Sunday, September 29, 2019

One And Done or PUSH?

Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, uttered or unexpressed, the motion of a hidden fire, that trembles in the breast. Prayer is the burden of a sigh, the falling of a tear, the upward glancing of an eye, when none but God is near. Prayer is the simplest form of speech, that infant lips can try. Prayer, the sublimest strains that reach, the Majesty on high. Prayer is the Christian's vital breath, the Christian's native air. His watchword at the gates of depth, He enters heav'n with prayer. Prayer is the contrite sinners voice, Returning from his ways. While angels in their songs rejoice, And cry, "Behold! He prays!" Nor prayer is made on earth alone, the Holy Spirit pleads. And Jesus at the Father's throne, for sinners intercedes. O thou by whom we come to God, the Life, the Truth, the Way. The path of prayer thyself hast trod. Lord, teach us how to pray.  By Sally DeFord    

  My beloved pastor says the first sentence of this song every Sunday before altar call. I look forward to it. It signals to me, that even though I can pray anywhere, it's now time to talk to the Ancient of Days in His house. I get a warmth all over. And then I spill my guts. And I get straight to the point. You know what I mean, right, you churchgoers? At that time even if my world is crumbling, I experience for that short moment, the peace that passeth all understanding. Phil 4:7 

  Prayer is deeply personal. It's a conversation had with the One who knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb. Corporate prayer, while not as personal, renders wonderful results when the congregants are on one accord.

  Prayer can be had anytime, anyplace. While cleaning the house, riding to work, showering, washing the car, at your desk, in the store, anywhere. We can pray anywhere because God's everywhere. That should be a comforting thought. But how do we pray? Do you pray about something one time, and leave it with Him, knowing He knew before you even formed the words, and was just waiting for it to flow out your mouth. You know, from your mouth to God's ears. Or do you petition Him constantly about the issue on your heart. Maybe you're a PUSH prayer, Pray Until Something Happens? Do you wonder which way is best? Are you conflicted sometimes? I am.

  Sometimes you have the faith(confidence) and you can rest in knowing that He heard you and is working on your petition as soon as you got it out your mouth. My mom was like that. "Pray and leave it there", she'd instruct me. Her thought was God wasn't hard of hearing. And the elders had great faith. They were one and done. However, sometimes something presses in so close that you can hardly breathe. You can't even form a prayer. There are days when all you can say is "help me Lord", so much it becomes a mantra. Like I shared, I was really conflicted about this. How to pray Jesus Himself gave us a blueprint, when one of the disciples asked Him, LORD teach us to pray. Luke 11:1 I didn't want to badger the Lord, but I needed to keep sending them up. It made me feel better. Brought peace in the moment. Life comes at you FAST! It comes at our loved ones FAST!  Many times you feel like you have to bombard heaven. We are instructed to pray without ceasing. So do that! Keep praying. Keep knocking. Because I'm a witness, He'll answer. Some times even SUDDENLY! That's the most thrilling. You barely get it out your mouth, and it's handled! Some times it takes a minute to get your desired result. Hang on. He's no doubt working it out, doing what He does, being busy being God. There are also times when your petition doesn't come to fruition, and in those times we must accept that what we wanted was not His plan for us. We have to settle it in our hearts that something better is on the horizon.

  Sometimes prayer isn't words. It's tears. It's humming. Silent words that only He can hear flowing from an overburdened heart. There will be times that so much is going on at once we don't even know what to pray for. Romans 8:26-27 addresses this. In the same way, the spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God. That's great news. When you don't know what to pray, enlist the Holy Spirit to take over for you. I personally do this frequently. I want my prayers to line up with God's will, and the Holy Spirit knows.

  So pray, pray and pray some more. Or if you're the one and done, rest in His promises. Have faith to know that it will be, and if it doesn't come to be, know that He knows best and something is coming to wonderful that will probably knock your socks off. I think our praying must, for lack of a better term, match the situation. This way, you'll get the amount of peace you need. Big prayers or small, God can handle them ALL! But we must remember, no matter how trying the situation, that we must first believe He'll answer us. That He's coming. God honors faith above all else. Faith is a hard thing sometimes when you're going through, for most of us, I think. We believe but we doubt. We believe one minute and doubt the next when we're not seeing what we wish soon enough. I speak from experience. So hold on. Tight. When doubt comes, like Jesus said, tell it Peace be still!

