Friday, January 10, 2020

Strap In, My Mind's All Over The Place.

Randomness is defined as the quality or state of lacking a pattern or principle of organization; unpredictability.- Merriam-Webster 

Today’s Friday blog will be the total definition as described above.

It’s coming up on voting time. There’s all this talk of the undecideds. PLEASE! Everyone and their pets know who they’re voting for at this juncture. Why lie? Just say you don’t wanna say. I’m certain that all my readers will be voting. My challenge is to get those who seem lackadaisical to turn out. Furthermore, the silly ones who really think their vote doesn’t matter, be sure to take aim at them. Especially if they’re melanin infused, because this current administration doesn’t give a damn about them. They should want to make them. 

Next up, this weather! What in tarnation is with this spring like weather in early January in the Midwest? Forecast is 50s today! But some really stupid people, especially many inhabitants of DC with focus on the senate and the oval don’t believe it to be true. If this ain’t climate change I don’t know
what is? Then when a child brings it front and center the idiot mocks her. It’s easy to make fun of that which you don’t understand. 

Following weather is respect. We can never agree to disagree. Someone always has to have the very last word, which can drag on disagreements for hours, days or weeks. Sometimes the disagreement devolves into something worse. Name calling(i.e. 45). People cannot and will not always agree with every word that flows off the highway of your tongue. And guess what...? That’s ok and we have to learn to be ok with it. This nation has never walked lock step, but it found ways to meet somewhere in the middle to find some commonality and go from there. That, sadly has come to an abrupt end. Him vs her. They vs we. And it goes on and on.

Money in politics. It really needs to go. It’s a shame that some people who could really move this country forward have been forced to drop out for lack of funding. The people who would benefit the most from their policies cannot afford to contribute as they’d like. I gave to one campaign, only to have him suspend his campaign due to lack of funding. He had really good ideas and a heart for the little guy. But the billionaires keep rolling merrily along. One is funding his own campaign which keeps him out the debates. But apparently that doesn’t matter. The other takes money solely to get into the debates because he doesn’t need it. We’ll never get a man or woman of the people like this.

And last, but not least, relationships. Those who’ve experienced long term ones should write a book. From age 8-80 there’re fools out here. I hear it from both sexes. People have issues they haven’t dealt with and bring the issues to new relationships. Childhood traumas rear its ugly head and there’s issues about that. Selfish people. Unkind people. Momma’s boys. Daddy’s girls. No matter the age. Damaged people seem to seek out loving people, who then, in turn, try to damage them. Breaking up. Making up. Ghosting. What the heck is going on? So maybe situationships are better? No expectations just the now. Only the now. Personally, I’ll pass.
So thanks for stopping by and allowing my random thoughts to run amok.
Sunday nights blog I will share who’s in the lead, the top two in the contest! REMEMBER TO COMMENT ON THE BLOG BECAUSE THAT’S YOUR ENTRY! 

After black Friday comes Small business Saturday. After next Friday's blog, in the comments, all you entrepreneurs get to shout out your business. I know of Avon sales. Mary Kay. Ms E's Travel. Seren'Lee's Candles. Fruition. Jamal Watkins. Party Planner. Face Care. C'mon. Shine!



  1. Here are my thought's in no particular order: Money in politics...….how on earth are we the little people ever going to shut down the big boys I say by being like David and aiming our slingshots right at the big bucks it's been done before and WE can bring billionaires down!
    Climate my environmental passion I get so frustrated with people who only see what they want to see glaciers are melting FACT not Fiction!
    Relationships gee sis I remember dating years ago flowers were bought good fun evenings were planned but now well I'll just say hmmmm.

  2. Love it! You covered all. Anymore it seems like if you’ve got money you are “in”. The fixed income folks get poorer and the rich gets richer. The change in weather seriously everyone should be able to see that it’s taking place.

  3. Last debate is on tonight. Let's all watch it hooe everyone votes . There is so much corruption and the lobbying needs to stop the lies and money to the wrong people.
