Sunday, December 15, 2019

Now That You're In Position... watchu gonna do?

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.  Galatians 6:2-3

Pastors and minister of the gospel like to remind us that we are either entering a storm, in a storm or coming out of a storm. The first, entering, most times is unbeknownst to us. We're sailing along in life, and everything feels as if its firing on all cylinders and all is right with the world. The BAM! Or we're in the midst of something that is so devastating, that it knocks us down and we run to whomever or whatever we think can get us back on track, or numb the heartache and hardship we are experiencing at the moment.

Then we get to that time, when we've bathed to remove the ashes and take off the sackcloth, and eat again, finally tasting the food. We made it through to the other side. We shout and praise God, we
call our family and friends and give them the opportunity to rejoice with us. We're relieved. At peace.

Most people don't realize there are many whom are going through at this very moment. While you're rejoicing to have seen the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, there are some waiting, hoping and praying to get where you are.

What are you doing??? Are you all puffed up after a couple of days like you've never experienced tragedy? Are you going on your merry way oblivious that others are where you were  a couple of minutes ago. Are you running around like you've always been living your life like it's golden(thank you Jilly from Philly). Have you pushed down the memory of what God brought you through, acting like(you fill in the blank)?

I think we go through things, not just to show God how we handle it, and to move on to the next rung, course, test, but to encourage those going through. How can we see someone in the midst of what might be the worst time of their lives and not respond. Sometimes money doesn't solve everything. Sometimes someone needs a listening ear that won't broadcast whatever they share to anyone who'll listen. Sometimes people just want to know you care. If it's a situation you've experienced, then SHARE that with them. Let them know what you did, didn't do and how you got to the other side. If it's beyond your experience, then the best thing you can do is LISTEN. Take them out. Feed them. Have a drink with them. Don't be so holy you're no earthy good as the elders used to say. Allow them the space to vent in whatever way they see fit. Help them figure it out. Most importantly OFFER TO PRAY WITH AND FOR THEM. And pray for them in your prayer time and actually DO IT! The fervent, effectual prayers of the righteous availeth much, James 5:15b

These are trying times. From the White House to the projects it's a lot of mess in the world. In one
way or another, everyone has something they're dealing with. Add to that, it's the holidays.
Lets do as we are instructed and bear one another's burdens. Because sooner or later, someone, hopefully, will help you bear yours.

Now you're in position,  help someone get to the other side. They'll be blessed and you'll be likewise.



Sunday, December 8, 2019

Traveling Through The Land Of Subtraction

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.  NIV

Merram-Webster's definition of subtraction is: to take away by or as if by deducting. Everyone encounters the season of subtracting.
It's unavoidable. In this season, we dot all I's and cross all T's. In our finite minds, we are doing everything we know to be right. We are treating others as we'd wish to be treated. We have cut down on complaining and gossiping. We exercise our faith and encourage others to do so. We think, it's time to live like the faith we profess. Like a child trying to please their parents, we're trying to be good. we know can never be good enough to earn a seat in paradise with the Lord, but we just aspire to live right, to finally practice what we preach.

Despite our best efforts it seems, or feels like, God whips out his pen, a red one and starts grading us. A red X here, a red X there, lowering our score that we've worked so hard for. This score can also be called personal growth, or our faith walk. Then He begins subtraction. Losing that job at the onset of the holiday, which produces a financial reversal-subtraction. The loss of a loved one, unexpectedly-subtraction. A huge disagreement that threatens to ruin and separate the family-subtraction.

While traveling through the land of subtraction, it becomes difficult to recall all the addition times. We as humans have a tendency to focus on the minus in life. We forget all about the wonderful additions we've experienced. Highs so high, we thought we'd taken up residence. All of them become a distant memory when the road of subtraction unfurls in front of us.

Everything has its polar opposite. Hot/cold. Dark/light. Smooth/rough. The things to remember is seasons change. Light follows darkness. Even during the day, when it's dark and dreary, the sun is shining high above the clouds. And rough roads eventually become smooth.

Sometimes we wonder what we did, or did not do to bring about the era of subtraction. In a word, NOTHING. Another word, LIFE. Subtraction is inevitable, Life is not meant to flow seamlessly.

But then subtraction moves on. You may later thank God for subtracting the job, so you could go back to school and get the degree, and a new career. Time passes and although splintered, new family members enter the family circle. Or the beautiful remembrances of a loved one that's gone on. You don't dwell on these while they're still with us, but once they leave, the memories, the laughter and even the tears are like a balm to our thirsty souls. All of this is God's addition. He adds great things. He gives beauty for ashes.  Watch. Wait. See.

Let's try not to pay such close attention to the subtraction. Let's watch, wait and see God's restoration, His beautiful addition come into fruition.


Sunday, December 1, 2019

What's Your Wait Game Like?

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28  NIV

When you're waiting on the Lord, what do you do?

We as humans are constantly in some form of waiting. Waiting for our devices to buffer. Waiting in traffic. Waiting in the grocers. Waiting at the doctors office. Waiting to clock out of work. Waiting to graduate. Waiting to get married. Waiting to get divorce. Waiting for our children to come along. Waiting for them to move out. Waiting, waiting, waiting.

Waiting is extremely hard if you've no patience. I addressed that previously.

But if we understand that waiting is a necessary part of life, it makes the waiting easier. The things
we are waiting for, the desires of our hearts are not on our timetable. I think that God has a master plan, and being the Master He works things out so He will get the glory and we will be the beneficiaries of His goodness. God, himself took six days to create the earth and all that is therein. Apparently, He's in no rush.

So while we wait, let's be about our Father's business. This is the season of lifting and giving. Step up your game. Do something that has no direct effect on you, but blesses another. There's a plethora of things we can do for our brothers and sisters this most holy, holiday season, to bring joy to the lives of others.

It's really not the waiting, it's what you do as you wait. Are you going to be more and more frustrated with each passing minute of your wait? Are you going to lash out at others during your wait? Or will you simply resign yourself that this, too, this waiting shall pass, and you will come face to face, eventually, in God's time, with that which you've waited for.

There was a time in the grocers that I would just reach for one of the scandal rags and read until I was next to get check-out. With the advent of phones, there are numerous things that can be done while you wait. Surf the 'net, pay your bills, text someone(because chatting is annoying as h3ll), throw some music on and belt one out. That should help take your mind off the waiting, and everyone else's for that matter. Do something to take your mind off waiting.  

Remember while you're in process of whatever, all you can do is wait. So why allow yourself to
become so aggravated at a situation you can do nothing about. Jesus waited 30 years for his earthly ministry. I doubt you wait will be that long.

Every part of life has an incubation time. When you get that in your spirit, the waiting won't be so bad. Because, in all actuality, what is life besides waiting? Live your best life while you wait and when what you're waiting for finally comes to fruition it'll be icing on the cake.
