Sunday, November 3, 2019

Patience... Not For The Faint Of Heart

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4 NKJV

Every. Single. Morning. I exit the Borman aka 80/94 W and merge on to 912 aka Cline Ave N. At about a half a mile from the off ramp traffic is backed up. Every. Single. Morning. Tuesdays and Thursdays are especially bad, and Saturday mornings are a breeze. But five days a week I am pushed to the brink of insanity. Stop go, stop go and on and on and on. In addition to this, the service road unloads and these considerate souls bogard their way in front of many of us. It's maddening. And in full disclosure, sometimes when I hit a certain point I get over just a little so no one else can merge ahead of me. I have to get to work too! They don't care, they're trying to as well. Construction is still in full swing in Northwest Indiana, and I suffer the consequences of this most of the year at some point in traffic or another.

Then, there are times I'm in the checkout at the grocers. Like clockwork, the person ahead of me
has a dispute with a price, or something is not marked at all. Then the ten minute CSI investigation begins. Now, this has happened to me as well, so I make sure all my items are clearly marked or in the weekly flyer. In order to avoid holding up the line, if something slips past me, I'll tell the cashier, to forget about that particular item, because, hey, I'm considerate like that. People have places to be and things to do. As do I. But has anyone EVER afforded me that courtesy, HECK NO!

In the first scenario, I must admit, I've never been late due to the constant irritating traffic I must deal with daily. I don't even let it affect my day, as a rule, because it's never made me late. But it does destroy my peace, my Phil Jackson type Zen, as I try so hard to hold onto to it as arrive at my BELOVED job. But almost daily I forget I'm never late, despite the madness that takes me out of character and jacks me for my peace. The market, pretty much the same, I never stop to realize in the moment that I go when it's most convenient for me, that I'm in no rush and time is not an issue. Then why on earth do these type of occurrences drive me to distraction. In a word, patience. Or lack of thereof. I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO PATIENCE. My mom used to tell me she was gonna to pray I'd get some, and I'd beg her not to. I know God, personally, and I have a good idea of how he works. You ask for patience, or someone does on your behalf, and you will go through so much stuff, that you'll be on the mat, face down screaming, UNCLE! Nah, I'll pass. That's what my high blood pressure pills are for, right? Life's inconveniences that make you crazy and raise it. So nooooo I do NOT pray for patience. I don't need that kinda drama in my life. I think it's hereditary though, because my beloved dad had none as well. NOT. ONE. DROP. Apple-Tree.

But lately, when I get to that spot in traffic, or something on another level my life isn't moving fast enough I remember that God's timing is perfect. God knows what we need, when we need it, better than we do. If we try to force some desire, it's probably going to be a messy outcome. and not God's best for us. I force myself to relax and remember, I've not been late due to the abysmal roads in Northwest Indiana. I breathe. I turn up the radio louder and try to relax. It actually worked Thursday(a really bad traffic day) and Friday. It's OK. It really is! The job isn't going anywhere, and apparently I can't either, so I force myself to calm down. I might even let one of the bogarders get in ( one), and that's OK to.

I have a sister friend Peaches, who exudes patience. She drives me crazy with that! She is thee most patient person I know. Oh it's sooo irritating. But she's always so right. What is getting all worked up accomplishing??  "Girl, you need to calm down." Ugh... but she'd be so proud. She's always been like this. All Zen. Calm Cool Collected. She's not popping pressure pills, and her hair is basically still dark.

In the listing of Fruits of the spirit, patience is number four, behind love, joy and peace, but ahead of
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. So to come before kindness and goodness, it's position must mean it's really really important to have.

So while I'm on this patience journey, please be patient with me.




  1. Yes, my sister please be patient with me God is not thru with me yet! You know how I move at one speed slow soooooooo slow down and enjoy life's ride! And, Momma was right pray for patience.

  2. Patience is what society is in need of today. Everybody is in a hurry going nowhere. I remember what my parents and grandparents used to tell us while we were growing up. Slow down. Where ever you are going, it is going to be there when you get there.

  3. There are more people on the road, and what bothers me the most is no turn signal. Why I must ask why people dont feel the need to use it. But your right we need to have patience when dealing with people and traffic.
