Thursday, January 6, 2022

It’s Been A Year Already?

It’s been a year today that America experienced the unrestrained turmoil that quite a few countries experience on the regular.
You come to expect such behavior from third world countries, impoverished nations but not here, from sea to shining sea. Unless you count when America succeeded from the UK. 
At last, the veil was pulled back and we got to look into the hearts of many. Like the wizard in the Wizard of Oz.
We saw how a small man, totally thrown by losing an election, albeit the highest in the land, reacted to that defeat. We saw the two diverse opinions of said day. One conclusion, a tour of the capitol gone wrong, just an exercise in the disappointment of fair and honest election (although they beg to differ). The other view is what it is, because the rest of us don’t wear orange-colored glasses. We witnessed an insurrection, point, bla period. We witnessed people charging through the capitol in the hopes of hanging them Vice President Pence and God knows what to Pelosi and anybody in the blue team they could find. We’ve heard countless testimonies of the guards under siege that day. We’ve heard from the loved ones of one killed on that day as well. Officers in therapy now trying to deal with the mental onslaught constantly being relived in their minds. On the other side a woman was killed, and I don’t even remember her name. But I do remember she has no business being there. I won’t go further into that, because I was raised not to speak ill of the dead. 
Now, here we are. A country that can no longer gaslight the rest of the world, and a huge swath here, into thinking upon these shores' rests Shan-Gri-La. On the contrary. Americans underlying sickness (which is racism) is in full display. Turn on any of dozens of channels to hear one side lambasting the other. America has never really been a one nation under God type of place. It’s been this group and what American is to them over there, and that group and what America means to them here. All these Americas. Well, look out war of the worlds. Everyone, it appears, has become thoroughly entrenched in their own tribe. And why you may ask? It’s because the former president, 45 if you will, has further stoked the grievances of poor white people who cannot see he is just using them as a means to an end. And that is now to stay out of jail. His goal and secret are common knowledge. If he’s in the oval, he’ll appoint people willing to kiss the ring and keep him safe, as he continues his nefarious activities inside the confines of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and out. He has totally gaslighted his own supporters. It’s made to appear to us that his boys in Congress walk lock step with him. I venture to say, not really. But they’ll do whatever, say whatever, to stay on his good side to they can secure the votes of the koolaid drinkers. 
It’s truly mind boggling how so many are so blinded by this bs…. And the entire world watches. 
This is the man eschews wearing masks and taking the vaccine, although he takes so much pride in letting people know it began under his, for lack of a better word, watch, the vaccine that is. But received top quality health care when he had Covid, that no one but his inner circle could obtain. AND HE’S HAD BOTH VACCINATIONS AND THE BOOSTER. He talks out of both sides of his mouth. It’s so bad among his most ardent supporters that they booed him and O’Reilly for taking the booster. His own turned in him. Which was hilarious and sadly brief.
Now they’re trying those who participated. Rarely is a jail sentence handed down. Most have received what amounts to a slap on the wrist. Others have managed to get stiffer sentences. Like dude who posed with his feet up on Pelosi’s desk. The Shaman. A few others. But for the most part, no worries. People died on that day or a few days later. A few in law enforcement succumbed to the emotional toll and ended life at their own hands. But this was a tour gone wrong…?
No thinking person agrees to that, and the memories of it haunt me even now.
America is far from what she purports to be, but it’s a hard pill to swallow that this is the real America. Crazies pissed because in their warped minds things aren’t going their way. They can’t fathom 400 plus years of things not going their way.
We in America live in the Matrix. What is real versus what is not. What is real, is America is a farce. Sure, she has lofty goals and aspirations, and has done a lot of good, but she’s so divided they probably can never be realized in the future. America has a big heart but is blind when it comes to her marginalized citizenry. Bottom line, some Americans can’t stand the fact they are being relegated to become the fringes. They are about to become the minority, and that folks is just a bridge too far for them. They cannot stand the thought of being minority. But what they fail to realize is they still contain the vast majority of wealth in America. They don’t understand what they lack in numbers, they recoup in dollars and cents. What an ignorant people. Not all, however. There is good, soon to be minority people, Allies who see the benefit of working together. Because the bottom line is they can’t envision seeing themselves second. But to thwart this, or postpone it, they’re redistributing (drawing different lines) to squash the Black, brown and everyone else’s right to vote. They’re moving stealthy to stop current minorities from voting. These people are evil y’all and will stop at NOTHING to stay on top. This was 45s appeal. Shared grievances. Although he’s rich (so he says) he doesn’t really understand poor white people or anyone else. It’s crazy. And effective. 
So, remember January 6, 2021, forever. Ingrain it in your memory banks. Because someone once said, “those who forget their past are doomed to repeat it.”
I pray it wasn’t just a dress rehearsal. If first, you don’t succeed….
God, please help us, 


