Sunday, February 9, 2020

Love Yourself So Others Can Too

You shall love your neighbor as yourself.  Matthew 22:39  NKJV

Makeup is a billion dollar industry worldwide. Women, and men, of late, are resorting to makeup at much younger years as a way to enhance their beauty. This crosses all socio-economic spheres, races and again, sexes.

The same can be said of diets and exercise routines. We diet and eat
sometimes, next to nothing in order to better obtain the physique we desire. Exercise does tend to promote better health, but many times this is not the goal. Women endure countless hours of squats to have what they deem the perfect bottom. Men pump iron to look like a wrestler in his prime. 

We go through so much for our outer package. I do too. I cannot imagine not a little something here and a little something there before I leave the house. I am my mother’s child, after all. My mom would NEVER leave home not well put together. She used to say, there’s not a beauty in the world that doesn’t use a little enhancement.
Whether you use any products or not is up to the individual. I admire Alicia Keys to the utmost, and no shade intended, but she always looks tired. But again, her decision. Ditto exercise routines. I hit the gym for stress relief and hope the reduction in stress will lead me to get better health. Health is life. Life is health.

But what I’ve come to see is that many of us have pretty/handsome outsides but inside, we’re a mess. Many times this messiness comes
from our lack of self love. We are instructed to love God and one another as WE DO OURSELVES. That’s key. Far too many of us don’t love ourselves. We just substitute it for prettying up the package, that hides self doubt, disillusionment and despair. We’re dying inwardly because we’ve not learned to love us. Ourselves.

God made each of us magnificent in our own unique way. I encourage you to find the beauty of yourself that others and you cannot see. Once found, love on you like a long lost love. Speak life to yourself. Speak peace. Speak
blessings  TO YOU! We find it so easy to do it for others, but rarely lavish this time of love on ourselves. After you wake in the morning and after thanking the Ancient of Days for another day, while you’re in the mirror compliment yourself and start letting that self love pump through your veins. It will do wonders for your day. 

It’s said you really can’t love someone if you cannot love yourself. Loved ones will say, "love you." To me that's a reminder, unbeknownest to them, to love oneself. If you love someone, you'll say, should say, "I love you." So follow their advice. Pour into yourself and let others catch the overflow. Be kind to yourself. You deserve it. God says you’re fearfully and wonderfully made. Remember that. Then spread the love around.



  1. So very true and what happens often times is that the person who is not loving themselves show cases this in an outer way onto others. Unfortunately, they may or may not realize this and relationships are kept from growing or flourishing because of the lack of love.

  2. Agreed Leslie! I really believe if you don’t love yourself you really can’t help others
