Sunday, September 8, 2019

Is Your Cup Running Over?

My cup runneth over Psa 23:5 KJV

Everyday we awaken is a blessing. Some days feel more blessed than others if we're honest. Some days as I'm riding along to whatever destination I'm headed to, I note my surroundings. A warm summer day awash in greenery. A beautiful autumn day, painted with all the fall hues, with a crispness in the air. The first snow, untouched by feet or tires. In the spring, the budding of the trees and longer days. Taking in God's in handiwork, for me, ushers in a cup filled to the brim and overflowing. Peaceful. Serene. Inviting.

For those of you not exactly nature lovers, your cup, like mine overflows at good news, a good prognoses, a new job(or simply a job), financial windfall, new home, re-connecting with family/friends, new baby, new car, new relationship, or your marriage is thriving. All these contribute to an overall feeling of well being, and your cup is filled with joy to the brim and overflowing. If you have several of these happening at once, your cup is overflowing to the point your mind cannot comprehend the blessings bestowed upon you. You jus a blessed man! You jus a blessed woman! Then you begin to feel unworthy. But God decides. So your haters can kick rocks, because God makes no mistakes, and baby, it's your turn. Rejoice. Hallelujah! You start feeling Psa 23:6 now. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. You start thinking, if you're a decent person, about sharing the bounty the Lord has gifted you with. After all, He didn't give it to you to keep all to yourself.

Then BAM! You knew there was a bam/but didn't you? We cannot get through life without the downs. No one escapes the downs, in some fashion or another. You start to have a leak in your cup. The leaks come in the form of bad news, bad diagnosis, lost job, financial reversal, foreclosure, repossession, the loss of a loved one, a breakup, or a divorce on the horizon. Leaks everywhere. Sometimes, a couple at the same time. Before you know it, your cup is bone dry. And everyday it seems as if there's something else. Dang, what did  I do? Feeling all like Job. The question is not what you did, it's what do I do now?

First, instead of running to the phone, run to the Creator. You can tell God whatever is on your heart whenever you need to. It doesn't have to be some long, drawn out, pretty prayer. A simple "Help me Lord" will get His attention. He never promised sunny days and overflowing cups. What He did promise was to always be with us. Through whatever. Jn14:1 Let not your heart be troubled, is really difficult when you're going through. In this life our hearts will be troubled, from time to time. Even Jesus' heart was troubled in the garden of Gethsemane. He feels us y'all. He understands.

What's key to remember is what we've always heard. We pass through storms. We don't take up residence. If you've ever watched the weather on tv, you know storms are always on the move. Be it snowstorms with bone chilling temperatures, or tornados and hurricanes, they never set up shop. They're are in constant motion. They pass. Sadly, sometimes, they leave death and destruction in their wake. We grieve, we rally together, we rebuild, and life moves forward with a sense of normalcy returned. Whether you are a willing participant or not, you notice a drop of water in your cup. It grows slowly and consistently until it's almost to the top. And you wonder, how on earth did I make it through? And you're grateful. So grateful. And pleased, content, maybe even happy again. You're strengthened, better equipped for the next storm. Because this side of paradise, there will be another. You check your cup and it's overflowing again. You can tell as you hum or sing along while you're busting those suds. You can tell when you reach inside the whip and turn up the music while you wipe it down. You survived! You made it through to the other side. To God the be glory for the things He has done.

Friday's blog is supposed to be about human far as I know 👫

Addendum. This was not supposed to be what my first blog consisted of. I kept wondering, where is this coming from? I've had one written out for MONTHS! Seriously! Then I decided, it must be for someone. Just recently, I discovered that someone was me. It's been a rough summer, but praise be unto God I've reached the other side. You cannot imagine how grateful I am. Hang in there somebody, God will bring you out, just like me.


  1. You have a gift! Your writing is compelling and creative! I’m loving this first Blog and looking forward to the next Oasis that The Lord places on your heart to share! Thank you sis!������

    1. Thank you preacha, you're my great inspiration, after Abba Father.

  2. I’ve been blessed by reading this, keep them coming!

  3. Thank you sooooo much for this I definitely needed this today. It’s been a rough couple of days .... BUT GOD!!!!! I am looking forward to reading more!!!!!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  4. God has given you such a gift! So beautiful, so vivid. My heart is rejoicing! I'm so happy you're sharing it with us!!

  5. Great job, sis! Keep them coming. Congratulations!

  6. Oh my I knew you had "IT" but you have out done yourself My Sister. I am so proud of you.
    I can't wait until your next blog. ������

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Awesome absolutely wonderful! I am so proud of you and so excited as you embark on a new journey. God is truly opening doors. Love you sis.

  9. Beautiful, continue to inform, encourage, and uplift us. Congratulations on #1 blessings as you continue on your path.

  10. Beautiful.the description is art and truly changed the room for me . Colors through the blog is comforting.

  11. I love it IP...Very good read. Keep em coming girlie. Truly inspiring, thank you!

  12. WOW! Great writing. The message is a powerful one. Keep up the good work and let the Spirit lead you.

  13. Great writing! This inspires so many people who need this in their lifes and encouragement. Great job.

  14. Wonderful Ilia...I look forward to the next installment

  15. Girl, you are gifted ,! Blog on wit yo' bad self !

  16. Ilia, Thank you for this blog! It is so encouraging. Encouragement that I so desperately need! I have been discouraged in my spirit lately. But this blog has encouraged me, along with this particular pastor that I have been listening to on youtube for the past two months. This pastor is a co-hort of your sister church pastor, Pastor Otis Moss III. I do not know if you are familiar with this pastor, who name is Pastor Howard-John Wesley. He pastors Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia. He is originally from Chicago, Illinois. Go on you tube and listen to him sometime. He is AWESOME! May GOD continue to guide you in this GOD-GIVEN endeavor of this creation of this blog. It is AWESOME! Keep up the good work Ilia. You are a BLESSING!!! BE BLESSED IN JESUS NAME!!!

  17. Thank you all so much! But God gets the glory! That's the purpose for Sundays, encouragement. Be blessed y'all. Ninakupenda.

  18. So moving and inspiring,as so many people struggle day to day with depression and ups and downs with mood swings. A you can do try to stay positive and look on the bright side. Your still alive and you are loved by god.
