Friday, July 17, 2020

America Needs Her Meds~Is there a doctor in the house?

In March, we watched as schools, churches and restaurants closed. Every activity enjoyed by most Americans was tabled in an attempt to let COVID-19 blow through. Precautions were taken that most of us thought never in our lifetimes would we witness. Some people began to work remotely, while the rest of us were sacrificial lambs. Hand washing became a chore and the latest accessory before exiting your home was a mask. Essential items for the home, such as toilet paper, paper towels and anything Lysol or Clorox became absolutely impossible to find, due to the excessive hoarding that was gripping the states.

In the blink of an eye, that heifa Rona was gone bye-bye, the news cycle pivoted, quickly on a dime.

Then, all of a sudden, tragically and heinously, Ahmad Alberry was slain by two white supremacists, who decided this was the day they wanted to killed a ‘nigger’, although we didn’t learn about this until months later. It took public pressure to even get them arrested. Then, a young woman who only wanted to help others, through her career as a EMT, was struck down, in her home, while SLEEPING! This crime was committed by cops executing a search warrant for someone ALREADY BEHIND BARS!!! They are still walking free, lying like a
rug about the situation. The third in this trilogy of murderous assault unleashed on the Black community was witnessed by the entire world, in the form of George Floyd. For 8:46 we witnessed his murder by a cop, that from the dead look in his eyes, cared not one fuck about this man, as the life drained from his body. Furthermore the others ‘peace officers’ didn’t give a damn either! 
We witnessed and many of us participated in marches that extended way beyond ‘sea to shining sea.’ There were marches from South Africa to England and all points in between. The world was and is collectively pisssed. I believe people in other countries could relate the the systematic oppression and elimination of people of color by those who take an oath to protect them. 
ALL LIVES DO NOT MATTER UNTIL BLACK LIVES MATTER! I don’t understand why that is so hard for a large swath of human beings to comprehend? If Black lives are shown to not matter, then you cannot say all lives matter. Black lives are arrested, tried and giving the death penalty right on the street. No court of law, attorneys nor trappings of a bias legal system. Just cut down. We all were devastated by how quickly Tamir Rice, the twelve year old was killed in 12 seconds after the murderers arrived, but 8:46 is just as horrifying. The only, ONLY upside to his tragic demise is that the world got to witness how a portion of cops treat its Black citizenry. Which again shows, to any reasonable observers that Black lives don’t matter. Black lives don’t  matter not more than other lives, but equally, as children of God, endowed with inalienable rights to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, although at this nations creation, it was not the intent.

And before you start the Black on Black stuff, educate yourself to find out why that term was created, by whom, and then ask yourself why you perpetuate it?!

Once again, true to form, America cools on a topic and once again, pivots. And poof! Just like that, the protesting and demonstrations have been largely omitted from the news and we’re back to the Coronavirus.

So what I want America to do is get some Ritalin so she can stay focused on this issue. Focus
America. Stop flitting from one shiny object and stay there. Black and a couple of brown people have been ridiculously and needlessly killed by rogue, cowardly white supremacist cops, since the great pivot! Focus!!! 
Just because your timeline has changed this situation has NOT! IS A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE????


  1. Very wise woman telling it the way it is.
    Thank you for reminding me.

  2. So, so VERY WELL SAID! Thank you Ilia for saying this because....All too soon we forget!

  3. We must not go silent as our vigil is not over..They still misstreat us! We must keep our eye on the prize!No justice no peace! My sister from MaryG in Indy

  4. Absolutely ON POINT!!!!!!!! We must not allow the media to belittle our crisis of Black lives not being important and focusing in only on covid-19. YES the virus is serious, deadly and oh so real, however we can still talk about not being able to leave home on July 4th weekend and go to Lake Monroe in Bloomington only to be surrounded by a group of whites and pinned against a tree with one saying get a 'noose'. No saying all lives is a belittling statement to the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement and yes we are going to continue to press forward.
