Tuesday, November 23, 2021

What Are You Thankful For?

1 Thessalonian 5:18 In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 

We are fastly approaching the thankfulness season. I don’t think it should be limited to one day. We have numerous things to be thankful for each and every day. From what we consider the minute to the spectacular we have reasons to be thankful.
The world is in turmoil, that is a fact. Food, gas and everything else with a price is on the rise. EVERYTHING IS MORE EXPENSIVE THAN A YEAR AGO. And please, do NOT think I’m laying this at the feet of our current POTUS. Events of the last year, a former President who didn’t treat the novel coronavirus as seriously as he should have and the subsequent lockdowns due to that brought us to where we are. Personally, I don’t know how some are making it through, unemployed, with the current state of affairs in the US. But God..!

In addition to astronomical prices for goods and services, we’re watching America break down, a shell of her former self. For some of us, this land, as that great writer, Langston Hughes so aptly put, has never been crystal stairs. We are watching people get off, scot free, killing protesters with no weapons basically just because he felt like it, saw an opportunity and went for it. Crossing state lines, a mere kid, brandishing a weapon, treated like royalty, shedding a few fake, dry eye tears and being able to walk. A judge who seemed to head up the defense team and didn’t care who noticed it. I’ve read countless comments on line on why white people cannot comprehend why minorities are so distraught with the verdict. They can’t wrap their heads around the fact that had he been a 17 year old Black boy, the cops would have mowed him down immediately with no need for trial.
Now another trial with a different circumstance that did involve a young Black man  is under way. He was running away, they chased him down to kill him, but once again claimed self defense. Self defense? SELF DEFENSE?
So with all this, the virus is still raging. Now we’ll be couped up in enclosed spaces, so fully expect an uptick. We are also having a battle between the anti-vaxers and the vaccinated. That has really got people losing their minds. But why did it become so politically charged? The man who started it all and

his family are vaccinated, but he implies it’s for the weak. He also discouraged people from masking up. It’s insane. If you don’t want the vaccine, MASK UP! Go on and play Russian Roulette with your life, that’s cool. Be leave me out of it. 
So now, some of you may be wondering after all this, what the hell is there to be thankful for? For one thing, if you’re reading this, you’re yet in the land of the living. Over 700K didn’t make it due to this bug. The simple things, even in the throws of madness here in America must not be forgotten. Food on the table, shoes on your feet, clothes on your back, shelter, transportation and all the tangibles. More importantly or equally maybe for some, your family. Your parents, children, siblings, extended family and friends. Beautiful days when we’re just flowing effortlessly through life. And times when we don’t know what to do, we really do know what to do.  Even more importantly, above all that, is the One who lets us run on, no matter how badly we act. How unfeeling and hard we may be, He still loves us dearly and moves heaven and earth for us, when we find our tails in a crack. Those three, God, His Son, our Savior, and the gift of the Holy Spirit, who prompts leads and  directs if we just give up some control. 
So let’s really celebrate the blessings bestowed upon us with a heart chock full of thankfulness. And let’s run with it throughout the season of Advent, and all the seasons that follow. Let gratitude break through like a good sweat when your working out. Or like that time you were speeding and the cop you passed didn’t even notice. Like when you thought it was over, and it wasn’t. Live like that. Let others know how thankful you are for them. And most of all, our Heavenly Father. 
Happy Thanksgiving All
