Friday, August 14, 2020

Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t

As is common knowledge by now, Kamala Harris got the nod to become the nation’s first woman Vice President a couple of days ago. 

While expecting extreme vitriol from the other side, and he does not disappoint, I am utterly shocked by the ugliness emanating from the left. It’s as if people know her personally, the way some have come out against her. 

I realize that she was not the choice of many. I get that. Full disclosure, she was my third choice. Third. If my opinion meant anything, I would’ve told Biden to go with Susan Rice first, due to her having held high and powerful positions in the previous administration. Of course, although tragic, no wrongdoing was found on her part for Benghazi, but it still would have been manipulated to cast aspersions on her. My 2nd choice, Val Demings was the first Black Chief of Police in Orlando. Not unlike Rice, there was tons of  scuttlebutt about a couple of shenanigans during her top cop years as well. I’m not going to address them. It’s past. The people of that area elected her to the House, so they're done with it. Then my 3rd choice, Ms. Harris. We ALL know ad nauseam her failures, faults and peccadillos, both personal and professionally. The personal is no one’s business but her own. The professional has consisted of very high highs and some very low lows. My thing is this. Her career as San Francisco DA and then onto becoming  California’s 1st Black Attorney General were both paid positions. She took an oath to do her job to the best of her abilities. Black people have to out perform, work twice as hard, get there early and be the last to leave to be considered successful in their career path. I know some of my readers feel that.  Perhaps at one time she was somewhat overzealous in some prosecutions. Or maybe, just maybe, she prosecuted on the information given to her. Her witnesses and evidence, etc are only as good as the people providing them. She was not scouring the streets hunting down leads.  There are detectives and beat cops for that. It was unfortunate that she won some verdicts on less that accurate and truthful testimony. Whose fault is that? It is worthwhile to note that she was elected to these positions, twice, and if the populace was truly unhappy they had recourse. 

There are two professions that come to mind  that are extremely disliked here in America. Abortion providers and Prosecutors. She chose the latter. But how long do we hold someone’s former position against them, especially now, that she’s gone on to bigger and better things. I've tired of hearing how many Black men she locked up. Did she not lock up other ethnicities as well? As humans we are evolving all the time. No one is exactly the same as they were five, ten or fifteen years ago. We all want grace extended, but find it difficult to grant it. Why can’t we get behind this woman who is making grown men quiver in their boots when it becomes her time to question them. You have to love how she lights their asses up! She had Sessions nervous and he admitted as much. She practically had Kavanaugh in tears. Don’t we want a strong, no nonsense person a heart beat away from the Oval?

I, for one, am thrilled he chose a Black woman. Black women are the most loyal in the entire Democratic Party. Time and time again we tow the party line. I, and a lot of us who really didn’t want HRC voted for her anyway, because she was our party’s choice. Conversely, white women, who
weren’t enthralled with Hillary defected in large numbers and voted for 45, then lamented their decision a day after his inaugural with large demonstrations, worldwide. It wouldn’t have been necessary if they’d just stayed the course. But they could not. So WE deserve this. Yes she ticks off two boxes- minority and woman. But that’s ok because she’s highly intelligent, strong and a go getter. Ultimately it was not our decision to make. Biden chose who was best for him. Him. We do not get to vote for Vice President. 

In conclusion, the hounds of hell have already been unleashed against her. Dirty tactics. Stop voter suppression in all its forms. And whatever you do, do NOT waste your ballot on a third party candidate. Have you noticed how they roll out their candidacies a few months before an election?  No politicking. No grassroots. Just siphoning off votes. This Jorgensen woman(who talks a good game, but again, where has she been the last 1-2 years) and Kanye are distractions. If you care about the environment, seniors issues, healthcare, education, Black Lives Matter and the like, I implore you to get past your issues with her and get on board. 



  1. Oh Hallelujah anyhow! Thank you big sis I knew you would not disappoint! I for one have already had enough with the let's dog this woman out campaign BULLSHIT! How is it 'We' have to always be better than and still get knocked down by the crabs. And for the record some just some of our people have put themselves in a role of the easy life syndrome when there is no such thing and have ended up in jail. I pray for them but let's keep our focus this is WAR! Gear up, roll up our sleeves and let's do this.


    1. Unless things change i'll be voting in person!

  3. First of all, let me say that Kamala Harris was not my first choice either BUT now that she has been selected by Biden, I am all for her 1000%!! Let's not get caught up in the trickery like we did 4 years ago when Clinton ran against Trump! So many had issues with her and held that against her and as a result refused to vote for her and now look at what we are dealing with right now!!! SMH! I will be voting for Biden/Harris come November!! We got to do better to be better! Let's pull together and get that thing out of the White House!! We cannot afford to have him reside there any longer than necessary! Kanye and all of his nonsense are just distractions. Don't be fooled by the okey-doke people!!!!! Thanks Ilia Powell!! This one is on point!!!

    1. This is my comment Ilia Powell. Not sure why my name isn't showing.

  4. Bravo!! Biden/Harris is the ONLY choice! The media needs to stop giving his exploits so much airtime. 45 or pmurt (lowercase and backwards) must go...directly to jail!!

  5. Biden choose her because she has many years of experience and has won many races. I was shocked he choose her, but now I can see that she is a great choice to win the election. Now trump corporation is going after the post office workers and mail in voting. He's going to lose this election and I can't wait to see what lies he comes up with

  6. Although my personality is wanting to get behind anyone who calls their party the Birthday Party I shed my tears for Bernie (again) and am once again voting as long as it’s not Trump.
