Sunday, January 12, 2020

Everyone Says To Do It, But No One Says How.

Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you. 1Peter 5:7  NLT

Everything that sounds good, religious and pious is not for everyone. Teach it, don't preach it.

In just about every negative situation, or something that has happened with adverse events, we are instructed to ‘Let Go and Let God.’

What many fail to realize is, though the person uttering this phrase to you probably has your very best interests at heart, this is hardly what one wants to hear. People love to spout this expression. Thinking it’s something your can just snap your fingers and do. I can imagine this is difficult for most everyone, from the control freak type person to the most peaceful, go along to get along type.

For some, it’s hard letting go of just about everything in all honesty. How many of us have trouble
simply cleaning out a closet? You know chances are you’ll never wear that again. Somehow on the hanger it mysteriously shrunk. Or those shoes are no longer in vogue and probably no longer fit your feet. Removing the belongings of someone you loved and has gone on to be with the Lord is extremely difficult. Or those old towels that are practically thread bare. Or that favorite cracked bowl(ouch). That car we keep pouring more and more cash into, to avoid making car payments. All material things, but what of the relationship that no longer serves either of you, so you play the waiting game to see who’s going to leave first, somehow thinking you’ll be able to play victim and you view that as a better look, then just getting over it and letting go. We humans hate to let things go. We become pack rats or the ugly word, popularized on TV, "Hoarders," in our desire to cling to what no longer serves us, thinking one day we may need that broken toaster again. We’re stuck! Hanging on to hang on.

Keeping all that in mind, I NEVER tell anyone to let go and let God. I will pray, that when I see someone in one of the afore scenarios, that they are led to do so. I pray in my life to let go of whatever is no longer beneficial to me. But to tell someone to do that, when you don’t know how that will be received is wrong. Many of us don’t know how to just let go. I mean literally how’s it done? But I do know it’s a process and we all have to have a revelation or an epiphany that we must move on from whatever. But to tell someone to do it and you cannot explain how exactly to go about it is trite and unhelpful. Empty words that don’t help anyone feel better and probably worse, because they can’t seem to pull it off.

So again, if someone you know really needs to let God take it from there, pray they’ll see that’s what needs to be done, the inner resolve to do it, and patience with themselves as they try. Don’t add to their burden. Lovingly pray them through it.




  1. Very true, I have clothes to get rid off but it was something my mom bought for me. That’s hard to let go. What about the blue jean shirt my dad use to wear. To anyone else that means nothing to me it’s my mom and my dad. Sometimes I just have to rely on my heart and soul. Memories

  2. Context is everything! In a one on one conversation or encounter with a person dealing with trauma is one thing. To flippantly offer superficial religious jargon is insensitive like “The Lord won’t put more in you than you can bear” yeah that’s crass. However in a class teaching a principle is another context. It affords the challenge to dialog, discuss and defend. In a sermon is another also. Good sermons lift up the complications of human existence but also should offer the resolution to that complication and the celebration of that resolution. No questions are not apart of the sermonic moment and details of how cannot always if not most times be given. But the purpose of sermons is to exhort, inspire and heighten visions while extend horizons! There is another righteous reality beyond ones present existential right now. Context is everything! Sagacious sister you are on to something. Too many superficial Christians (not followers) spout religious cliches because they have no biblical or spiritual depth. After all even Jesus said “Father let this cup pass” [because I don’t want it]! We are not better than the Savior of the world! That is also the reason why there is a Wailing Wall in Palestine because Africans know grieving is part of God’s healing process!
    Thanks Sistah Savant of Sagacious Surmising��
    Pastor J

    1. More food for thought. Thanks preacha! You made me have to google a few words. Lol. I really appreciate your feedback and encouragement. Tremendously.

  3. Ahhhhhhhhh letting GO! And my sister without regrets that is also a piece of the puzzle. We really do need to go forward but in life it is indeed a process. Love you.

    1. You know you can't win right??? People will think it's rigged. lol

  4. Let go& let God!! Easy said than done. Every situation is different& also every person.

    1. Who are you Anonymous? I need to know. But you should know I appreciate your comments. Thanks!

  5. Letting go keeps the soul pure. I clean out my closet every spring, fall and winter. Dont hold back and dont look back. God is in control.

  6. I usually purge my closets in make room for my Christmas gooies..

  7. On a cold day in January it is best to purge closets. Mary G