  A few of you contacted me after my very first blog. You shared and I want you to know I'm praying for you. Some of you have suffered great loss. Some just discouraged with how life is going at our age. Some have relational issues. If no one else is praying for you, I am. I thank God for all of you who take the time to read my blogs. I pray that you're blessed and highly favored. I pray your vision holds up so you can read, read and read some more. Lol. I pray that family members get right. Jobs are obtained. Bills are paid. Good health returns.  I pray when all this good comes to pass, that you'll look up and thank God from whom all blessings flow. Let's all keep praying in faith. God's got it. It'll be alright. It will! Be encouraged.

What a friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry. Everything to God in prayer. Oh what peace we often forfeit. Oh what needless paid we bear. All because we do not carry. Everything to God in prayer. Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged. Take it to the Lord in prayer.

  Thank you Rev Dr. John E. Jackson Sr, for helping me clear away my confusion. Please join us for a word you'll never forget, at Trinity United Church of Christ Gary 1276 W 20th Ave. Gary IN.


Friday, September 27, 2019

The Crime That Circles The Globe 3

  The office to Monitor & Combat Trafficking in Persons agency of the United States Department of State says that modern slavery, the trafficking in persons for the use of recruiting, harboring, transporting , providing or obtaining a person for compelled labor or sex acts, through force or coercion.

  Most causes that contribute to this heinous activity are: most often poverty, lack of education, economic freedom, the rule of law and poor societal structure. All of these can create an environment that fosters the acceptance and propagation of slavery. Of course, this is most prevalent in impoverished nations with vulnerable minority communities, although it does exist in developed countries. Tens of thousands toil in slave like conditions in various industries, such as mining, farming and factories, producing goods for domestic consumption or to export to more prosperous nations. Be cause of these factors, slavery continues and will continue to expand, unfettered by international efforts to stop it. The sweat shops making the Nikes everyone loves.

  In older forms of slavery, slave owners spent more on procuring slaves. The cost of keeping them healthy was considered a better investment than having to replace the slave. In modern times, slaves are easier to get at a lower price, so replacing them when exploiters run into problems becomes easier. Modern slaves can be quite profitable and corrupt governments tacitly allow it, despite being outlawed by international treaties, such as the "Supplemental Convention on the Abolition of Slaves, and local laws. American slaves were sold in 1809 around the equivalent of 40K. Today, slaves can be bought for 90K.

  The civil war in Libya in 2014 and the breakdown of law and order have rendered migrants enslaved being sold in open slave markets. That's five years ago! Mauritania has a long history of slavery. Chattel slavery was formally made  illegal in the country, but the laws are not enforced. It is estimated that around 90K(2%) of the populations are slaves. In addition, forced marriage and child prostitution are not criminalized.

  Debt bondage, sadly, is still a thing and can be passed down to descendants like chattel slavery. This occurs when people give themselves into slavery as a security against a loan, or when they inherit a debt from a relative. The cycle begins when people take extreme loans under the condition they will work off the debt. What the debtor does not understand that the loan is designed that it's never satisfied and it's passes on sometimes for generations. Most times people have work far beyond the amount they owe. This practice is most common in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal.  In India, the Bonded Labor System Abolition Act sees convictions rarely and the fine is a whopping $2.00!