Friday, December 31, 2021

The Case of the Missing Socks

I posted a meme recently about how we sweat the small things in life sometimes. In response to the post, this is not for those of your who’ve conquered this malady, because it is almost an illness. 
The meme contained a picture of mixed matched socks. I made mention in my post that I would always get on my girls about their socks rarely matching. This small thing used to drive me absolutely nuts, in all honesty. Made my teeth itch. My oldest granddaughter would tell me, well they’re the same color” as if mattered. 
Lately, my very own socks have been missing in action. Sometimes I carefully pin them together when washing, but as of late, I have not. So now they’re disappearing. I looked in the lint trap in my dryer, no dice. I retraced my steps for the escapee from the basket. Nope. Just pouf! Gone. Displaced to the place they go, wherever the heck that is!
Then I thought about it. Missing socks for me personally is a metaphor. As I mentioned a while back, I would pin mine together. To keep them together. So that this would not disturb my peace. I’m far from a neat freak, but I do like a certain order. Missing socks breaks that order. I no longer have control of my socks. Therefore, socks have joined the ranks of things I can no longer control. And that irritates me.
We all like some semblance of control. We control what we eat, drink, wear, view on tv, just about everything. But in actuality we control very little. We operate under the delusion we’re running things. WE ARE NOT! 
I understand, before the religious get at me that we control a very minute portion of our world, and I thank God He’s in control and not me. But the case of the missing socks really brought it home for me. We can’t even control our freaking socks y’all! Control! It comes down to control. Janet Jackson’s jam was a big ol lie! She wasn’t running anything! She had all the young women when they left the nest thinking they were running stuff. Hah! 
My socks were my last stand of control, and they miraculously take flight. So even though I’ve always known God was running things, for us who lean towards being worry warts, and I know I’m not the only one, forget about it. 
Wrapping this up in a neat little bow, in my humble, control is synonymous with worry. We worry about that which we cannot control. Many of us don't care we can't control it, we'll worry despite that.
When issues arise, and we can't do anything about it, we have a tendency to worry, if only for a brief moment. If it’s out of our control, many of us pray and pick it right back up, when we’re supposed to leave it and let it go. Control-worry. Worry-control! STOP IT! 
Just go buy some more socks,

The Happiest of New Years to you, one and all.


Sunday, December 19, 2021

Christmas Time Is Here

It’s that peace on Earth, good will towards men time of year. What’s the song…? People making lists, buying special gifts. That time of year.
But I would venture to say for everyone that looks forward to the biggest holiday of the year, there are an equal number of those who dread it.  Loneliness for some creeps in and brings its best friend depression. Anxiety, in many cases goes through the roof. Anyone who’s lost a loved one recently can attest to that. Or had a medical issue. Or financial setbacks know this is not the most wonderful time of the year, contrary to what the song says. 
  • Now, we love Jesus, most of us. However, sometimes it’s hard to conjure up that childlike wonder for the holiday. And why, for the reasons I’ve stated above. Plus, while some truly do feel they holiday down to their toes, other are fake. No smiles, though it’s hard to tell underneath the mask. This is the second Christmas out of our norm. COVID’s antivaxxers have really put a damper on the holiday this year. Last year we were feeling our way through. This year they know. They don’t care. Ok then, kill yourself, but why take someone with you? So again, families will be separated. The ones exercising great wisdom will, hopefully, especially from those unvaccinated. So, oldsters are alone. Can somebody buy their grandparents a smartphone so they can at least Google duo/FaceTime dear ones? But the elderly suffers most. 
The only thing that gets me through Christmas is remembering the true reason for the season. Christ Jesus. So, I’ll throw Christmas music in while I’m cooking. Or cleaning. Songs that focus on the gift and the giver of said gift. Combat depression by having your own party with the Babe in the manger. Celebrate Him!
I find it’s not only uplifting, but therapeutic. And stop buying a bunch of meaningless gifts for people who probably don’t appreciate them anyway. Uh Huh I Said It!
Rediscover the magic of the season. It’ll do you good! Merry Christmas everyone. 


