Friday, October 30, 2020

When You've Done All You Can

By now, a large swath of you have voted. I'm the type that prefers to go on the day of. It's kind of magical for me walking in, showing my ID, and proceeding to the booth. But this election cycle is different. Everyone I know felt an urgent need to go weeks prior to election day. Between all the foretold hanky panky, actual shenanigans, and friends urging me to go now, I succumbed that voted a week ago. No regrets, just not as satisfying.

And what are we voting for? There are lots of open senator seats. To me, it's imperative we recapture the senate. Because apparently whomever is leading the senate is in all actuality the president. McConnell has been calling all the major shots since Obama's last term. The senate decides the supreme court, who in turn, decide EVERYTHING! Jaime Harrison has a real shot to rid us of number one ass kisser that is Lindsey Graham in South Carolina. Mitch McConnell, the absolute embodiment of evil has his hands full with his race against Amy McGrath. Some weaker "Republicans" are catching hell in their individual races in New Hampshire, Kansas, Arizona just to name a few . Again, Democrats must overtake the senate!

And then, the main event...

In one corner, we have the bloated, oranged face, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, serial cheater, hiring someone to take tests, $750.00 tax bill two years in a row, six times filing bankruptcy(although never personal, just lets everyone know what type of business man he truly is). Throwing the towel in on COVID-19 and low key saying uncle. Because nothing matters more to him than the stock market! On top of all that, a fake ass Christian who basically wants to remain in office to remain out of jail. New York is waiting patiently.

The other corner is another old white guy. Yes, slow of tongue, but compassionate. Sympathethic. Empathetic. Able to admit past errors. Keeps his word(he said he'd pick a woman). Yes, he is prone to faux pas, he speaks out of turn and misspeaks far too much. But in my humble, that makes him human. Most of all, he's had days where he's had to rely solely on his faith. Biden is Catholic. It's said he's estranged from the church due to his view on abortion. While he is pro-life, he believes in pro-choice. That's me and a lot of people I know. No thinking person like abortion, but we understand it's not up to us to pass judgment on others. In the final analysis, we all have to answer for everything we've done on this terrestrial ball. People like to throw up in his face how he had 47 years to make some big splash. He did, but not as senator. He was instrument in the creation and implementation of the Affordable Care Act(ACA)other wise known as Obamacare.  He worked on the Dreamers. Not a bad resume. And he has a Vice President picked who, I've no doubt, will be an excellent president, should he not be able to complete his term.

So month ago, I wrote about the five stages of emotions most of us were suffering through. Well now I want to encourage you. First, for those of us melanin infused, we survived the middle passage, slavery, reconstruction, Jim Crow, the civil rights fight and we will survive the reign of 45. Win or lose. If he wins, somehow, we'll get through it. I believe this. I get a little scared sometimes, but I shake it off. If he loses, we'll survive him minions and whatever they try to throw at us, you know, those who speak of another civil war. We'll survive them too. God in His infinite mercy always brings us through. To the melanin challenged, you, too, will survive. And eventually, one day, we'll join forces in earnest and right all the wrongs in these yet to be united states. We got this y'all.

So by this time, I'm sure most of you have voted? For those who haven't you have time or this coming Tuesday it the day. This is probably the most important election in our lifetime. Make your voice heard! Don't fall the the Kanye's or Ice Cube's(though I really think he had noble intentions, the road to hell is paved with them, so I've heard). We must get Biden in so that we get a better hand. Because with the alternative, we're not his focus group, so the hand we'll be dealt with him will be nonexistent. And if you don't think the election is not important to you, think of your parents, grand parents, elderly relative, etc. This can't be about just us individually. We must vote corporately. PLEASE, I BESEECH YOU.


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