  Another form is forced migrant slavery. People may be enticed to migrate for work. After they arrive, their documents are seized and they are forced to work under the threat of violence to them or their families. Undocumented immigrants may also be taken advantage of, and without legal residency, they have no legal recourse. This is found here in the U.S., Europe and the middle east. In the U.K, Vietnamese are trafficked to work in cannabis farms, and when there's a raid, they're shipped off to prison,

  Last, but not least, is prison labor. In China, the prison system holds millions and they are subjected to forced and unpaid labor. Millions have died under the extreme circumstances in Chinese prisons. Also, the Chinese have labor camps, imprisoning hundreds of thousands or Muslims and other minority groups

  Even though the 13th amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, Texas, Georgia, Alabama and Arkansas prisoners are not paid at all for their labor. Federal prison industries paid inmates 0.90c per hour. Many times work is forced and refusal is punished by confinement. Prison labor industry makes over 1B USD per year, selling products that inmates make while inmates are paid very little or nothing at all. California inmates fight wildfire for $1.00 per hour and save the state 100M per year.

  In conclusion, Human Trafficking is not only illegal, it's a travesty and a sin against the Creator. How people can choose to own another human being, as you would a pet is beyond comprehension. This is capitalism at it's most ugly and extreme. But with everything, if you see something that looks wrong, call it in. Below are some warning signs:

Appearing malnourished
Showing signs of physical injuries and abuse
Avoiding eye contact, social interaction and authority figures/law enforcement
Seeming to adhere to scripted or rehearsed responses in social interaction.
Lacking official documents
Appearing destitute/lacking personal belongings
Working excessively long hours
*Living at place of employment
Checking into hotels/motels with older males, and referring to those males as boyfriend or "daddy" which is often street slang for pimp
Poor physical/dental health
Untreated STDs
Small children serving in a family restaurant
Security measures that appear to keep people inside and establishment.
Not allowing people to venture out in public alone, or speak for themselves.

*This transpired in Gary at Luigi's pizza early 2000s. A fire revealed that lots of men were living in a makeshift apartment in the basement of the pizza house. Several men were rounded up and none had proper identification. Goggle it. I'm sure it's still going on today in northwest Indiana. Gary, Hammond and especially East Chicago I've no doubt have people suffering the unconscionable for a
better life.

Let's all be mindful of our surroundings. Drill in into your children like never before. Again, try not to be fearful, but rather aware. The life you save may be your own.


Sunday, September 22, 2019

Hop Off That Treadmill

Not that I speak in respect of want; for I have learned, in whatever state I am, therewith to be content.  Phil 4:11 KJV

  Trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents. Counting the nickels, sitting on the dimes, and picking up every penny. Striving, constantly striving for more. For some, it's a never ending battle. Always trying to upgrade, get more, do better, running around like a hamster on it's little treadmill.

  Think of children. Want drives them absolutely mad at Christmastime. The anticipation gnaws at them until sleep is almost impossible. They've made their little lists and cannot wait, literally cannot wait to rip through the gifts to see the objects of their affection. But in a couple of days... you know how it goes. Disinterest. On to something else. On this you can depend. So this mindset starts in childhood.

  I had five apartments in four years. Always upgrading. My mom used to call me her gypsy daughter. Each apartment was always better than the last for my son and me, until I got tired of moving. My cousin Tyrone, God rest his soul, and others got tired of moving me. Decided to seek permanence. I decided to get off the treadmill and buy.  Being the hamster can be exhausting. Many of us succumb to the hamster complex. Can't stop buying, especially those addicted to trying to keep up with others on their own treadmill.

 Nicer car, bigger house or apartment, designer labels, jobs to careers, vacations stateside to worldwide, wives to trophies(lol), always on the quest to get more, thinking, once I obtain such and such, do such and such, see such and such, I'll be content. But sadly, it's a never ending battle.

  Then there's technology. The latest phone, tv, or gadget. iPhone has a new version of their phone yearly and the other companies aren't far behind. The iPhone 11 I'm certain will perform the same tasks as the XR, but by golly you must have it. Televisions are much of the same, a few months after you purchase yours, here comes one with a new wrinkle. And as for gadgets, Alexa has been challenged by Google home. Which to get? There's always something new.  

