Thursday, January 6, 2022

It’s Been A Year Already?

It’s been a year today that America experienced the unrestrained turmoil that quite a few countries experience on the regular.
You come to expect such behavior from third world countries, impoverished nations but not here, from sea to shining sea. Unless you count when America succeeded from the UK. 
At last, the veil was pulled back and we got to look into the hearts of many. Like the wizard in the Wizard of Oz.
We saw how a small man, totally thrown by losing an election, albeit the highest in the land, reacted to that defeat. We saw the two diverse opinions of said day. One conclusion, a tour of the capitol gone wrong, just an exercise in the disappointment of fair and honest election (although they beg to differ). The other view is what it is, because the rest of us don’t wear orange-colored glasses. We witnessed an insurrection, point, bla period. We witnessed people charging through the capitol in the hopes of hanging them Vice President Pence and God knows what to Pelosi and anybody in the blue team they could find. We’ve heard countless testimonies of the guards under siege that day. We’ve heard from the loved ones of one killed on that day as well. Officers in therapy now trying to deal with the mental onslaught constantly being relived in their minds. On the other side a woman was killed, and I don’t even remember her name. But I do remember she has no business being there. I won’t go further into that, because I was raised not to speak ill of the dead. 
Now, here we are. A country that can no longer gaslight the rest of the world, and a huge swath here, into thinking upon these shores' rests Shan-Gri-La. On the contrary. Americans underlying sickness (which is racism) is in full display. Turn on any of dozens of channels to hear one side lambasting the other. America has never really been a one nation under God type of place. It’s been this group and what American is to them over there, and that group and what America means to them here. All these Americas. Well, look out war of the worlds. Everyone, it appears, has become thoroughly entrenched in their own tribe. And why you may ask? It’s because the former president, 45 if you will, has further stoked the grievances of poor white people who cannot see he is just using them as a means to an end. And that is now to stay out of jail. His goal and secret are common knowledge. If he’s in the oval, he’ll appoint people willing to kiss the ring and keep him safe, as he continues his nefarious activities inside the confines of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and out. He has totally gaslighted his own supporters. It’s made to appear to us that his boys in Congress walk lock step with him. I venture to say, not really. But they’ll do whatever, say whatever, to stay on his good side to they can secure the votes of the koolaid drinkers. 
It’s truly mind boggling how so many are so blinded by this bs…. And the entire world watches. 
This is the man eschews wearing masks and taking the vaccine, although he takes so much pride in letting people know it began under his, for lack of a better word, watch, the vaccine that is. But received top quality health care when he had Covid, that no one but his inner circle could obtain. AND HE’S HAD BOTH VACCINATIONS AND THE BOOSTER. He talks out of both sides of his mouth. It’s so bad among his most ardent supporters that they booed him and O’Reilly for taking the booster. His own turned in him. Which was hilarious and sadly brief.
Now they’re trying those who participated. Rarely is a jail sentence handed down. Most have received what amounts to a slap on the wrist. Others have managed to get stiffer sentences. Like dude who posed with his feet up on Pelosi’s desk. The Shaman. A few others. But for the most part, no worries. People died on that day or a few days later. A few in law enforcement succumbed to the emotional toll and ended life at their own hands. But this was a tour gone wrong…?
No thinking person agrees to that, and the memories of it haunt me even now.
America is far from what she purports to be, but it’s a hard pill to swallow that this is the real America. Crazies pissed because in their warped minds things aren’t going their way. They can’t fathom 400 plus years of things not going their way.
We in America live in the Matrix. What is real versus what is not. What is real, is America is a farce. Sure, she has lofty goals and aspirations, and has done a lot of good, but she’s so divided they probably can never be realized in the future. America has a big heart but is blind when it comes to her marginalized citizenry. Bottom line, some Americans can’t stand the fact they are being relegated to become the fringes. They are about to become the minority, and that folks is just a bridge too far for them. They cannot stand the thought of being minority. But what they fail to realize is they still contain the vast majority of wealth in America. They don’t understand what they lack in numbers, they recoup in dollars and cents. What an ignorant people. Not all, however. There is good, soon to be minority people, Allies who see the benefit of working together. Because the bottom line is they can’t envision seeing themselves second. But to thwart this, or postpone it, they’re redistributing (drawing different lines) to squash the Black, brown and everyone else’s right to vote. They’re moving stealthy to stop current minorities from voting. These people are evil y’all and will stop at NOTHING to stay on top. This was 45s appeal. Shared grievances. Although he’s rich (so he says) he doesn’t really understand poor white people or anyone else. It’s crazy. And effective. 
So, remember January 6, 2021, forever. Ingrain it in your memory banks. Because someone once said, “those who forget their past are doomed to repeat it.”
I pray it wasn’t just a dress rehearsal. If first, you don’t succeed….
God, please help us, 
