Sunday, August 30, 2020

I Said What I Said

I fully understand that to some, perhaps many, the Democratic ticket is lacking in things you'd like to see. In my opinion, however, they have the ability to get us closer to where many of us would like to be. The GOP on the other hand, had ZERO intention of uplifting anyone on any level, unless you're rich and white and I'm absolutely flabbergasted that many of my Facebook friends, some How can some have so much common sense and no..... if you're insulted, feel free to be. If it hit you, it didn't mean to miss you. 45 is a disease. it's spreading rapidly. He and his party, because make no mistake, it is the party of Trump, doesn't care about anything but doing whatever possible to keep him out of jail and padding their pockets and stacking the SCOTUS.
highly intelligent and scholarly cannot fathom this.

As far as third party candidates, they are a distraction and don't serve any purpose whatsoever than splitting the vote in 45s favor. My oldest granddaughter could comprehend something so simple. I'm not enthralled with this cycles picking, but as my beloved mother would say, "when you've got your hand in the lions mouth you work easy until you get it out." By not voting, you're just rolling over and spreading 'em. Giving in. Tucking yourAnd BLACK PEOPLE? You are a disappointment and shame to the ancestors. You know, the ones who had hoses, dogs and billy clubs unleashed on them? And let's not forget the hangings.
tail and running. Taking your ball and going home because you're not mature enough to stay in the game, because things are not going your way.

I am and will always be a Bernie person. But principles are one thing and survival is quite another. I wish to survive this pandemic. I wish to survive the economic downturn. I wish to survive this racial turmoil. A large swath of us may not if 45 is elected again. We may find ourselves in a pseudo monarchy. Anything is possible. ANYTHING. Why some of you cannot see the big picture I guess will remain one of life's great mysteries. I just hurts that you can be so short sighted. It's like you don't give a damn about the poor, the sick, the elderly, the veterans, the children, NOTHING. Only you and your sensibilities. If it wasn't so crucial, it'd be hilarious. So selfish.

And if I bring religion in, yes, God loves us all. But what side do you think Jesus would be on? If you don't know, you need to dust off and crack open that book. God help lovers of self.

I'm sure a few of you will unfriend me. It's cool. I would if I were you. But I'm not a teenager, so I'm not on it to mass a huge number of friends. Go with God.. 


Friday, August 21, 2020

Bad Boys Whatchu Gon Do?

The Democratic Convention has come to its climax.

I, for one, enjoyed immensely the Coronavirus format. No low din of the crowd, chatting shamelessly during the speakers. No politicians trying to wax poetic to impress those assembled and those of us viewing at home. Speakers forced to adhere to a specific timeframe and not going over like I’ve heard the 42nd President(Bill Clinton) is fond of doing. I also found it refreshing the they recruited everyday people to speak of their life experiences here in these yet to be United States. The woman who spoke of her father following 45 until his earthly time on earth came to an end. She spoke of how healthy he was until he wasn’t. Or the old lady who spoke of how Biden called her and GAVE HER HIS NUMBER. What politician does that? Or the kid who stuttered. It was ingenious having him speak, which illustrates how people with speech impediments align their tongues with their thoughts. It should lessen 45s bullying tremendously. The beautiful tributes to both Harris and Biden. To hear Kamala’s family speak of her, and she of her mother was heartwarming. Listening to the granddaughters and children both on earth and beyond speak of their love for Joe was equally poignant. Lastly, Michelle Obama, in my estimation blew the roof off. Her husband, 44 spoke eloquently, succinctly and powerfully as we knew he would, but his wife, she did the doggone thing! Maybe the wrong Obama ran? Just a joke people. Eva, Tracee, Kerry and Julia did a marvelous job. But they’re actresses after all. My biggest issue with the convention is that they made droves of time and several blocs for Republicans who find they can no longer stomach 45. I would’ve liked to hear
from “the squad.” Surely Ilmar, Rasheeda, Ayanna could have delivered some remarks? Centrist and conservative Democrats need to understand their time is coming to an end. There are fourteen more progressives, if they win,  headed to the house. They deserve to be heard. They WILL BE HEARD! Joseph R. Biden didn’t go into a lot of his policies, but he did say what he flat out wouldn’t do, and I look forward to the cabinet he assembles.

The other side....
I’ll tell you right now, while the Dems spoke of unity, admittedly all said exactly what they thought of 45. You can believe and bet the farm that the Republican convention will be the complete opposite of the call for unity. It will be division on steroids. I will not be able to comment on that debacle, because I will not be viewing it. I prefer to stay in the light where the warmth is. Where humans  treat each other with respect and if that’s not doable, we can at the very least remain civil. Remember that word? Civil? Civility has become so passé. All we do is fight. About masks, Covid-19,  cops, BLM and whatever comes to mind. I miss the politically correct interactions with strangers. The other side is so combative. Sadly, “they” probably always were, but 45 unleashed the beast. He made it acceptable to act the fool in public, having three year old meltdowns because you must wear a mask. Someone pulling up beside you hurling racial epithets, or worse yet, hangings. In 2020, HANGINGS.

