Sunday, December 1, 2019

What's Your Wait Game Like?

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28  NIV

When you're waiting on the Lord, what do you do?

We as humans are constantly in some form of waiting. Waiting for our devices to buffer. Waiting in traffic. Waiting in the grocers. Waiting at the doctors office. Waiting to clock out of work. Waiting to graduate. Waiting to get married. Waiting to get divorce. Waiting for our children to come along. Waiting for them to move out. Waiting, waiting, waiting.

Waiting is extremely hard if you've no patience. I addressed that previously.

But if we understand that waiting is a necessary part of life, it makes the waiting easier. The things
we are waiting for, the desires of our hearts are not on our timetable. I think that God has a master plan, and being the Master He works things out so He will get the glory and we will be the beneficiaries of His goodness. God, himself took six days to create the earth and all that is therein. Apparently, He's in no rush.

So while we wait, let's be about our Father's business. This is the season of lifting and giving. Step up your game. Do something that has no direct effect on you, but blesses another. There's a plethora of things we can do for our brothers and sisters this most holy, holiday season, to bring joy to the lives of others.

It's really not the waiting, it's what you do as you wait. Are you going to be more and more frustrated with each passing minute of your wait? Are you going to lash out at others during your wait? Or will you simply resign yourself that this, too, this waiting shall pass, and you will come face to face, eventually, in God's time, with that which you've waited for.

There was a time in the grocers that I would just reach for one of the scandal rags and read until I was next to get check-out. With the advent of phones, there are numerous things that can be done while you wait. Surf the 'net, pay your bills, text someone(because chatting is annoying as h3ll), throw some music on and belt one out. That should help take your mind off the waiting, and everyone else's for that matter. Do something to take your mind off waiting.  

Remember while you're in process of whatever, all you can do is wait. So why allow yourself to
become so aggravated at a situation you can do nothing about. Jesus waited 30 years for his earthly ministry. I doubt you wait will be that long.

Every part of life has an incubation time. When you get that in your spirit, the waiting won't be so bad. Because, in all actuality, what is life besides waiting? Live your best life while you wait and when what you're waiting for finally comes to fruition it'll be icing on the cake.



  1. Waiting can sure take even the most patient of us to what I call an experience of life. You're right though what we do while we wait is the most important part of the process not giving up or out to doubt and fear. Wait upon the Lord and be of good courage. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. In these perilous times in which we live, everybody is always in a rush. People these days have no patience, cannot wait for anything. But when it comes to waiting on GOD, you have no other choice but to wait, whether you want to or not. GOD works in HIS own timing because HE is GOD all by HIMSELF. Like the "ole school song" entitled: You Can't Hurry GOD.

  3. We live in a fast paced world. Everybody wants everything microwave fast. Patience is a virtue! Mary G