  In addition to all that, we're aging. A number of us are nearing retirement. So we simply must beef up the 401K, the Roth, our savings and anything else to get us to the promised land in retirement. Again, there's ALWAYS SOMETHING! You're probably thinking, this is all about the under 40 crowd, huh, boomers? Well I know a couple of 50s plus still on that treadmill, one a little older than your truly and one pushing 70, not allowing themselves the rest from many decades of labor that they deserve, but constantly trying to acquire more and more and more. What they still doesn't get is that with their advancing age, they're just setting themselves up for more health issues than they currently have, and their kids will be back here, enjoying all the fruits of their labor, all because they couldn't bring themselves to stop the quest to keep acquiring more and learn to finally be content. I might add, they're all men. This is not an indictment on working. Some really love the work they do, and it's not done in the furtherance of getting more stuff.

  But, the question is, high long did the "high" of the new last. Until it's first thousand miles, or after a move when everything was in its place, after you wore something a couple of times, after a few paychecks with the increased income, when you've visited every place you're interested in seeing, or when the trophy wife started nagging or getting a little long in the tooth? The highs from things never last. EVER. There's a place inside us all that seeks contentment. Freedom from constantly trying to obtain things that lose their value once we bring them home.

  Now, don't get me wrong, if you've outgrown your space, or if you're riding around in a death trap, you should seriously consider upgrading. Not necessarily from a one bedroom apartment to a five bedroom house, or a Chevy Cavalier to a Cadillac Escalade. But what you can handle, within budget, not taking into thought others suggestions or making purchases to keep up with others. DO YOU!

 Again, the question is how to get off that treadmill?

  I think, in my humble, we must break free of the desire to want everything we see, because we feel we're entitled, have worked hard for it, everyone else has it, or just as parents used to tell us, because. There is only one who can fill the deep longing in our hearts that push us to try to satisfy the longing with material things. Matthew 6:19-20 says Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasurers in heaven where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. Constant wanting and obtaining is simply trying to fill a void we aren't capable of filling, unless we fill it with the Lord. Only He can fill the constant yearning. I believe He implanted within us this need to need Him. To desire Him. Nothing else satisfies. We run around like chickens with our heads cut off. Always on the lookout for something new and improved. I suggest being on the lookout for Someone tried and true, the Author and Finisher of our faith. If we do this, we'll look around and see we're off the treadmill. Chilling. Filled with gratitude for those gifts we already possess. And at last CONTENT.


Friday, September 20, 2019

The Crime That Circles The Globe 2

Organ Trafficking.

  Organ Trafficking is the sale and purchase of human organs for transplantation, and is a worldwide and widespread crime. The kidney is the most trafficked organ in the world. In most cases the kidney is sold by a living person, ILLEGALLY. Demand for organs, and especially kidneys significantly outstrips supply. As of 2016 in the U.S., 100,791 people were waiting for a kidney. Unfortunately, only 17,107 in 2014 transplants took place. 4,761 people in that year died while waiting for a kidney.

  Unable to obtain a kidney at home, patients from rich countries might choose to travel to developing countries, where they can purchase and have it transplanted. In developing countries, "organ brokers" lure poor, uneducated individuals into selling their kidneys with the promise of financial gain as well as a better economic future. Economic needs drive most organ sales. Kidney sellers typically received 100-200K and rarely do the donors see any improvement in their lives. Many received a few hundred dollars for undergoing the removal of their kidney. Sadly, a large percentage of health problems ensue after the procedure which brings them worsened financial problems, along with a feeling of hopelessness and societal isolation. The recipients might also be disappointed. Given the pre-treatment evaluation and substandard medical care, commercial transplants might yield a poor health outcome and higher risks of surgical complications.

  This crime should be the easiest to curb, but governments don't want to suppress the illicit activities that are economically important in developing countries. In addition, these countries do not want to eliminate it because many don't think of it, at first glance as harmful or morally repugnant.

  India is considered the diabetic capitol of the world, so their trafficking rate is highest. Liver, lungs, and even pancreas account for 10% globally of trafficked organs.