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

What Are You Thankful For?

1 Thessalonian 5:18 In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 

We are fastly approaching the thankfulness season. I don’t think it should be limited to one day. We have numerous things to be thankful for each and every day. From what we consider the minute to the spectacular we have reasons to be thankful.
The world is in turmoil, that is a fact. Food, gas and everything else with a price is on the rise. EVERYTHING IS MORE EXPENSIVE THAN A YEAR AGO. And please, do NOT think I’m laying this at the feet of our current POTUS. Events of the last year, a former President who didn’t treat the novel coronavirus as seriously as he should have and the subsequent lockdowns due to that brought us to where we are. Personally, I don’t know how some are making it through, unemployed, with the current state of affairs in the US. But God..!

In addition to astronomical prices for goods and services, we’re watching America break down, a shell of her former self. For some of us, this land, as that great writer, Langston Hughes so aptly put, has never been crystal stairs. We are watching people get off, scot free, killing protesters with no weapons basically just because he felt like it, saw an opportunity and went for it. Crossing state lines, a mere kid, brandishing a weapon, treated like royalty, shedding a few fake, dry eye tears and being able to walk. A judge who seemed to head up the defense team and didn’t care who noticed it. I’ve read countless comments on line on why white people cannot comprehend why minorities are so distraught with the verdict. They can’t wrap their heads around the fact that had he been a 17 year old Black boy, the cops would have mowed him down immediately with no need for trial.
Now another trial with a different circumstance that did involve a young Black man  is under way. He was running away, they chased him down to kill him, but once again claimed self defense. Self defense? SELF DEFENSE?
So with all this, the virus is still raging. Now we’ll be couped up in enclosed spaces, so fully expect an uptick. We are also having a battle between the anti-vaxers and the vaccinated. That has really got people losing their minds. But why did it become so politically charged? The man who started it all and

his family are vaccinated, but he implies it’s for the weak. He also discouraged people from masking up. It’s insane. If you don’t want the vaccine, MASK UP! Go on and play Russian Roulette with your life, that’s cool. Be leave me out of it. 
So now, some of you may be wondering after all this, what the hell is there to be thankful for? For one thing, if you’re reading this, you’re yet in the land of the living. Over 700K didn’t make it due to this bug. The simple things, even in the throws of madness here in America must not be forgotten. Food on the table, shoes on your feet, clothes on your back, shelter, transportation and all the tangibles. More importantly or equally maybe for some, your family. Your parents, children, siblings, extended family and friends. Beautiful days when we’re just flowing effortlessly through life. And times when we don’t know what to do, we really do know what to do.  Even more importantly, above all that, is the One who lets us run on, no matter how badly we act. How unfeeling and hard we may be, He still loves us dearly and moves heaven and earth for us, when we find our tails in a crack. Those three, God, His Son, our Savior, and the gift of the Holy Spirit, who prompts leads and  directs if we just give up some control. 
So let’s really celebrate the blessings bestowed upon us with a heart chock full of thankfulness. And let’s run with it throughout the season of Advent, and all the seasons that follow. Let gratitude break through like a good sweat when your working out. Or like that time you were speeding and the cop you passed didn’t even notice. Like when you thought it was over, and it wasn’t. Live like that. Let others know how thankful you are for them. And most of all, our Heavenly Father. 
Happy Thanksgiving All


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Did We Miss The Memo? It's My Uterus-Not Yours

Texas, Texas, Tex-ass.... what can I say??? PLENTY!

Y'all sitting still for that??? I don't even know where to begin. At all! But being me, I will take a stab at it.

First, and foremost, I am pro-choice. However, I'm not a huge fan of abortion. Women have various and sundry reasons for resorting to such a measure. NUMEROUS! I'll touch on a few, to get them out the way. The young girl molested by grandpa, daddy, uncle, cousin or family friend. The women dragged into the alley or some place not easily seen by passerby. Slipped a drug. Or the women who are informed at some point in their pregnancy that it is ill advised to go to term. Or the ones who already care for more children than they can afford, and sperm donor is no where to be found, and know they can't possibly feed another child. And these are just a few that bounce off the top of my

head. Sure there are some, who use abortion as a  means to birth control, that's undeniable. But they are in the minority. For most women, this is a hard, traumatic decision. And for many having a baby, then relinquishing rights is a bridge too far after carrying it for nine months. So adoption is a non-starter. And so many struggle through the aftermath of abortion. The guilt. The pain. The self recrimination, because who is harder on us than us?

