Sunday, November 17, 2019

All Dogs Go To Heaven

I could not recall nor find any verse that had tot do with dogs in a positive manner. Nevertheless here we go...

I believe dogs do go to heaven. I believe God created dogs, just as he did us and every living creature under the sun. His word in Genesis says so. I don't understand why he created spiders, snakes, roaches and mice, and will have a conversation with Him about that once I get home.

Unlike cats, who may actually love their human parent, although mostly hard to tell, and could take us or leave us, canines let their feelings be known.

Dogs are the most loving, loyal and giving animals on the planet. They are blessed with an attitude of gratitude and appreciate everything you do for them. Dogs love unconditionally. You can roll up paper to discipline them, and five minutes later all is forgiven and forgotten and they're loving all over you.  Even miscreants who treat them extremely poorly, still have undying love for their humans. It's amazing. Dogs can be your very best friend, if you let them, which is why they are called to be emotional support animals and helpers. They can be your oldest, youngest or even your middle child. They are sounding boards like none other. They feel too. This is kind of embarrassing, but I'll share to give you non dog owners a glimpse into my beloved Friday(whom I named for the movie).

Friday has gone on to doggie heaven, sadly. He was 130 pound, pure bred, white German Shepherd. He loved my kids and me until the day he died. When the reality of my impending divorce hit me, I broke down one day in my recliner. Friday watched for a minute or two, came over, and put his head on my lap. When I tried to move him away, he placed his paw next to his head, and without raising his head he looked up at me. He just stared until that episode subsided. Then I laughed when I got a picture of what it must look like my dog consoling me. He jumped up, licked my face, and went back to his favorite spot, lying down in front of the couch. Another time, when my mom was dying, I brought her to my home so I and my kids could care for her, since we'd been told she only had a couple of weeks left at most.. I'd been sitting with her and decided I was hungry and went into the kitchen to make a snack. Of course, Friday followed me into the kitchen, which is the practice of every dog on the planet. A couple of minutes later, he darts past me. Then the wailing starts. At first, I thought someone was at the door, but remembered he'd be barking his head off. He ran back into the kitchen still wailing and I followed him. He stretched out in front of my mom and began whimpering. My mom was gone. That bothered me for a long time. I wasn't gone five minutes. Two weeks turned into two and a half days. But this goes to show, they know things. Believe it or not! And they are superior judges of character.

I believe out of all God's creation, with the exception of us, of course, God really and truly blessed us when he created dogs. Dogs are, next to family the best companion you can have. They'll watch your kids, guard your home and love you with reckless abandon. The ASPCA commercials really upset me. If you don't want your dog, for whatever reasons any longer, give it to the human society. Some believe, I've read, you should never get rid of a dog, that they are a family member. We love them like a family member, but in actuality, they are not. It's selfish to keep a dog when you can no longer care for it. Situations arise. Kids come along with allergies, you can no longer afford to care for him properly. Even a move. I feel some people shouldn't be so judgmental.

My current dog, Haki (Swahili for Justice) is a trip. He gets on my last nerves some days. I feel guilty I come home so tired most days and don't give him the attention he so richly deserves. But I've told him to hold on a few more months and things will be different.

I've had dogs since my infancy. I've experienced a lot of doggie deaths. Friday had throat cancer. Another dog was poisoned by a neighbor but he'd never admit it. One had the audacity to take off. A couple succumbed to old age.

My personal opinion, I think every homeowner, and especially one with children owe it to themselves to let this great protector and lover of their human family into their home. It's an expense, no, doubt, but the rewards are enumerable. If only we humans could master loving unconditionally like canines. It's like a glimpse of God's love. No matter what. Unfailing. This earth in general and America in particular would be so much more a beautiful place if we loved each other like our dogs love us.

So yes, I really do believe, spirit or soul or not, all dogs do go to heaven.



  1. As you know we are life time dog people from birth and I say that because some just don't understand a dog is family. Yes, Friday sure was intuitive on momma's las hours with us I remember him whimpering early in the afternoon for no apparent reason but he was trying to tell us something we came to know later that evening. May God bless His four legged fury creatures.

  2. He knew exactly! I’ll never forget that.

  3. Wow Ilia I really enjoyed this !

  4. I too love dogs always had on except the last 18 years. My granddaughter is terrified for some reason. I have tried to introduce her to small fur babies but to no avail. She is getting better and hopefully we will once again welcome a dog into our home. This was a nice article.

  5. I love all animals especially dogs. They say a dog is a man's best friend. It's hard losing you loved pet. They are like one of your kids with talking back. Lol. Great job .