  Here in the U.S., according to CBS News, Kendrick Johnson was found rolled up in a gym mat at his high school in Savannah Georgia.. His parents revealed when his body was exhumed over the summer for a second autopsy, the pathologist discovered his organs were missing and newspaper was used to fill the body cavity. He has since been exhumed again, for the further investigation to get to the bottom of the matter. CBS News also reported an Army veteran, Everett Palmer Jr., was found in a Pennsylvania jail, dead. During the autopsy his brain, heart and throat were removed and never returned as part of the investigation. In these United States, this type of chicanery is happening. And it's becoming more and more frequent as these cases are five years apart.

  Trafficking in Reproductive Organ removal is on the increase in developing countries as well. The practice of organ, tissue and cell trafficking and trade, particularly ova(egg) sale and surrogacy infringe upon several basic human rights under international law.

  Ova trafficking, which is a rapidly expanding is something like this. Parents from the U.S., Germany, UK, Israel and Eastern Europe, India and other countries would travel to countries where payment for Ova is cheaper, or not legally regulated as it is in their home countries. In countries where ova sales are prohibited, hormones are administered in the home country to the woman, who are then flown to a second country where their eggs are harvested, fertilized and inserted in the receiving woman's(purchaser) uterus. Many short term health risks are incurred in the process of extracting abnormally large numbers of eggs from their ovaries, per a single cycle. They are paid very little for the harvesting of their eggs. Long term affects can range from infertility to cancers. Now when these woman get these diseases, they must now concern themselves with how to pay for treatment to correct issues they've contracted willingly or otherwise. In many cases they are without the means for treatment for subsequent illnesses, so the mortality rate for women in this instance is high.

   It is very important that people understand the need for organ donation. That little red heart that goes on your driver license is a beautiful thing. Choosing a heart to show on your license that you are willing to step up and help another is a small glimpse into the person you are. Some people don't even consider organ donation. Many of us listened to the elders say, "I'm leaving here with everything I came with." Or, I've also heard people say "I want all my parts in heaven." I grew up hearing the former my entire childhood and through adulthood, so much that I vacillated between getting the heart(denoting agreeing to be a donor), to no, I'm not doing that. Well, I like to think I'm older and wiser now. What does it matter whether I am missing a kidney, or even my heart in heaven? We ain't gonna need it! We will have glorified bodies. I don't know why some are so confused about what will go on in Heaven, especially you soldiers of the cross. The good book describes heaven and either you believe it or you don't. Then there's the ludicrous conspiracy theories. "If people know that's on your license, you could meet with an untimely death." Suggesting somebody might jack you for your organs.  Guess what? Your own death is always untimely, to you. So many excuses. If you're dying and some of your organs work well, why not? You won't needing it shortly or in the after life. Personally, I cannot wait to renew my license. I'm looking forward, if the situation arises and I'm no longer here to give someone the gift of an extension on life. If everyone in America did that, no one would need one. So next year I'm getting the little red heart. But until then, personally, I know of two people waiting. One for a kidney, one of my coworkers, La'Tisha and the other for a heart, my grand babies godfather. I pray for each daily. And I pray for and ask God's richest blessings on the ones that will be sharing the gift of life with these two dear people. Because it's coming y'all. Hang on and be encouraged.    


Next week I will wrap up Human Trafficking with Debt Bondage, which amazingly is still a thing, and Modern Day Slavery.


Sunday, September 15, 2019

There Really Is Power In The Tongue

Death and life are in the power of the tongue   Proverbs 18:21a

  I never paid much attention to this scripture because preachers, of the prosperity ilk, are always spouting it on television as a way to fleece money out of their followers. You know, the name it and claim it, speak it and reap it, and so on. Just say it and believe it and it will be yours. I take umbrage with that, big time! You can say something over and over, like a mantra, but if it's not God's will for you, it ain't happening. You can click your heels three times in your sparkly red shoes and get the same effect. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

  I looked at 22 homes before I found mine, and it was the 23rd. My friend Dorsey, although she did not look at all of them, did accompany me checking out a gang of them. There were two homes I wanted desperately. I found myself speaking it over and over, IT'S MINE, and praying without ceasing about it. God did say only believe. Each time my realtor called me to give me the bad news, that I'd been outbid, I'd burst into tears. Once in my department she and my other coworker, Lisa tried to comfort me, but I was inconsolable. God told me to move. And I was trying to act upon this revelation. I'd been in my home 25 years and it was check out time. God had told me so. But no amount of speaking to it or praying about it got me either of those homes.