Whatever the circumstance, why does it fall under the purview of men, and if I'm honest, old white men to make this decision for women. Who are they to make a decision for the opposite sex, when there is no way they could comprehend the action? Who made these men judge and jury? Why do they feel it's their "God given right" to decide the plight of women?   

Before I really begin, let me say, again, I'm not an advocate of abortion, but at the same time I'M PRO LIFE! Pro life is cradle to the grave. Prolife is caring for people who cannot care for themselves, be they 8-80. It just seems to hypocritical to care so much for fetuses, and not care for those that are breathing. Make it make sense, somebody PLEASE! Because Ilia does not understand. 

So this leads me to believe they don't care about the unborn, not at all. These so called Christians have shown their hands on so many occasions. But here's the tea. They don't care one whit about abortions, they care about the population! It has been widely publicized that in the next 13-15 years, white people will be the minority in America. White people, like their Black counterparts are not reproducing in great numbers. Meanwhile, Hispanics and Asians are. In huge numbers. These two ethnicities are making babies y'all. However, unlike white people, this fact does not throw Black people into a tailspin, or panic like it does some white people. While our share is slow moving, it is not declining, it remains constant. Furthermore, we remain the most vocal group in America, and we get stuff done. For example, voter's rights, open housing not two mention, two new federal holidays in the last 30 years that everyone can partake of. Some white people cannot stand the thought of being in the minority! They have bought into the myth that they created this country. That they discovered it. They did NOT! Native Americans, the Indigenous were already here. How do you discover an inhabited land. But again, they feel they built all this. NEWS FLASH, AFRICAN AMERICANS BUILT THIS COUNTRY. The Chinese built the railroads. They seem to have selective memory and with that revisionist, flawed memory, they chose to believe a lie.     

Now they're losing control. Hispanics are cranking the next generation out fast and furious, and this is why they, old white men, are SO ANTI-ABORTION, in my humble. They want to increase their birth rate. Doesn't matter the fetus was conceived through incest or rape. Doesn't matter that the fetus probably won't live beyond a few hours, days or months. Or that the child will suffer mind blowing issues if it goes beyond the afore mentioned time frame. Or that the act of delivering the child may be an act of self sacrifice for the mom. They are willing to get that birth rate up by hook or crook. A bunch of old men think by virtue of testosterone and a penis they get to decide for women.

But it's hypocrisy. Because once the child comes, then what? Are you going to provide for the child? Are you going to give it the foundation it needs to become a contributing, thriving member of the community? NO! They will make it harder and harder for the mom to care for the child. They just want to be able to count it, but once it takes it's first breath, the concern is over. It's obvious the way they love to cut child care, early learning programs, food stamps and aid. Minorities get caught up in the madness. They don't want more of us, but are willing to deal with it, on some level, if it ensures their number bouncing back. 

Six weeks is now the cutoff period, and most women don't even realize they're pregnant that early. Now, they want vigilantes to monitor women's clinics to turn in doctors, nurses, aides, and abortion seekers

to receive a ten thousand reward. I cannot make this stuff up! So, if you're broke, hang out at your local women's clinic and make some quick cash. And the crazies? Some people think they are God's personal vigilantes and will probably just start cutting down on doctors and other medical personnel, because Texans walk around toting their weapons like it's a limb.

Abbott are on one. Question is what can be done? Stand up Texans! Find out what you can do, although in actuality it's gone through the courts. Remember him at the ballot box. The few you still have left. The bad news is, of course, Florida is trying to emulate Texas. Even politicians in central Indiana have stated they're looking into a similar tact. White people are running scared. Could it be, they are afraid that they'll be treated as they've treated? That must be scary as all get out. To have to endure what you've put millions of others through. That's enough to make you want to end a woman's right to choose. Gotta get those numbers up, by any means necessary.

Last, but not least, if you noticed, I didn’t do a deep dive into interpretation of scripture, what God thinks or any of that. All I can say is this. We all must one day stand in front of our Creator, and give an account for every action we took. No one can answer for another, on judgement day. So how about we allow women and men the free will God grants us. We must understand we cannot send anyone to hell or heaven, it’s way beyond our pay grade. So don’t be so quick to judge. You really shouldn’t judge a person’s actions, without knowing their choices.

