Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Antidote To Loneliness

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you, He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV

Merram-Webster describes loneliness as: 1a)being without company b) cutoff from others 2) not frequented by human beings 3) sad from being alone 4) producing a feeling of bleakness or desolation.

It's a natural human feeling. If you are alone or feeling unwanted or unloved or something similar, you're going to feel lonely. Feeling lonely all of the time could mean that you're longing for something more than what you currently have to fill your loneliness. LiveAbout 2/20/18

Actually, feeling lonely has little to do with how many friends you have. It's the way you feel inside. Some people who feel lonely may rarely interact with people and others are surrounded by people, but don't feel connected. Loneliness means there is a discomfort-- you want to be more connected to others. Dr. Amy Sullivan states that someone who's socially isolated and doesn't have a lot of social contacts
may not feel lonely at all. She goes on to say that loneliness today is an epidemic. We are the most socially connected society, yet so many people experience extreme loneliness. Psychology Today 1/13/2013

Feeling lonely is an unpleasant experience that can also have long-term health consequences. When you're experiencing loneliness, your levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, goes up, she says. Cortisol can impair cognitive performance, compromise the immune system. Loneliness is also a risk factor for more serious mental health problems suck as depression and anxiety. Researchers have found that loneliness is just as lethal as smoking 15 cigarettes per day. Lonely people are 50% more likely to die prematurely that those with healthy social relationships. It can be absolutely lethal to people of advanced age. Stress will also affect you more if you're lonely, vascular problems, inflammation and heart disease. 1/22/19 Psychology Today.

So with all of that, how can one combat loneliness? What's the best way to come out of self?

Remembering, we're truly never alone. The One who created you longs to be closer to you. If you'll let Him. He's the best companion EVER. You can talk to him at 3pm and just as easily at 3am. You never have to worry about disturbing the One who never sleeps nor slumbers. He's closer than hands and feet. Just open you mouth, your mind and your heart. You'll feel His presence and soon, if you keep seeking Him you'll hear His voice. It's really up to you. You decide how lonely you choose to be. You and only you.

There are activities you can become involved in. Hobbies, sports, church activities. But first you must exit your comfort zone. There are number humanitarian and charitable ventures to can join in on, and by doing that, not only lift yourself, but others as well. Put yourself out there, if possible.

So let me leave you with a song written by Rogers and Hammerstein.

When you walk through a storm. Hold your head up high. And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm, there's a golden sky. And the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk in through the wind. Walk on through the rain. Though your dreams be tossed and blown.

Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone. You'll never walk alone
Walk on, walk on,
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone.

Remember, everybody who smiles isn't happy, and everyone who cries isn't sad. Check on your friends and family you've not seen in awhile.



  1. Very good posting, Ilia! In today's society, there is alot of lonely people. With so many people that have lost precious loved ones, loneliness is very prevalent in today's society. But a relationship with GOD is not only the answer for loneliness, but whatever we are experiencing in this thing called LIFE. CHRIST is the answer.

  2. Indeed, keep a watch out one for another some are alone but not lonely as you state but still as humans we need one another reach out and step out and do not fear for God is with us always.

  3. I know more people that are alone then they are with people in their lives. It's sad. Has a human we should be connected to people and stay in contact with family and friends.

  4. Very good Ilia! We are quick to forget to look to God in our loneliness— guilty as charged. But, I am working on and getting better at looking to God for every thing!!! Loneliness can be a curse and a blessing. But when we remember that God is with us at all times, we can overcome those feelings- whatever they may be — loneliness, sadness, helplessness! God has us !