  The bible does say, "For verily I say unto you, that whomever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou moved, and be thou cast into the sea: and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass: he shall have whatsoever he saith. Mark 11:23

 THAT'S GOOD NEWS! It can and will happen, absolutely! But ONLY if it's God's will for you. If it is not you can cry, wail, prostrate yourself before Him and whatever else comes to mind, but ultimately it is His decision. You may find out why and you may not, this side of paradise, the reason it didn't work out for you, but if you're His child, out of His deep and abiding love for us, He calls the shots. For MY thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways, says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your way, And My thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9

  I think what the expression, commonly used, 'there's power in the tongue' should mean, in our mouths we have the power to uplift and edify. To encourage someone going through a rough time, to remind them that this too, shall pass. To speak peace to others. To help someone free themselves of anxiety, fear and stress, if it all possible. You can see the recipient of the power you're sharing sometimes square their shoulders, raise their lowered heads, and you can almost feel some of the burden removed by simple acts of kindness and encouragement, reminding them you're there for them and praying for and with them. I've had to have friends and family speak to my discouragement this summer and let me tell you, it is like a balm to a festering wound. Or just by listening as well, being a sounding board is powerful, to have someone be naked, vulnerable and confide in you as well. Power should always be for the good. For the betterment of the community. We must be careful not to use this 'power' to inflict pain, further distress, and disharmony.

  Hoping and wishing do not make it so. Playing let's make a deal with the Creator of the heavens and the earth won't do the trick. Hopping on the phone and getting everyone you've known since kindergarten to touch and agree with you to move God will not get the job done. Faith is key, no doubt about it and if your faith is in agreement with His will, you have no worries.

  But I've learned the most effective prayer is 'thy will be done.' Matthew 6:10  In my humble, this lets our heavenly Father know that as much as we want something, or some desired result, that ultimately we bow to Him knowing and trusting that He has our best interests at heart, and even in His no, we know it's because He has something even better! 

  By the second rejection of a house I totally wanted to reside in, I started looking at homes that I really kind of liked, but weren't exactly what I REALLY wanted. Desperation had set in. Then I started putting bids in on homes just because I thought I just had to make do. That I couldn't have the type of home I wanted. Then BAM!

  One cold February night, my realtor sent me an email at 10:30. I was just looking around, checking my email and saw it. It was just the type of home I was looking for and wanted so much, lower in price than the others BONUS, and enough of a blank canvass that I could put my stamp on it(HGTV person that I am). I saw it the next day, just as another couple were exiting. I thought, oh no, here I go again. I followed my realtor to her office and put in the bid anyway. I went home and that night asked God to please let me have that house. That as He well knew I loved that home and could see my family and me in it. But I ended the prayer with, but not my will but thine be done. I've been in my home almost 6 1/2 years. I learned to let God make the decisions and to try my best to get out of his way. I've learned accept His no, His later and His yes, and to thank Him for whatever His decision is. That's the hard part, to thank Him and praise Him anyway through the no. And the later. I'm working on that. Because we're all a work in progress right?? Not that I have already attained or am already perfected: but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended: but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12-14


Friday, September 13, 2019

The Crime That Circles The Globe

This is troubling and not for the faint of heart...
It's a lot, and reading through this was an emotional roller coaster for me. I would go from angry, to sad in under sixty seconds. Consequently, I will be sharing my newly gleaned knowledge of this act on each Friday for the remainder of the month of September. There's far too much information for one blog, and in all honesty, I needed a break. As many of you know, I have a daughter and she has girls. So with that said, perhaps I can drop some knowledge you may be unaware of, to make you more aware as you traverse your daily lives. Because knowledge is power after all, and these are perilous times.

  How many times do we scroll through Face book and are inundated with photographs of some one's missing daughter, mother, niece, cousin or friend. Every single day my timeline has at the minimum of five or six women or girls being waited for at their homes.