That's all I got!



Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Keep Going

August was hard. An indisputable fact.

People I love lost people they love. People I cared for immensely, went on, as Rev Arrington is known to say, to give account of their stewardship. One was unexpected. Now for most of us, that is the preferred way of departure. Just going to bed one night and awaking in the arms of Jesus. But it is absolutely devastating for those they leave behind. Crushing. Soul wrenching. Spirit killing. The other, it was low key expected, at least by me. I prayed fervently for a miracle and he fought for a long time. I prayed for him so long that praying for him crept into my prayers and I had to remember that he was no longer among us. His wife and some some of us are devastated even though it hadn’t looked good for quite some time.

Then a big church event had to be overseen. The stress of doing something you’ve never done before, with the entire congregation, community and your pastor watching was extremely daunting. Especially due to the city of Gary and the nonstop headaches they provided. Gary concerns  itself with ants when it

should be concerned with dragons.

Add to all this, life, and personal issues that we deal with, that we don’t speak to others about, because in our minds, they can’t do anything, so why trouble them with your problems? Then depression sets in. A least for me. It’d been going on for me since the beginning of July, but August was at fever pitch. I was diagnosed clinically depressed twice, once after my divorce many years ago and once a couple of years ago. Fortunately during both episodes, I had some of the finest insurance money can by, so a prescription of Paxil taken

once a day for six months did the trick. But now, my insurance is what my income will bear, so I can no longer see that doctor. So I was just, I don’t know, just spinning. Watching hours of mindless television, rarely prying myself out my recliner, no focus whatsoever, and I’d stopped working out. Hardly went the entirety of August, well maybe twice. Blogging and my podcast took a backseat. It’s been so hard putting on a happy face, doing life, crying inside, trying to move on, not anesthetizing myself with alcohol, and I love wine, SO MUCH, but it only makes matters worse. Now, if I’d been able to see my old doctor, by end of August, I would’ve been me again. The same Ilia inside and out. But I didn’t have that luxury. 
Some of y’all may be asking, so what did you do? Well, I’m still doing it, however, I felt a shift about a week ago. But I’m talking it out. Don’t laugh, but to myself. I’m fighting. It’s true, Donald Lawrence and the Tri-City singers have it absolutely right. “Sometimes you have to encourage yourself.”So I stand in front of a mirror and preach myself to a better place. I turn off the tv and play worship music.
John P Kee soothes my soul, kind of like David’s playing did for Saul. And only him, for some reason,

only JPK. Then I prayed for a week to be able to get back to my other place of peace, the health club. That wasn’t going well. Then one of my Facebook friends showed her before and after pictures and how she’d lost over 140 pounds. A whole person she’d lost. And something went off and told me, you have 28 pounds to go to reach your goal. Keep going. That figured into my depression, because in my mind I hadn’t made much progress. But now I know I have. I’m 3 pounds away from half my goal. Keep going.
I must keep going. You must keep going.

So everyone, just know, the meme that’s always circulating telling us to be kind, because we don’t know what people are going through is a fact. I’m pretty certain no one who looked at me or talked to me knew all the tears I’ve shed in the last 30 days. All the times I slept most of the day away, if I wasn’t glued to the boob tube. The times I wanted to spend with my grands, but I just didn’t have the mental fortitude. Life is hard. It’s rough. A roller coaster. The ebb and flow. But sometimes we just have to go through to get to. Gotta climb that mountain all by yourself. Gotta sit in the valley alone. In all honesty, I don’t recommend the way I handle it. Reach out to someone you trust for support. Somebody who won’t make your issues front page news. As I said, avoid 
alcohol/unprescribed drugs. Pray and move your body. Pray some more. It gets better. Day by day. I really miss my mom at times like this. Our most trusted confidant, moms after Jesus.

So I just want to tell you to keep going. If you can do one thing a day, while you’re going through issues the mouth can’t speak of, that helps. Keep going. And realize God has not forgotten about you. Keep going. Look up. Keep going. Put that fork down, lol. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Don’t quit on yourself. Be your biggest cheerleader. Keep going. Pain/hurt take time to heal. Keep going. Issues eventually get resolved. Keep going.
So again, be kind, because you have no idea what others are dealing with. Be light, so someone in a dark place can better see. 

