've never gone wrong following it. The second mind is usually contradictory, usually negative, and we know who that voice comes from. Solomon told us God gives us common sense.

So if you don’t want to do something at this time don’t let anyone shame you. You use the common
sense God granted you and do what’s best for YOU. We only get so many trips around the golden ball. Let’s not cut them short with foolishness.  Go with that still small voice. I'm not saying, by any stretch of the imagination, to close yourself off and stop living, until such time as a vaccine becomes approved for the masses. Live your life mindful. When you don't know what to do, when to go, who to be around, ask the Giver of Life. Afterward, whatever He tells you, walk it out. At this time, let's consciously practice not leaning to our own understanding. And sometimes you just have to sit and do nothing. Being not busy will not kill you, it may preserve you.

Slow down. Be patient with the world and with yourself.


1 comment:

  1. Amen. Yes, momma did teach that the first thought is the thought to go with and we will never go wrong. My first thought is prayer, patience and staying informed so I can make wise choices being in the age group we're in, pre-existing condition also, so I must be cautious and keep faith in God He will see us thru.