  What's become of all these full of life, smiling faced, mostly black women, floating around social media. Let me back up for a moment. One of my melanin challenged Face book friends shared a picture of someone who shares the same hue as he. Face book and the algorithms apparently decide who we see on our pages. If you think about it, that's messed up! We should all be on the look out for all these missing women and girls. Law enforcement in conjunction with broadcasters, transportation agencies and the wireless industry sound the alarm for children, in the form of Amber Alerts. What I'm trying to understand is why this cannot be done for women as well, once her family reports her missing. This shouldn't be terribly hard to accomplish. Technology has all type of capabilities, but nothing to help thwart thousands of snatched up people??? Really?

   Personally, the ones that do not turn up in a few hours or even days I think have probably fallen prey to Human Trafficking. This is reaching epidemic proportions all over the globe, and the U.S. has not escaped this travesty. Human Trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labor, and sexual or commercial slavery(exploitation for the trafficker, i.e. pimp). This may encompass providing a spouse in the context of a forced marriage, or the extraction of organs/tissues, including ova(eggs) removal and surrogacy.

  According to the International Labor Organization, there are 40.3 million victims of human trafficking globally. 81% are trapped in forced labor(including slavery, YES SLAVERY), 25% are children and 75% are women and girls.

  The National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) reported roughly 979K cases reported by the state of California, and is the most in the United States. After Cali, the states that round out the top ten are Texas, Florida, Ohio, New York, Georgia, Michigan, Illinois, New Jersey and North Carolina. Indiana is number 23, and Vermont is dead last.

  Some states are fighting the good fight in trying to eliminate this scourge on society. Shared Hope International states Louisiana, Tennessee, Florida, Texas, Washington, Montana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Georgia and Kansas are in the forefront of fighting trafficking, although some of these states report the most victims.

  Pakistan, Thailand, China, India and Bangladesh are the top five countries with the largest number of victims worldwide. Human rights issues are not the focus of such countries and in under developed countries, there's really no one combating this in earnest.

Random stats.
  Women and kids are the fastest growing crime and pull in 99B per year.
More than 50% are sexually exploited.
  Sexual trafficking is NOT most common form of human trafficking.
Men also are victims of trafficking in Western and Southern Europe and the Americas.
  Traffickers are not solely men. Women make up large percentages of traffickers and recruiters.
In 2016 there was a 13% jump in trafficking in the U.S.. According to the group Polaris, a non-profit organization to combat trafficking and modern day slavery, it's on the rise in America.
  Many in escort services are trafficked.
Most common forms are sex and forced labor. Many occurrences transpire at illicit massage parlors, bars, strip clubs or cantinas.

  Most of us are familiar with trafficking for sexual purposes. It's absolutely abhorrent the way the trafficker abducts women and girls, beat and rape them, give them highly addictive drugs so their minds are so addled they can barely function. At this point many will do just about anything for the drugs, to keep up the with the demand for their trade so they can keep the pimp(trafficker) flush with cash. In order to keep his pockets full, to ward off subsequent beating and to keep the drugs flowing, they become willing participants. This is standard MO. This is not covered as much as it should be on the evening news, but what isn't reported there, the television show that brags on ripping from the headlines, Law & Order SVU have covered it in numerous episodes. I am NOT trying to make light of it, but it's shameful that a television show is more informative than the evening news. Until this is addressed with any consistency, the Jeffrey Epstein's and the R Kelly's of the world will go on. Business as usual. Ladies we have to be aware. Not fearful, aware. Days of traipsing off to WalMart,  meeting up with your friends to club, or even attending a class alone nowadays is a no no. There is safety in numbers. I've not read of any group of women snatched. A young woman was pulled off the street after getting off a school bus was assaulted the other day in Chicago. This was probably the most traumatic day of her young life and probably one of the best. It could have been so much worse. Her family brought her home from the hospital. Many, if ever found are collected in body bags.  Be alert. Constantly survey your surroundings. Buy a miniature night stick. They're made now to go on your key ring. Get some mace. A stun gun. A real gun. Again, I'm not trying to be humorous and I'm not trying to frighten you. We must live our lives.  Let carefulness rule the day. The life you save may be you own.