Those of us who are Christians, most notably those of us infused with melanin know that, as the old gospel song goes, “trouble don’t last always.” Black people persevere. From they time brought here in shackles, through reconstruction, Jim Crow, the 60s, up until now. We’ll survive. 
Which brings me to my question. What will 45 and his minions do when we come for them? Allow me to dream right here. This will be what I’m fantasizing about when they take over the airwaves. Indulge me, kindly. Picture it y’all. This man being dragged out of office. Barr too. And all his enablers. Can you picture it. Kicking and screaming and being the child he is. And having SDNY waiting at the gate. I hope it’s all televised. But ready yourselves. Because that is the most likely scenario. He’s not going peacefully. But he will go. He'll run to the courts, but
they won’t uphold it. His time is up. That’s why all the voter suppression tactics are out in full view. Breaking down post office sorting machines. Closing polling places. Helping Kanye get on some ballots. Nothing is too low for the spawn of Satan. He will reveal in his loss something we’ve not seen to date. I cannot wait. I wish it was November NOW! 

But for every pleasant dream, there’s a nightmare. If he is returned to office it will be a nightmare that we must endure whether sleeping
or awake. Can you imagine how he will destroy what America has had in place if he is successful?  Life as we know it will be over. This marvelous experiment of democracy will end. With reckless abandon he will feel vindicated. In his vindication he will destroy everything. The poor will get even poorer and the richer even richer. There will be no more safety nets. Many will be unable to feed themselves or their families. Jobs will feel as if they don’t have to adhere to unions, the NLRB or any hard fought accomplishments by hard working individuals. America will cease to exist, or in name only.

Please get out and vote! Take people with you. Explain to young people the importance of this election. Squash the 3rd party movement. Now is not the time. Tell them to start with their 3rd party dreams AFTER this election. Not 6 months before the general like happens every cycle. They’re not serious. They’re distractions. VOTE. Vote early. Hit the polls safely. Mail the ballot in plenty of time. Better yet, drop it off personally. Vote.  Vote.   VOTE!!!

Bad boys  bad boys whatcha gon do, whatchu gon do when they come for you....

Friday, August 14, 2020

Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t

As is common knowledge by now, Kamala Harris got the nod to become the nation’s first woman Vice President a couple of days ago. 

While expecting extreme vitriol from the other side, and he does not disappoint, I am utterly shocked by the ugliness emanating from the left. It’s as if people know her personally, the way some have come out against her. 

I realize that she was not the choice of many. I get that. Full disclosure, she was my third choice. Third. If my opinion meant anything, I would’ve told Biden to go with Susan Rice first, due to her having held high and powerful positions in the previous administration. Of course, although tragic, no wrongdoing was found on her part for Benghazi, but it still would have been manipulated to cast aspersions on her. My 2nd choice, Val Demings was the first Black Chief of Police in Orlando. Not unlike Rice, there was tons of  scuttlebutt about a couple of shenanigans during her top cop years as well. I’m not going to address them. It’s past. The people of that area elected her to the House, so they're done with it. Then my 3rd choice, Ms. Harris. We ALL know ad nauseam her failures, faults and peccadillos, both personal and professionally. The personal is no one’s business but her own. The professional has consisted of very high highs and some very low lows. My thing is this. Her career as San Francisco DA and then onto becoming  California’s 1st Black Attorney General were both paid positions. She took an oath to do her job to the best of her abilities. Black people have to out perform, work twice as hard, get there early and be the last to leave to be considered successful in their career path. I know some of my readers feel that.  Perhaps at one time she was somewhat overzealous in some prosecutions. Or maybe, just maybe, she prosecuted on the information given to her. Her witnesses and evidence, etc are only as good as the people providing them. She was not scouring the streets hunting down leads.  There are detectives and beat cops for that. It was unfortunate that she won some verdicts on less that accurate and truthful testimony. Whose fault is that? It is worthwhile to note that she was elected to these positions, twice, and if the populace was truly unhappy they had recourse. 

There are two professions that come to mind  that are extremely disliked here in America. Abortion providers and Prosecutors. She chose the latter. But how long do we hold someone’s former position against them, especially now, that she’s gone on to bigger and better things. I've tired of hearing how many Black men she locked up. Did she not lock up other ethnicities as well? As humans we are evolving all the time. No one is exactly the same as they were five, ten or fifteen years ago. We all want grace extended, but find it difficult to grant it. Why can’t we get behind this woman who is making grown men quiver in their boots when it becomes her time to question them. You have to love how she lights their asses up! She had Sessions nervous and he admitted as much. She practically had Kavanaugh in tears. Don’t we want a strong, no nonsense person a heart beat away from the Oval?

I, for one, am thrilled he chose a Black woman. Black women are the most loyal in the entire Democratic Party. Time and time again we tow the party line. I, and a lot of us who really didn’t want HRC voted for her anyway, because she was our party’s choice. Conversely, white women, who
weren’t enthralled with Hillary defected in large numbers and voted for 45, then lamented their decision a day after his inaugural with large demonstrations, worldwide. It wouldn’t have been necessary if they’d just stayed the course. But they could not. So WE deserve this. Yes she ticks off two boxes- minority and woman. But that’s ok because she’s highly intelligent, strong and a go getter. Ultimately it was not our decision to make. Biden chose who was best for him. Him. We do not get to vote for Vice President. 

In conclusion, the hounds of hell have already been unleashed against her. Dirty tactics. Stop voter suppression in all its forms. And whatever you do, do NOT waste your ballot on a third party candidate. Have you noticed how they roll out their candidacies a few months before an election?  No politicking. No grassroots. Just siphoning off votes. This Jorgensen woman(who talks a good game, but again, where has she been the last 1-2 years) and Kanye are distractions. If you care about the environment, seniors issues, healthcare, education, Black Lives Matter and the like, I implore you to get past your issues with her and get on board. 
