Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Best Gift Ever

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.  Psalm 90:12 NIV

Once a year, if you’re reading this, and you are, you’ve been the recipient of something that everyone doesn’t get. Sometimes for whatever reason, you stop being on the receiving end. Only God knows and makes the decision to bestow this particular blessing on you and me. In His infinite wisdom, he lavishes love on us with a big splash once a year. Until He doesn't, and it's time to go home.
It’s a gift no one else can give you. Not spouses, not children, not parents(grand or otherwise), that aunt/uncle nor siblings, that lights up your life. NO ONE. Only God. It’s better than platinum, diamonds and rubies. It’s absolutely priceless and no one can afford to buy one for themselves or anyone else.

A birthday

That one day a year, your born day,  that is the biggest blessing of all. The day that gives you more
time to fix yourself, your relationships and most importantly, to deepen your relationship with the Creator. On that day most feel immense joy. Others become introspective. And some, sadly, are depressed. The depressed, in my humble, don’t realize how momentous the occasion is. If they would just look around at all the good they have going on, and sometimes, admittedly, for some it’s hard for them to see, but if they focused really hard with a spirit of gratitude, I believe it would help them better enjoy the day. If they could only realize that many didn’t get the gift, then perhaps that could help lighten their spirits. I’ve known people that once they hit forty they some how feel all is lost. I don’t understand that at all. I’ve worked with a woman who locked herself in her office and cried all day at the dawn of forty. I won’t dedicate anymore time to the ungrateful ones. Hopefully they’ll work that out.

I’m so grateful myself. I’ve had so many misfortunes reversals and heartbreak. But I’m still standing.
And each new birthday has taught me the true meaning of the old gospel song, “thru it all, thru it all, I’ve learned to trust in Jesus, I’ve learned to trust in God. Thru it all, thru it all, I learned to depend upon His word.” So I wake up joy filled, go introspective for awhile, and then I go full celebratory mode. I’ve had great birthdays all by myself. I’ve had parties I’ve thrown and two surprises(thank you momma/daughter).
I refuse to be down on the day I get the best gift ever. Another year of life. As my beloved pastor always says, we celebrate them at my church, because, truthfully speaking, they’re not easy to come by. 

So thank you Abba Father for born day number 62! I’ll try to be better this year and make this year one for the record books. Thank You  Lord for 62 years of life.



  1. Well said, my beautiful sister I think Momma and Daddy instilled the gift of our born days in us. Celebrating each with a childhood party, dinner or a quiet evening at home but still with grateful joy in our hearts. Praise God for another year.

  2. Amen! Another year this side of paradise.

  3. Life is a gift. We learn so much as we move through it. It saddens me to see those who don't enjoy it. I always say to those who complain, that there's always someone who would love their life.