With that said, next Friday, I will delve into organ trafficking.  


Sunday, September 8, 2019

Is Your Cup Running Over?

My cup runneth over Psa 23:5 KJV

Everyday we awaken is a blessing. Some days feel more blessed than others if we're honest. Some days as I'm riding along to whatever destination I'm headed to, I note my surroundings. A warm summer day awash in greenery. A beautiful autumn day, painted with all the fall hues, with a crispness in the air. The first snow, untouched by feet or tires. In the spring, the budding of the trees and longer days. Taking in God's in handiwork, for me, ushers in a cup filled to the brim and overflowing. Peaceful. Serene. Inviting.

For those of you not exactly nature lovers, your cup, like mine overflows at good news, a good prognoses, a new job(or simply a job), financial windfall, new home, re-connecting with family/friends, new baby, new car, new relationship, or your marriage is thriving. All these contribute to an overall feeling of well being, and your cup is filled with joy to the brim and overflowing. If you have several of these happening at once, your cup is overflowing to the point your mind cannot comprehend the blessings bestowed upon you. You jus a blessed man! You jus a blessed woman! Then you begin to feel unworthy. But God decides. So your haters can kick rocks, because God makes no mistakes, and baby, it's your turn. Rejoice. Hallelujah! You start feeling Psa 23:6 now. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. You start thinking, if you're a decent person, about sharing the bounty the Lord has gifted you with. After all, He didn't give it to you to keep all to yourself.

Then BAM! You knew there was a bam/but didn't you? We cannot get through life without the downs. No one escapes the downs, in some fashion or another. You start to have a leak in your cup. The leaks come in the form of bad news, bad diagnosis, lost job, financial reversal, foreclosure, repossession, the loss of a loved one, a breakup, or a divorce on the horizon. Leaks everywhere. Sometimes, a couple at the same time. Before you know it, your cup is bone dry. And everyday it seems as if there's something else. Dang, what did  I do? Feeling all like Job. The question is not what you did, it's what do I do now?

First, instead of running to the phone, run to the Creator. You can tell God whatever is on your heart whenever you need to. It doesn't have to be some long, drawn out, pretty prayer. A simple "Help me Lord" will get His attention. He never promised sunny days and overflowing cups. What He did promise was to always be with us. Through whatever. Jn14:1 Let not your heart be troubled, is really difficult when you're going through. In this life our hearts will be troubled, from time to time. Even Jesus' heart was troubled in the garden of Gethsemane. He feels us y'all. He understands.

What's key to remember is what we've always heard. We pass through storms. We don't take up residence. If you've ever watched the weather on tv, you know storms are always on the move. Be it snowstorms with bone chilling temperatures, or tornados and hurricanes, they never set up shop. They're are in constant motion. They pass. Sadly, sometimes, they leave death and destruction in their wake. We grieve, we rally together, we rebuild, and life moves forward with a sense of normalcy returned. Whether you are a willing participant or not, you notice a drop of water in your cup. It grows slowly and consistently until it's almost to the top. And you wonder, how on earth did I make it through? And you're grateful. So grateful. And pleased, content, maybe even happy again. You're strengthened, better equipped for the next storm. Because this side of paradise, there will be another. You check your cup and it's overflowing again. You can tell as you hum or sing along while you're busting those suds. You can tell when you reach inside the whip and turn up the music while you wipe it down. You survived! You made it through to the other side. To God the be glory for the things He has done.

Friday's blog is supposed to be about human far as I know 👫

Addendum. This was not supposed to be what my first blog consisted of. I kept wondering, where is this coming from? I've had one written out for MONTHS! Seriously! Then I decided, it must be for someone. Just recently, I discovered that someone was me. It's been a rough summer, but praise be unto God I've reached the other side. You cannot imagine how grateful I am. Hang in there somebody, God will bring you out, just like me.