Please know that there are organizations that stand ever at the ready to help those who TRULY need help, therapy and medications at little or no cost in some communities. PLEASE AVAIL YOURSELF OF THESE PROGRAMS IF NECESSARY. You’ve probably already paid for them through your tax dollars or contributions you’ve made to organizations that support programs such as these. Be encouraged.

Keep going


Saturday, June 19, 2021

A Wonderful Consolation Prize

What is the whitest thing Amerikkka can do at this juncture in time?

Glad you asked. Give up a holiday! She thinks she's so slick, federalizing Juneteenth. a holiday that the masses(African Americans) can enjoy. Granted by the same people that begrudge us voting rights, and the right not to be cut down in the streets by racists cops. While everyone, Black that is, can appreciate the sentiment, it kind of rings hollow. The very men (and women) who voted to bring this holiday to fruition, are the same scoundrels that would deny POC their ability to vote. Ironic, isn't it. These are the very same souls who are blocking the "For The People Act", also known as H.R.1. This is the bill in the United States Congress intended to expand voting rights, change campaign finance laws to reduce the influence of money in politics, limit partisan gerrymandering, and create new ethics rules for federal officeholders. Needless to say, this is going over like a lead balloon. They don't really care that Black people in Texas waited an additional 2 1/2 years to learn of the freedom slaves in other states were enjoying. NO! It's a bone, thrown out to appease us as they strip us of our voting rights. Point. Blank. Period. Do you honestly think they care? C'mon. They don't want to expand voting rights. They're paranoid because they KNOW in about 20 years they'll be the minority. They want to keep the status quo. Plain and simple. They want to keep their big donors contributing and will do anything to that end. 

Which brings us to the other reason for the holiday, in my humble, the “George Floyd  Justice in Policing Act.” This prohibits federal, state and local law enforcement from racial, religious and discriminatory profiling. Mandates training on racial, religious and discriminatory profiling for all law enforcement. Requires law enforcement to collect date on all investigatory activities. This bill is formally known as H.R. 7120. You can see why this bill is up against it, can you not? The GOP has the backing of the police unions in this country. They absolutely loved Mr. Don't be so nice when you're putting them in the squad car Trump. Remember that? They feel he is the law and order president, the most corrupt president in modern times carries the banner for law and order. If it wasn't so ridiculous, it'd be hilarious.

While I have no deep rooted problem with celebrating the final days of chattel slavery in these yet to be united states, and I deeply appreciate the trauma, abuse and mental anguish my ancestors had to deal with, I think this holiday could have waited until such time as the afore mentioned bills were law. At this juncture, it appears we are given the holiday as a consolation prize. This holiday appears to be an olive branch.  "Look, we ain't passing all that, so take this and be glad." Deep down, I personally feel that this is an election tool of the far right. Passing this holiday met with VERY LITTLE OPPOSITION! Think about that. Come mid terms they'll be able to say, " We're not racists! We passed that holiday. We don't hate minorities in general and Black Americans in particular. Look what we did!" The very people that would deny some the right to vote were all gun-ho for this. Why? These are the same people who want to white wash history. They want to portray Black people during slavery as something akin to indentured servants. Right. They don't even want it uttered in schools. Just forget about that point in American history, same way they've done the indigenous people who Columbus discovered. Laughable. 

I thank my ancestors, my great grandmother who was born right after and my great grandfather who was born at the tail end of the ugliest part of American history for their resilience, strength and faith. I thank my great great grandparents who endured things this chick doesn't even want to imagine. AT ALL! I thank my God that they made it through so I could be here. In that vein, although torn, I find myself happy for the miracle that is Juneteenth. Because, it is a bonafide miracle. In spite of MTG, Matt Goetz, Turtle McConnell and even Joe Manchin, we were able to get this day. For us. Everyone can celebrate MLK when the holiday rolls around. He represented where America should be, even though we have not arrived. This day is different. It's not appealing to our better natures as he did. This is dealing with the past, reflecting, and paying homage to those who survived the middle passage and rolled up on these shores, so far from home, to be treated horrifically- and most survived. And here we are. The great grands and great great grands of a strong people. I'm so proud. Incredibly proud. 

So I'm gonna take my mixed emotions having butt on. But please, look at the big picture. Politicians are cunning and deceitful--both parties. Pray for wisdom to discern what is really going on. With all this said.... Thank you great grandma Hattie Richardson-Hilson, and thank you too great grandad Jacob Hilson.


